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10 minutes ago, glyn1957 said:

Sorry to seem thick but i do not know anything about high finance, so cant MSD call in the loan and then whoever owns the club deals directly with them.


I'm in, I guess that if MM still pays off the debt then he still owns the Stadium, But it's all in the detail of which we know nowt?‍♀️

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13 minutes ago, glyn1957 said:

Sorry to seem thick but i do not know anything about high finance, so cant MSD call in the loan and then whoever owns the club deals directly with them.


It will depend on exactly what the terms of the loan say.  In general, providing the repayments are being met, they aren't going to be allowed to call it in.  There may be some other provisions in the case of insolvency etc that could kick in and allow them to, but I'm not sure if we know that (and I can't be bothered to dig through companies house to find out...)

But the bigger question is, why would you want them to?  They are absolutely not going to sell the stadium back to the club for less than the loan they had secured against it, so it will still be £20m+ to buy it.  Plus, now there's no Morris that we can try and pressure into paying some of it.  They may even decide it's worth more than that and want more for it.  And they may well not want to carry on with the preferential rent agreement we had with Morris either, and decide they want £5m a year to rent it or something.  I know there are issues with Morris, but at least he's a known quantity and there are some agreements in place over rent etc.

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15 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

Maybe I've missed something in the interim (have been keeping my head in the sand for the last few months) but didn't Quantama previously say that any named preferred bidder would have to put up a non-refundable £5m? I've always assumed that's the reason Kirchner has been saying he'd be "funding the club" from the 7th regardless of the takeover status at that point...

I think that part got quietly dropped after they'd borrowed enough from MSD to cover the season.


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7 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

Should we be asking questions of team Derby? I think it was them who instigated the proposal for the council to buy the stadium. It would be good to hear an update from their spokesman today.

There was an interview with them on Radio Derby earlier. Can’t remember the name of the interviewee but he said they have every man and his dog working on it (not in those terms, obviously, but it was early). 

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16 hours ago, 1977 Ram Raider said:

Checked all three aprons no sign, unless it’s in a private hangar.

The plane went straight into a maintenance hangar yesterday, I'm told that by a couple of friends who work in the department at EMA.

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10 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Falling apart like Derby County? (Sorry, couldn't resist it!)

It's only just come back into use following a previous incident last month, I know nothing about planes bar going on holiday - perhaps certain maintenance checks are needed for a set time after a incident? Or just needs a general service? No idea. It's safe in a hangar nevertheless.

"The aircraft was taxiing to the ramp when it veered off the taxiway. No injuries, No damage.
It has been reported that the aircraft was directed to use a taxiway that was unsuitable for the aircraft's size and weight."


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5 minutes ago, Ram@Lincoln said:

It's only just come back into use following a previous incident last month, I know nothing about planes bar going on holiday - perhaps certain maintenance checks are needed for a set time after a incident? Or just needs a general service? No idea. It's safe in a hangar nevertheless.

"The aircraft was taxiing to the ramp when it veered off the taxiway. No injuries, No damage.
It has been reported that the aircraft was directed to use a taxiway that was unsuitable for the aircraft's size and weight."


Who directed him off the taxiway, was it MM the EFL MA Gibson the bloke from Wycombe or the bakery burner.

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Det suggests a solution to the stadium, might be a ground share with Stoke or Leicester.

I like that idea.

It would leave mm with a stadium he can't get much money for or rent.

Who would would rent pride Park if it wasn't used by a football stadium, and knocking down pride Park to building housing would cost to much.


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7 minutes ago, Oldben said:

Det suggests a solution to the stadium, might be a ground share with Stoke or Leicester.

I like that idea.

It would leave mm with a stadium he can't get much money for or rent.

Who would would rent pride Park if it wasn't used by a football stadium, and knocking down pride Park to building housing would cost to much.


Do you live in Stoke or Leicester 

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8 minutes ago, Oldben said:

Det suggests a solution to the stadium, might be a ground share with Stoke or Leicester.

I like that idea.

It would leave mm with a stadium he can't get much money for or rent.

Who would would rent pride Park if it wasn't used by a football stadium, and knocking down pride Park to building housing would cost to much.


awful solution, in fact any solution is apart from the one that means we play at PP

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8 minutes ago, Oldben said:

Det suggests a solution to the stadium, might be a ground share with Stoke or Leicester.

I like that idea.

It would leave mm with a stadium he can't get much money for or rent.

Who would would rent pride Park if it wasn't used by a football stadium, and knocking down pride Park to building housing would cost to much.


That would mean a complete reworking of any business plan based in vastly reduced revenue and increased costs. Non starter.

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11 minutes ago, Oldben said:

Det suggests a solution to the stadium, might be a ground share with Stoke or Leicester.

I like that idea.

It would leave mm with a stadium he can't get much money for or rent.

Who would would rent pride Park if it wasn't used by a football stadium, and knocking down pride Park to building housing would cost to much.


Aren't the MSD loans secured against the training ground, and pretty much everything else the club has too?  So if Morris just decides to default or whatever, MSD re-possess the stadium and also get the training ground and the rest too?  That's clearly not a sustainable position to be in.  I don't see how there's a viable exit plan that doesn't involve a proper deal for the stadium (whether that be us buying it, the council, whatever).

Edited by duncanjwitham
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I appreciate it is far from an ideal situation but I would hope most people would recognise that if we do end up playing at Stoke or Leicester (and I don’t think for a minute that we will) that boycotting it would be punishing all of the wrong people.

Obviously there will be some who physically cannot get to those places but hopefully anyone who can still would.

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This made me a tad more confident that a deal will be done:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61347206?at_campaign=64&at_custom1=link&at_custom4=482DECDA-CD2A-11EC-8A9B-CCA931EBDC67&at_custom3=Regional+BBC+East+Midlands&at_custom2=twitter&at_medium=custom7

DCC in discussions about potentially buying the stadium.


Edited by RedSox
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