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Louie Sibley - joined Oxford

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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

It’s not just someone’s mother though is it Roy. It is a lady who clearly gets snippets of information and gossip as her boy is in the Academy. She seems to be quite a reliable informer I would suggest. No Big Trav I give you, but nonetheless useful to offer some insight. Rooney it’s clear, doesn’t overly rate Sibley yet, particularly for the season ahead. A loan to Wednesday might be ok for all parties. Frees up a place perhaps for someone Rooney fancies on the cheap, and should give Sibley regular game time to see if he can actually cut it rather than showing occasional glimpse of quality. In Rooney we trust. That’s right Roy isn’t it?

I thought I'd read one of @Footymum2017's posts that said that her son wasn't in the Academy.  Not that it matters all that much as she's presumably passing on an odd snippet of information that she's heard from someone unknown who may, or may not, be reliable, or she's making it up for her own amusement or her online moniker is a distracting cover for someone genuinely in the know. Or not. And her might be a him.

On all such things does the planet now apparently revolve and the only one who does know is @Footymum, someone whose real identity none of us know, except David.

 Life used to be so much simpler.

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Right, OK.

Rooney tells Sibley he's not in his plans.

Footymum's contact(s) hear of this and pass it on, she informs us of what she's been told.

... but we've seen evidence already that Rooney likes to challenge players, take the hard line or 'play games' as a form of motivation similar to what he's seen of those who managed him. 

It's perfectly plausible that Rooney has said this to Sibley with that same motivational intent.

It doesn't mean that Sibley isn't genuinely in Rooney's plans (even if he's getting less game time that some of us would like) and it doesn't mean that Footymum has said anything that isn't true.

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Purely guess work here but I don’t think sibley will leave to be honest. It’s true he’s been told by Rooney he’s not in the plans but it’s up to him wether he wants to go or not. He wants to play for us otherwise he wouldn’t have turned down wolves and Chelsea in the past. I fully expect him to be putting the extra yards in training and hopefully impress the doubtful wazza

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On 10/08/2021 at 15:22, Sparkle said:

Well if we take a look back at Chris Martin under Cocu - I assume Cocu was told Martin wasn’t any good so he never got near the team then a mass of injuries resulted in him being on the bench and he was allowed on as a sub to the loudest ovation I have heard since Paul Goddard returned to the BBG, so Cocu got the message that this guy can play and yes he is very well liked - hopefully when Sibley gets on the pitch he gets the same types of ovation and whoever the manager is they will get the message.

So Cocu wasn't aware of Martin but was swayed by the crowd ovation....lol......ok!! never  saw him in training or anything .....

Edited by S8TY
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3 hours ago, Big Trav said:

Purely guess work here but I don’t think sibley will leave to be honest. It’s true he’s been told by Rooney he’s not in the plans but it’s up to him wether he wants to go or not. He wants to play for us otherwise he wouldn’t have turned down wolves and Chelsea in the past. I fully expect him to be putting the extra yards in training and hopefully impress the doubtful wazza

Has Sibley actually been told that by Rooney ?

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9 minutes ago, S8TY said:

Has Sibley actually been told that by Rooney ?

We don't really know for certain. What we do know is he's not getting much game time and when he does he's put out wide, rather than in the number 10 position that he should be. Personally I think we're wasting his talent and from where I'm sitting it looks like that's down to mismanagement by Rooney. I fear he'll end up leaving for a fraction of his true value and end up fulfilling his potential elsewhere.

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8 minutes ago, Bad Sheep said:

We don't really know for certain. What we do know is he's not getting much game time and when he does he's put out wide, rather than in the number 10 position that he should be. Personally I think we're wasting his talent and from where I'm sitting it looks like that's down to mismanagement by Rooney. I fear he'll end up leaving for a fraction of his true value and end up fulfilling his potential elsewhere.

Ok thankyou for reply ...Rooney could of course be right and maybe sees things we dont.....I think we do pass the ball backwards far too much and i'm all for keeping the ball etc but Sibley does seem one of the more forward thinking players

Saying that I still think his petulant tackles at times don't do him any favours 

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6 minutes ago, S8TY said:

Saying that I still think his petulant tackles at times don't do him any favours 

I can’t disagree with that, he certainly needs to cut that out of his game or at least temper it. However we’re currently a team devoid of much attacking intent and he’s one of the few players who could make a difference. 

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1 hour ago, IslandExile said:

@Big Trav and @Footymum2017, both of which have said things in the past that suggest they're ITK agree that Rooney has told Sibley that he's not in his plans.

That troubles me - a lot.

It's different from saying something like "I'm not going to pick you until you cut out the silly fouls".

It's a lot more final than that.

That all said...I now recall someone else that I respect as being ITK saying that it wasn't true and that he is in the manager's plans.

We're not very good at waiting but I guess we'll just have to see how things pan out.

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8 hours ago, S8TY said:

Has Sibley actually been told that by Rooney ?

What I was told was that Rooney had a meeting with Louie between the real betis and notts county game basically stating that he was free to leave due to him not being in rooneys plans. To me personally (not been told this just pure speculation) it sounds like Rooney doesn’t trust sibley and therefore thinks if he gets rid of him he’ll be able to bring another player in who he trusts more. Saying that we have just brought ravel in as competition for him. But me personally I fully expect louie to stay and DEFINITELY not be loaned out 

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31 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

What I was told was that Rooney had a meeting with Louie between the real betis and notts county game basically stating that he was free to leave due to him not being in rooneys plans. To me personally (not been told this just pure speculation) it sounds like Rooney doesn’t trust sibley and therefore thinks if he gets rid of him he’ll be able to bring another player in who he trusts more. Saying that we have just brought ravel in as competition for him. But me personally I fully expect louie to stay and DEFINITELY not be loaned out 

Louie told Rooney he was free to leave? Love Sibley even more. 

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15 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

Because even if we were looking to sell Sibley we'd have to be mad, Mel to sell to Wendies? So yeah to do what, loan him out? Was only the Hudds game that Rooney was saying how well he'd done and then in the Salford game.

Why do we think he's not in Rooney's plans? Because someone's mother thinks so. No problem but is it still the same? Is he being played to increase his price, although the Wendies will obviously be able to afford a few hundred thousand...

As I’ve said before, I only put on here what I’ve been told by a reliable source. If you don’t like it the fair enough. We’ll see if anything comes of it but as we all know things change quickly in football.  It was to sell by the way not loan.

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9 hours ago, S8TY said:

Ok thankyou for reply ...Rooney could of course be right and maybe sees things we dont.....I think we do pass the ball backwards far too much and i'm all for keeping the ball etc but Sibley does seem one of the more forward thinking players

Saying that I still think his petulant tackles at times don't do him any favours 

I'll be honest.  His fouls last season seemed to cost goals which is why they were picked up on, with me as much as anyone else.  I would imagine on average Forsyth, Byrne and Shinnie must commit more though.  Sibley won't do anything playing out wide.  As a sub he at least needs to be used centrally.  I recall him airing that frustration himself after the Brentford game last season .  Sometimes you get a player who needs to move to get games in there position.   I would rather he played a bit more here though as he seems the most useful outlet for at least getting shots on target at the minute.. The one that springs to mind was Ramage when he went to Watford for 300k and was a goal machine playing behind a striker for 3 years. 

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11 minutes ago, Footymum2017 said:

As I’ve said before, I only put on here what I’ve been told by a reliable source. If you don’t like it the fair enough. We’ll see if anything comes of it but as we all know things change quickly in football.  It was to sell by the way not loan.

That's what I asked. This transfer window then?

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