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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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2 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

Is that true?

Or are people really saying 'trust the governments scientific team and people who are apolitical who advise the government?'

I'm sure you know that they are two completely different things, but I was wondering.

I can trust SAGE or any leading expert without it impacting whether I trust the government in general. 

As long as the same people hold SAGE accountable when things go wrong too?


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Now that government's been caught with their pants around their ankles, their reaction is to crack down harder on the general population, you know, to show you who's boss.

We had a similar situation before last Christmas, a large group gathering of politicians and their friends at a museum.  It came out that a policeman was the whistleblower and that, as far as our government was concerned was the main issue, how the info leaked out and to make sure it would not happen again.  To show us who's boss.

i don't think it makes any difference how a government is manned these days, they are all in the same club, as far as i am concerned. 

The peoples of the world have traded their liberties for supposed safety and a return to normality, then act surprised when it doesn't turn out that way, outraged even.  It's all the fault of the awful politicians we shout, eh no it isn't, it is our fault for having allowed ourselves to be bamboozled by the privileged class.  The rights and liberties that have been removed will not be given back, they must be claimed back.

Edited by ramit
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11 minutes ago, ramit said:

It's all the fault of the awful politicians we shout, eh no it isn't, it is our fault for having allowed ourselves to be bamboozled by the privileged class.

Agree wholeheartedly - we saw that here when we had an opposition leader who told it how it was and offered us a chance to remove the status quo. He started to gain huge support, but was soon subject to a massive campaign of misinformation designed to turn people against him. The fact that my referencing him here will no doubt trigger someone to regurgitate some of that misinformation will only prove my point

The problem we have is that those in power have the power to ensure that nothing changes


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3 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Video and story here


If I could effing swear on here without it being deleted I would, My Mother passed last April from Covid, We were not allowed to see her as she was in a nursing home, I have her death certificate as proof, These effing barstewards are filth, We've been hog tied for 2 years, Lost jobs, Masked up, Not being able to see friends and family, And yet these ass holes think they're better than us, I'm not a happy man, Not happy at all, The Torys are now on life support especially after the Paterson debacle, I despise them.

So sorry to read this Alf. Quite a few have posted about lost friends and loved ones on here, something that often seems forgotten. As for the Tories, I was done with this government before they even started.

All this aside, I hope you and yours can enjoy a peaceful, restriction-free Christmas this year and raise a glass or two your mum.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

From BBC Live feed:

A meeting of the government's Covid Operations Committee is scheduled for early this afternoon, followed by a cabinet meeting to discuss potentially moving to "Plan B" measures, a government source has told the BBC.

Depending on the outcome, this would be followed by a press conference by the prime minister and House of Commons statement by the health secretary.

The measures under discussion include advice on working from home, further rules on masks and some form of Covid certification.


Good luck with that!

Plan: Bigger dead cat to try and save dear leaders skin!

The party story needs some help moving off the news cycle!

Dont look over there look here


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1 hour ago, ramit said:

Now that government's been caught with their pants around their ankles, their reaction is to crack down harder on the general population, you know, to show you who's boss.

We had a similar situation before last Christmas, a large group gathering of politicians and their friends at a museum.  It came out that a policeman was the whistleblower and that, as far as our government was concerned was the main issue, how the info leaked out and to make sure it would not happen again.  To show us who's boss.

i don't think it makes any difference how a government is manned these days, they are all in the same club, as far as i am concerned. 

The peoples of the world have traded their liberties for supposed safety and a return to normality, then act surprised when it doesn't turn out that way, outraged even.  It's all the fault of the awful politicians we shout, eh no it isn't, it is our fault for having allowed ourselves to be bamboozled by the privileged class.  The rights and liberties that have been removed will not be given back, they must be claimed back.

I don't get this line of thinking. You know what? I think there's loads of corruption in the police. If you're wazzed up driving home and get stopped, flash your badge and you'll be given an escort home, quietly and discreetly.

Does that mean it's our fault for having allowed them to bamboozle us with those stupid laws for us, not for them? Do we decide to take back the right to drive after downing a bottle of scotch?

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this is what is required to fly over for  effin football this weekend 

  • Before you travel to England – fully vaccinated
  • Before you travel to England you must:
  • take a COVID-19 test – to be taken in the 2 days before you travel to England 59 euro 
  • book and pay for a COVID-19 PCR test – to be taken after you arrive in England 55 pounds 
  • complete a passenger locator form – to be completed in the 48 hours before you arrive in England
  1. flight cost 22.99 euro
  2. hotel 40 euro 
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8 hours ago, GboroRam said:

I don't get this line of thinking. You know what? I think there's loads of corruption in the police. If you're wazzed up driving home and get stopped, flash your badge and you'll be given an escort home, quietly and discreetly.

Does that mean it's our fault for having allowed them to bamboozle us with those stupid laws for us, not for them? Do we decide to take back the right to drive after downing a bottle of scotch?

Then we are even, i can't make any sense out of what you wrote.

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5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in government this morning.

I'd be surprised if Boris did any more than move from saying there was no party, to saying he was unaware of the party & maybe sack someone as a fall-guy. It's just not in his nature to tell the truth.

Angela Stratton (the woman in the video) has just resigned - presumably rather than being sacked.

Anyone want the lottery numbers?.

I'm holding off paying the deposit on ouor works pub lunch for a couple of days in case things change tonight.

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