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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. 49 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Pretty sure the club said that they'd already prepared alternative accounts as a pre-empt to  being forced to do so buddy. Hopefully they have them ready to go fairly sharpish as it seems the EFL remain determined to damage our prospects in any way they can. Can see them taking months to analyse the new submission despite it being a very straightforward process. I think those who were adamant there's been no campaign waged against the club might be revising that opinion in light of the most recent disclosures and the EFL actually verbalising how 'regrettable' it is that they've been unable to relegate us. Seems assertions of paranoia were somewhat wide of the mark ?‍♂️

    It’s very much David vs Goliath I feel... unfortunately for the EFL they are that useless, rubbish, incompetent, awful... (@Tyler DurdenAny other words from that thesaurus of yours? ?)

    they are David and this time Goliath will come out on top I think. For all the Mel bashing he’s done everything he can as a fan to get us into a position to compete (ironic I know) but in his position we all would have done the same. 

    they 100% have something against Mel at the very least if not us as a whole club...

    we are Derby County... the EFL wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for us ? duck the EFL and come on you rams. 

  2. 1 hour ago, EraniosSocks said:

    Just wanted a place to post etc as I don't really have many people to rant to.


    I started a new job (with the same company) on Thursday, today, I crashed a van. Not wrote it off just hit a bollard in a tight entry. I can't explain how much my anxiety has took over regarding this and the thoughts I have running through my head at this point in time. I've reported it, but couldn't admit to my collegues that I had done it, but I have to my manager. Seriously think I need to get to the Drs tomorrow for something to calm my nerves/thoughts running away with them selves. Seriously The stuff I'm considering (that means I don't have to face anyone on Tuesday)should not be running through anyone's head.


    As I said I don't have many friends anymore due to deleting all social media years ago and this rant just helps me let go a bit. 

    Well done for posting ?

    mum sure they will be completely understanding if it’s part of your job to drive... they’ll have relative insurance etc and these things happen. 

    as for the friends part you’ve got 100’s on here ? feel free to dm me anytime if you want a chat. ?

  3. On 31/05/2021 at 20:05, rammieib said:

    Anyone use or used Fluoxetine?

    Doctor has prescribed it for me for some anxiety I have. Sadly I read too much about it before just taking it and it actually scared me and I haven't taken it.

    I'm interested to know any first hand experience if you have taken it. Were there any side effects and did it help? 

    The wife is currently on fluoxetine due to being incredibly anxious whilst pregnant with our son due to our daughter being so poorly (see new parents thread).

    It has helped her massively, the only side effect being drowsiness so she takes it just before bed. 

    she also has weekly face to face sessions where somebody comes to our house to talk her through her anxiety and that helps her massively too. 

    luckily our son was born 3 weeks ago and he is absolutely fine so that’s helping her a bit too. 

    I hope it’s working for you and if not don’t be scared to tell them it’s not, there’s no right answer and it’s trial and error until you find the ideal solution... all the best ??

  4. 1 hour ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Well EFl still not wanting to do Mel any favours so I think unfortunately they will appeal, unless potential new owners have got involved. Their appeal will involve their lawyers crawling through the DC decision, then explaining to the LAP why the DC was too lenient. So I think it could be up to 6 weeks from delivery of the DC decision before the LAP hands down the final decision on sanction. But as others point out the accounts can be filed very soon after the dC decision is published which if I understand it is what we need quickly for embargo reasons 



  5. 4 hours ago, Chester40 said:

    Surely some monies could be raised for a few anti-EFL flags for the first televised game of the season? Or maybe wear plastic handcuffs to symbolise restraint of trade... ??

    If £25k can be raised for a crying German girl... ?


  6. 2 hours ago, Gisby said:

    Sorry much as he deserves credit for playing his part in saving us on the final day of last season he’s done little else IMO. He’s past his best, will be another year older next season and is on the way down career wise. Harsh but the Club comes first, there will be younger, better & cheaper out there so I’m not fussed that he’s gone. 

    I agree... but how much faith do you have in our scouting team to find them?! 

  7. 1 minute ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    "You're going home in a linearly depreciated ambulance ".....?

    I honestly think as a fan base we should ‘own’ this... I’ve had no end of mates enjoy telling me we are going to get relegated retrospectively.

    I've had great pleasure dishing it out this evening. 

    all these people dislike us anyway, us as a fan base may as well have some fun and wind as many of them up as possible ?

  8. 1 minute ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Within the framework of FS102, FS102, within the framework (with due regard to the ruling of the League Arbitration panel) of FS102

    No fun in that... there’s  a few people who have gunned for us and we have (so far) made them look rather silly. 

    would we even be football fans if we didn’t us it to wind them up.

    ’Wycome are going on a league one tour

    a league one tour’ 

  9. 1 hour ago, Eatonram said:

    could the club and efl already have received the DC report and not made it public? The EFL have appealed and this is already with the LAP/ We know so little. Perhaps time for a club update, even if it is to confirm we are still awaiting the final report.

    I can see it now...


    there isn’t one. We will post another announcement tomorrow.

    Derby County Football Club.’

  10. 10 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Think only myself and @Angry Ramthink Sterling has massively underperformed thus far. Some of his decision making in all the games has been dreadful. Thank lord jebus that he was in the six yard box three times for three tap-ins. I expect more from him. 

    Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Mashable

    Good job he was as Kane has been nowhere to be seen until the last 5 minutes today.

    all jokes aside I think he’s been one of the standout performers so far. (Which isn’t hard in such a defensively set up team) 

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