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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. 2 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

    I think a lot of folk have a rather limited understanding of test cricket. I've seen some stuff posted calling both Zak and Jos' innings 'attritional' and 'dull' but I'd wager the same people would be moaning if Jos had crashed 35 runs off 25 balls and then got himself out playing a shot he needn't have. 

    Slight tangent, but I've also read posts criticising Root for not declaring earlier. While I'm not a massive fan of his captaincy, I'd have thought securing a series inside two days of the final test seems a decent option if it's there for the taking. Some people just can't get through the day without a good old whinge, can they? 

    No some people can’t! ?

  2. 2 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    What did he say?

    Had him on loan at West Brom and basically said he wasn’t good enough for West Brom and wouldn’t make it. 

    " Serge has come here to play games but he just hasn't been for me, at the moment, at that level to play the games.

    He's come from academy football and not played much league football -- does academy football really prepare players for league football? And we're talking about Premier League football here.”

  3. Trains... the wife kept the car at the hospital (I don’t know why either) so I had to catch the train today...

    a train guard bloke person walked up and down numerous times checking people were wearing masks (which is great) but at no point during my return trip did anyone check my ticket. 

    I’m an honest bloke and will always pay for my journey but know for a fact numerous people didn’t... if he’s going round checking masks he can surely check tickets at the same time? 

  4. Hi all... quick update on the little lady... we had an operation on Tuesday called a fundoplication. As they were putting Clara-Leisa under she stopped breathing (as shocking as it sounds this was the 7th time!) they quickly brought her back round and she was stable enough to carry on with the operation.

    After a few days I’m paediatric critical care we moved back to the general ward today. We are hoping this should be the last of her operations for a while (there’s 2 planned further along the line) as she’s had 5 in 9 weeks! 

    As a side note I’m brainstorming a lot at the minute as when everything has settled down i want to raise as much money for Nottingham hospital charity, the TOF charity and Lincolnshire air ambulance. Don’t worry I’m not asking for your money but has anybody got any good ideas for some fundraising ideas? So far I’ve got a charity fantasy football league, a few runs, and a raffle for somebody to choose a tattoo of their choice that I have to get. 

    Photo of the little lady and her absolutely amazing mummy who’s kept me sane through the last 9 weeks. X


  5. 8 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Oh god yeah, didn’t occur to me that you’d be in there. Not read any update lately on things. Hope all is well, considering x

    Haven’t really posted one mate... been a rough week with an operation and a little stint in intensive care but we are back on track ? watched the snooker whilst she was sleeping and caught up on the football so all is good!

  6. 39 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Not discovered multiscreen? Watch something on the tv and something else on a device. 

    Unfortunately a paediatric hospital ward is limited to multi screen technology ? I have my phone and that’s it! 

  7. Hi everyone... a lot of people showed support in the depression thread so thought I’d give a quick update for everyone... Clara-Leisa is doing ok... 

    She is booked in for a ‘oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy’ and biopsy tomorrow... for us simple people that means they are going to conk her out and stick a camera down her food pipe, stomach and the start of her gut and have a look and take some samples. 

    There will more then likely be a follow up operation next week sometime but they want to see the severity of what we are dealing with. They seem to think she has severe reflux which causes her A.L.T.I’s (Acute Life Threatening Incidences) 

    photo of a happy baby who’s wondering what all the fuss is about! 


  8. Cheers everyone. The one thing I really didn’t want was to spend today in hospital. It’s been tough as because of Coronavirus we are limited to one parent staying and the other is only allowed 2-7. 

    She’s doing ok and is expected to make a full recovery, what happened on Tuesday has happened 4 times now (Tuesday was the 3rd) and they are finally acting on it. 

    I managed to see my wife and daughter on my birthday, it was only for 5 hours but it could have quite easily have been for none. 

    Thank you again to everyone, I just felt like I needed to vent yesterday to release a bit of frustration, disappointment, anger. 

    This photo sums up our relationship to a tee. 


  9. Now then ladies and gentleman... firstly I hope you are all well and secondly sorry for the mother of rants which is about to unfold...

    As some may be aware from the ‘new parents’ thread I made last year I am lucky enough to now be the father of the most incredible little lady this planet has ever seen, also from that thread some of you may be aware that the pregnancy wasn’t all plain sailing. 

    Unfortunately neither does the living side seem to be. Our daughter had corrective surgery to save her life at 1 day old... in the next 44 days before coming home she would go on to have 5 collapsed lungs, 2 cardiac arrests, 1 blood transfusion, 7 ventilations, 2 more surgeries and numerous amount of pain relief/medication.

    last Friday though everything was brilliant and me and my wife were finally able to bring her home... the next few days were the best of my life and something that we were robbed of for the first month and a half of her life, we had numerous visitors and for to introduce her to her family.

    on Tuesday we went to the park with our other daughter as quite understandably she was quite overwhelmed and a bit jealous about her new little sister... whilst at the park I was feeding Clara-Leisa who subsequently stopped breathing and vomited blood through her mouth and nose. I had to do CPR in the middle of the park on her as the air ambulance (absolutely amazing) and 2 road ambulances turned up. 

    Thankfully I managed to get her breathing again and the incredible paramedics and drs kept her going and she’s on the mend.

    i don’t really know the purpose of this post but just felt it would possibly help to have a Release.

    photo’s included of how she is today as I realise what I’ve written is traumatic and we could be a lot worse... 



  10. 17 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Al Fresco is a funny name for a Chinese takeaway, but I did once know of one in Thornbury called Ho Lee Khow.

    Theres a Chinese in Lincoln that is called Legal food. Not once have I ever been tempted because of the name. There slogan is probably 'theres no dog meat, honest.' 

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