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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. 2 minutes ago, r4derby said:

    As @maxjam recommends, if you haven’t played Horizon Zero Dawn, do it and be ready to give up 60+ hours. I picked up a PS4 recently as I wanted to play the Sony exclusives, particularly Spiderman and God of War. Managed to get Horizon cheaply as I had heard good things. It’s possibly one of my fave games of all time. Brilliant, as I said, cheap at the minute. A lot of the PS exclusives are really good quality and cheap too. 

    I’ve downloaded it as it’s free atm. I like gaming but have no interest in paying £100 or so with all the dlc too. Looking forward to playing it when the kids give me time to! 

  2. 9 hours ago, DCFClks said:

    I don't know what I'm not seeing that everyone else seems to. To me he looks terrible almost every game.

    Is this not the same keeper who was struggling out on loan at Plymouth and Port Vale not long ago?

    Because you watch him every game he plays... he’s not a bad keeper compared to the rest of the league. He’s not a great keeper either but he would be a really good league one keeper. 

    plymouth and port vale was 4 years ago, that’s a long time in football. 

  3. On 04/05/2021 at 18:24, jimbo jones said:

    The Aaron Rodgers wheel of fortune.

    He obviously needs a year somewhere poo like Houston, before coming to Minnesota and leading us to within a whisper of the Super Bowl, only for it to end in crushing defeat.


    Not sure why we are on here now we have Stafford? Sure we can’t afford to pay Stafford, Goff AND Rodgers? I’d have him though!

  4. 1 hour ago, JoetheRam said:

    Anyone actually been able to buy a PS5?


    I’ve managed to buy 86 of them so far... want to buy one? £750... 

    DISCLAIMER: this is a joke aimed at the cockwombles who are doing this to people who want one. 

  5. On 01/05/2021 at 17:17, DCFClks said:

    He's not, he's utter poo. I wouldn't want him in League One

    He would be the best keeper in league one... I’d bet actual money with you on it.

  6. Thought I’d resurrect this... I really like my PS4 but unfortunately I have 2 little people who use it for Disney+ 99% of the time! The majority of my money goes on them so I can’t really justify paying big bucks for the new releases... anyone got any recommendations of old games that would be cheap? I’m just about to finish Just Cause 3 which I paid the extortionate price of £4.49 for! 

  7. 10 hours ago, Ilsonram12 said:

    He could be our saving grace financially, only real asset to sell along with Bielik 

    We will get Naff all for Bielik... great player but legs made of glass. If we get relegated he could push for a move which would lower our asking price also.

  8. Went to the local co-op earlier where these two kids (no older than 10) were shopping with a healthy living voucher of some kind. Their shopping came to £9 something and their voucher was for £10. Because they’re shopping wasn’t more than the voucher the shop wouldn’t accept it... ended up throwing some apples in and paying the £1 extra for them but surely it’s in the interests of the shop to accept vouchers for more than goods given? 

  9. 32 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    What an amazing picture, and I'm so glad to see her doing so well. And you know what - if she can get through what she's got through in life, you know no matter what gets thrown at her she'll be thriving through it all!

    I’ll certainly be telling her that when she says she can’t do anything... she’s taught me that nothing is impossible.

  10. 6 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Hey Chris. I'd somehow missed this thread. What a ride! Great to see young Clara is doing well, but after all she's been through already I can't believe you're trying to turn her into a Ram as well! ?

    Cheers mate, Derby are actually the best of her options! Her local team is Lincoln City and her mum and her family support Grimsby so I’m doing her a favour I think! ?

  11. 3 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    I saw this, I get the point of it but we have so many celebrities out there doing this it feels like you're not part of the gang unless you've done a docu-reveal on this. Hard to turn the TV on these days without someone or the other launching their 'I'm not OK' channel.

    I kind of disagree with myself on this because I appreciate we need to get it on the table but you do find yourself saying 'oh, not another one'.



  12. 21 hours ago, Malagaram said:

    Offrande Zanzala(who remembers him) just scored the equaliser for Carlisle in the 93rd minuite against Grimsby,must have broken a few Mariners fan hearts,they are bottom of league 2

    My father in law being one... had a proper giggle to myself ?

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