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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. 21 hours ago, TexasRam said:

    My Mrs making a sandwich and not clearing away all the rubbish before eating it ( eg on the copping board with the onion bits, the tomato juice, the bits of cheese,) not even putting the butter back before eating the sandwich ???? drives me mad

    Is my mrs cheating on me with you?! 

  2. 31 minutes ago, Footymum2017 said:

    I know, Liverpool have just spent £50 million on a new training ground! Not all Cat 1s are the same.

    As you know so much about this I’m guessing you’re his mum? ?‍♂️

    for his sake I truly hope he succeeds as being so young he could get swallowed up or be the next Stevie G. 

    My money would be on him going to a German team in 3 or 4 years for 5 times what we are getting for him...

  3. If he wants to go then good luck to him... I won’t be losing sleep over a kid who may or may not actually have a career in football let alone a good one. 

    he could become England’s top goal scorer or he could fall into non league in his early 20’s nobody knows.

    a couple of million and it’s thank you very much Liverpool, goodbye Kaide for me. 

  4. On 20/01/2021 at 20:53, Eddie said:

    The person seemingly buying all the aubergines at Tesco is really trying my patience. I tend to buy one or two a week for when I want to make moussaka, aubergine parmigiana, brinjal bhaji and the like, but for some strange, completely unfathomable reason, they have been unobtainable for the last three weeks.

    Sorry to be boring but I’m guessing it’s to do with the whole coronavirus stuff and the ports getting backed up? There’s a lot of foreign produce unavailable or in limited quantity at the minute.

  5. Thought I’d bump this with Jordon Ibe clearly struggling at the minute. How’s everyone doing during lockdown?

    luckily I’m at work all week and the majority of my stress/anxiety and depression recently has been to do with my daughter Clara who is absolutely smashing life now. ? 

    anxiety is pretty bad at the minute as her condition means she will struggle to eat and we have just started purée feeding which is terrifying.

    hope everyone is doing well. ?

  6. One that has always stuck with me as one of my favourites was when I was 8. We played sheff Wed at home and were 3-1 down going into injury time, remember the miserable old bloke who used to sit next to me leaving 5 mins early as he did every single game! 

    we pulled it back to 3-3 and I was on cloud 9 for the rest of the week! Remember sitting next to my dad on the train home saying ‘bet he won’t leave early next week dad’ he did...

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