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Loughborough Ram

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Posts posted by Loughborough Ram

  1. He said before the Burton game that he was going to have to change his interviews, be less open and provide less information, after the reaction to his midweek post match comments. Who can blame him?

    The fans will all moan and cry now because he goes to standard manager speak and gives nothing away.

    As it goes in the film, "we want the truth". "You can't handle the truth".

  2. 1 hour ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    We have two strikers capable of 10-15 goals a season? So why add another?

    Not quite sure I understand the logic here 🤣🤣

    It wasn't a serious suggestion just a factual anomaly.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

     A "corporate managment seminar"? Hardly. I just replaced the word team for the word workforce. 😆

    You have twisted what I said. I didn't blame Warne for Wildsmith failing to collect a cross, for a start. That one was on Joe.

    If you don't understand how the way a manager sets up his team can have a direct impact on how likely the his players are to make a mistake, I have no more words for you.

    I was always told, if you're in a hole, stop digging. You appear to be looking for spare shovels.

    I have played football to a level that gives me a very good understanding about how a managers decisions impact the team, however to try and pin individual errors on the manager is something I've never seriously encountered as a player, manager or fan. 

    So I'll leave you to your silence and advise you to throw away your spade

  4. 16 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    No, you're deliberately twisting what I said.

    I believe that Paul Warne's tactics can lead to an increased chance of a player making a mistake, because when you're asking them to play in a manner they're not comfortable with, that happens. Same as Rosenior (and others) telling a team who aren't comfortable on the ball to pass it out under pressure - there are plenty of complains about that.

    I believe that his tactics make it so that when a player does make a mistake it's more likely to be punished by the opposition.

    I'm specifically talking about the Bradley pass against Wigan where he's passing it back from the centre circle, loads of space behind him and thus leaving the attacking player with all the time in the world to do what he needs to do. Closer to the goal and with more cover the striker has to make a decision very quickly, with more chance of the defence recovering the ball from him.

    Seriously? I haven't twisted anything you've said, I just don't understand your 'cause and effect' argument relating to the 3 goals we've given away. Implying that we are too high up the pitch for Bradley to make that back pass is crass in the extreme. Paul Warne isn't coaching under 11s, he is coaching seasoned pros and a 30 yard back pass is well within the relevant players skill set. 

    If you don't like Warne, think he's not good enough or even just want him gone because he's annoying, then you have an argument, in fact you will likely be proven right. But dressing up arguments like we're all sitting in a corporate management seminar is ridiculous. 

    I'll stick to my view that patience is needed and will respect your view that Warne is on borrowed time, even more so if you stop trying to blame him for things that just can't be his fault.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    So every team who's assembled a squad / made multiple signings starts the season looking totally disorganised, making huge errors, has players being given roles in the team they're woefully unsuited for?

    Give over. 

    Our squad hasn't even been thrown together this season - that was last year... and we made far fewer mistakes to start the season! The team still needed to gel but at least they were capable of grinding out a few tight victories. 

    Warne's had 10 months to plan for this season and still comes up with a system that leaves his (his choice) of defenders horribly exposed, asked to play a style that's beyond them and lacking cover when they do make a mistake. That's called bad management.

    That's at least partially on the management. No matter how many times you refute the idea that his tactics have anything to do with players making individual mistakes, they absolutely do.

    So you genuinely believe that Paul warnes tactics caused Sonny Bradley to knock that back pass 10 yards instead of 30 yards? You think that Paul Warnes tactics made Joe Wildsmith completely miss that cross? You think that Callum Elders header was down to what Paul Warne told him to do?

    Fair enough, I guess you're entitled to your opinion 

  6. 8 hours ago, Kokosnuss said:

    A badly managed workforce is far more likely to make personal mistakes than a well managed one. However, yes, some mistakes are inevitable no matter what.

    What matters then, is whether you've managed your team well enough that an individual mistake from one of your workforce doesn't totally undermine the solid work done by others.

    If you've built & managed your team well and everyone understands and is suited to their roles, one worker's mistake can easily be covered for, and your operation will continue to run smoothly, despite this hiccup.

    If you've just thrown a workforce together with little thought for their individual skills, and managed them poorly to the point where nobody really knows what they're supposed to do or what they're supposed to do doesn't suit their skills, then that individual mistake is far harder to recover from and productivity will grind to a halt. That's where we are under Warne right now.

    Wow, what a load of corporate speak.

    Of course the workforce has been thrown together, that's the nature of a new season. Hopefully after a few more games, individual mistake will be covered, but for now, they are the difference between a slow start and a terrible start.

  7. Personally, I don't think that sacking Warne is the answer.

    This is his team and out of the four goals conceded we have gifted three of them to the opposition. He can't control individual mistakes. Two of them were from two players that almost our entire fan base was delighted to have signed.

    If there is no improvement after a dozen or so games then David Clowes has a decision to make, but right now is a time for patience.

  8. I said a month or so ago that we need a defensive midfielder to run the game, somebody to sit in and control how we play and control the ref to some extent. Some old pro who knows what the game is all about, somebody like Kevin MacDonald when he was at Wolves or Fulham.

    Now, where you get him from, for free, is not something I have the answer to, but that is what we're crying out for.

  9. I think that it would take a much bigger gesture from Billy Sharpe to join us, than the gesture from the Rams fans to accept him. We started this 'war' with him and whilst I accept that a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, if he is willing to let bygones be bygones then I certainly am too if it results in us gaining promotion on the back of his goals.

  10. I rate Max Bird but if I'm honest I don't like the balance of a Smith, Hourihane, Bird midfield. Therefore if Warne has a more suitable replacement, that may offer a better balance, in mind then it probably makes sense

     If, on the other hand this is a sale without a replacement in mind then it makes no sense.

  11. Problem is that nobody brings the EFL to book for this. Fans of all clubs moan and wonder how on earth they get away with it but the EFL can easily ignore the background noise created by the fans.

    It really hurts me to say this but maybe it needs somebody like that little f****n pube head at Middlesborough to push the authorities to actually do something

  12. 42 minutes ago, BucksRam said:

    Genuine question but is this a thing? I don't recall a pre-season clandestine BCD game before where no-one knows who played, the score or anything. Not just for Derby, but for anyone.  

    It is absolutely a thing.

    Football clubs play behind closed door games all of the time, and up until 10 or 15 years ago 90% of pre season games were not even announced to the public.

    I think that this thread demonstrates why that was not necessarily a bad thing

  13. Is there any real suggestion that Waghorn could return, or is it just fan speculation?

    I would definitely say that he'd strengthen us, he never gave less than 100% and he always seemed to be a positive influence in the dressing room. In league 1, if we could afford him, it seems a no brainer to me.

    Waghorn or Jordan Rhodes, I know they're different types of player, but it would Waghorn every time for me.

  14. 31 minutes ago, Rich3478 said:

    Likewise then, don’t read the thread!

    I wasn't criticising the thread, just the over the top comments by some fans. The results in these games are irrelevant but some fans see this as an extension of the season.

    The clubs are partly to blame for turning these games into income streams without pointing out the relevance of them for those that can't work it out for themselves.

    On the specifics of today's game, James Collins is getting loads of stick and yet I guarantee that his confidence will be high, having scored 2 goals in three games.

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