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Loughborough Ram

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Posts posted by Loughborough Ram

  1. In fairness, I think that mcgoldrick was in an offside position when Cashin headed the ball.

    Now whether he was interfering is something that is open to debate, but with the rules as they are and with the utter incompetence of the officials these days, it just adds another level of confusion to an already ridiculous situation

  2. Forest are just a horrible side. They have bought a host of cheats, divers, whingers, whiners, and generally obnoxious players and made sure that every time a decision is made they harrang the referee and put pressure on him from the first minute to the last.

    Their main tactic seems to be play frenetic matches, and cause mayhem and chaos throughout making it impossible for opponents and officials to get any kind of rhythm or flow, and hoping that as a result mistakes are made.

    Yesterday koyate(?) and Costa clashed which resulted in Koyate(?) kicking Costa right in front.of the ref, so a melee ensued and podence was accused of spitting and the actual issue of the kick on Costa was completely forgotten.

    It goes without saying that I hope they go down but it would also be a blessing for the Premiership, they are the modern day Leeds without the footballing ability.

  3. In my opinion the game is lost if that foul on White is a penalty. We are already heading for a non contact sport, if fans now accept that an honest challenge for the ball should be given as a penalty then let's all knock it on the head and go home.

    You have to score when you're playing well, it's always been true and unfortunately it is that, more than anything, that is holding us back at the moment. Get that right and everything else will fall into place.

  4. Watching SKY it's easy to see that football is eventually going to die. 

    Whatever her name is, Jamie Mackie and Cowley 1 or 2 discussing tonight's penalty, said its a hard one to call, justifying the player cheating by saying White stuck his leg out so minimal if any contact was enough to dive, and praising the ref for giving a positive decision.

    THE GAME IS DYING, and this mealy mouthed approval is just helping it on his way.

    The Plymouth guy dived, they beat us because they cheated and that is apparently OK. We'll it isn't ok with me, you make your own minds up


  5. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but all kids are going to swear.

    Where they learn that is unimportant, but as a parent you should explain to your child that there is a time and place for everything. They will hear swearing at a football match, whether that's from a nearby fan of from 10,000 singing fans.

    My advice is to be a parent and deal with it in a low key way rather than making a massive issue out of it.





  6. I worry about people like this twitter tw*t. When I saw that their goalkeeper is injured, I thought "interesting, that could help us".

    How does anybody's immediate response be, "I hope he never plays again". I'd find it hard to think that about somebody I didn't like, let alone somebody I know virtually nothing about.

    If this is "the modern way" then I embrace my old fashioned ways

  7. I think that's the Lampard way, each time he has joined a club it always takes longer than it should.

    I remember him being on the brink of joining us for a week or so before it was actually confirmed and it was the same at Chelsea and Everton. I guess he likes to make sure that everything is watertight before commiting.


  8. I think that the only way to know whether Chris Martin would be a good signing is with hindsight, which isn't available at the moment.

    We undoubtedly play better when McGoldrick is in the team instead of Collins, and Martin is a similar style of player to McGoldrick. We don't have any direct replacements on the bench, so if neither are available,we would have to put a square peg in a round hole and cross our fingers.

    I thought that Martin would have been a backward step, and we should be trying to bring in a better option, but now that the window Is shut I'm beginning to think that he could be a decent addition, even if he doesn't play a single minute.

    You never know whether you need an insurance policy until you need it.


  9. I'm always staggered, reading this thread and seeing how many fans still have doubts about Warne.

    In my opinion, Warne's biggest strength is his clarity of thinking and the simplicity of the message he passes on to the players. Everybody knows exactly what their job is and exactly what is expected of them, both players and staff. Players are not asked to do anything complicated or anything they aren't capable of, which is rare in today's over complicated game.

    I think that this clarity will also extend to the signing of players and I'm really looking forward to seeing the quality of the players he brings in once he has a free reign in the transfer market, because you can bet that players won't be signed on reputation. He will be just as happy buying a non league striker as an international one as long as they have the right character. 

    He is proving to be far better than I imagined, as I was fairly cautious about him when he came in, but I think we have a special manager here and our biggest job is going to be hanging on to him if we can't keep up with his ambitions.

  10. I always thought that Hugill was a decent forward unless you wanted him to score goals! His effort and workrate are beyond question, but in my opinion, he needs 10 chances to score a goal.




    We already have a couple of those but if Warne is confident that he could coach him to score 1 in every 3 or 4 chances then we'd have a top notch striker.


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