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Be prepared... Covid Pass required for matchdays...


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2 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Well if had all 3 japs you should be safe from it but sadly many are not bothering with masks or face coverings.

Follow the official advice mate, don't get too close to people for more than 15 minutes. Give yourself a bit of space around others when possible. I'm sure your Dad will keep you raite.

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8 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:



Just throwing it out there, I don't believe we should have any restrictions other than common sense. If your sneezing and coughing stay at home.


You'd think, wouldn't you? But the number of times I have been out and about recently in social settings and people are clearly under the weather with (hopefully) a cold, just totally oblivious to the fact they are spreading whatever it is to those around them.

OR, know they are and couldn't care less!

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12 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

The Exeter manager was quoted as saying that one of the reasons his players were not having the Covid jabs was possible fertility issues. 

I'll leave that one there. 

Yeah he was. Ironically common drugs like Aspirin, Benadryl or Zyrtec (anti histamine drugs generally) all have a risk of adverse side effect on fertility.  I bet quite of few of those refusing the jab would quite happily pop one of those pills. 

To quote Professor Emma Duncan a professor of Clinical Endocrinology at King’s College London: 

“The question of male fertility and COVID-19 vaccines has been studied for mRNA vaccines; and there is no evidence that sperm counts or motility (sperm capability to move/ swim) or male fertility are affected by vaccination. There have been no concerns raised about AstraZeneca to date either.
However, what is important is that there is evidence that men who are recovering from moderately severe COVID-19 have reduced sperm quality and counts 1-2 months after their illness, compared with men who have mild or asymptomatic infection – though in the study that looked at this the values were still in the normal range and may recover further with time.
The best advice for men who are planning a family is to get vaccinated – for their own sake and for the sake of their partner – as COVID-19 in pregnancy – particularly late in pregnancy – is associated with a higher chance of adverse outcomes for both the mother and the baby.  There is no evidence that vaccination affects fertility of either men or women.”

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11 hours ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

So either unvaccinated players should be banned from playing or Vaccine passport idea should be scrapped.

And there hangs the issue. They're applying two different principles to a single event.  It does smack of hypocrisy making it compulsory for fans to be jabbed to attend a game, but voluntary for the players who they're there to watch. If I were in the dressing room and some of my team were unvaccinated I wouldn't be happy personally - it's proven that the risk of passing on COVID is drastically reduced in vaccinated people - all I'd think is matey-boy opposite me doesn't give a poo about my health. 

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1 hour ago, BucksRam said:

And there hangs the issue. They're applying two different principles to a single event.  It does smack of hypocrisy making it compulsory for fans to be jabbed to attend a game, but voluntary for the players who they're there to watch. If I were in the dressing room and some of my team were unvaccinated I wouldn't be happy personally - it's proven that the risk of passing on COVID is drastically reduced in vaccinated people - all I'd think is matey-boy opposite me doesn't give a poo about my health. 

Not quite true as unvaccinated can attend with  a valid LFT result,  protocols within the clubs require the same testing as a minimum of all staff.

I do agree with the sentiment though about team-mates not being vaccinated if I was and them being in the same dressing room, briefings etc

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1 hour ago, BucksRam said:

And there hangs the issue. They're applying two different principles to a single event.  It does smack of hypocrisy making it compulsory for fans to be jabbed to attend a game, but voluntary for the players who they're there to watch. If I were in the dressing room and some of my team were unvaccinated I wouldn't be happy personally - it's proven that the risk of passing on COVID is drastically reduced in vaccinated people - all I'd think is matey-boy opposite me doesn't give a poo about my health. 


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4 minutes ago, Kingpin said:

Please explain. 

@BucksRampost I quoted has his opinion in it and the reasons relating to the portion of my post you quoted, go back and have a read.

I'm not getting into a debate about people not being vaccinated v's those that are, just to say I agreed with his comment about being forced to keep close company with the rest of the team if they hadn't been vaccinated and I had. 

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We can stamp our feet over the rights of wrongs of being vaccinated and Covid passports, none of that will change the protocols the club must follow.

Or would we prefer to follow Carlisle and limit attendances to 9,999?

It's a decision that we all must take, attend games with a Covid passport/negative LFT or not.

If some fans choose to stay away from games, that should be respected, likewise those that choose to attend games with a Covid passport or negative LFT should be respected.

For what it's worth with all the games being postponed, would not surprise me if it's a decision that's taken out of our hands as they go back to playing games behind closed doors which would be a disaster for our club.

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1 minute ago, David said:

We can stamp our feet over the rights of wrongs of being vaccinated and Covid passports, none of that will change the protocols the club must follow.

Or would we prefer to follow Carlisle and limit attendances to 9,999?

It's a decision that we all must take, attend games with a Covid passport/negative LFT or not.

If some fans choose to stay away from games, that should be respected, likewise those that choose to attend games with a Covid passport or negative LFT should be respected.

For what it's worth with all the games being postponed, would not surprise me if it's a decision that's taken out of our hands as they go back to playing games behind closed doors which would be a disaster for our club.

Spot on.

Also, I suspect it would be a disaster for lots of clubs. I wonder how many are teetering on the edge and a further spell of behind closed doors would push them over?

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