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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. 26 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Well, sometimes it's really nice to be proved wrong. Sterling and Pickford in particular would not have been in my starting 11 at the start of the tournament but both have vindicated Southgate's decisions to start them in spades. Cracking open a bottle of posh rum now to sip with a large bowl of humble pie.

    Well done lads, well done! ?

    Sterling has really turned it on this tournament... and Pickford is a different animal in an England shirt. He’s quality for us. ?

  2. 1 hour ago, Shipley Ram said:

    I'm finding it very annnoying that I'm spending my Sunday moring reading accounting web rather than something to do with actual football/cricket/TDF.


    Taken from that article...

    ’which will just make a complete mockery of financial fair play’ 

    i Think the EFL have don’t that themselves really. 

  3. 4 hours ago, BucksRam said:

    I still can't get my head round why we're the ones in the dock when our accounts were approved, our accounting process was approved, the sale was approved, we referred everything for scrutiny and approval i.e. were fully transparent yet here we are being called cheats, being fined, threatened with relegation.   If I typed how I really felt about the EFL I'm pretty sure I'd be banned from this forum. 

    Duck ‘em... absolute see you next Tuesdays. If I wasn’t so stubborn those arsewipes would ruin one of the things that mean most to me... but I won’t let them. Not fit for purpose. I said it when they screwed over Macclesfield, Bury, Bolton... we are just the next in a conveyor belt... a club laughing at us will be next. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    If you let them keep believing that it's going to make future holidays so much cheaper! ?

    It’s my plan as a punishment! ? if they misbehave they have to go and spend the day in Grimsby! 

  5. Our 2 daughters went to stay with the wife’s mum and dad for a week whilst our son was born last week... the eldest who’s four was telling every one who would listen (and many who wouldn’t) that her and her sister were going on a ‘beach holiday’. The in laws live in Grimsby...

  6. 2 minutes ago, r4derby said:

    Give it time too. It gets even better as you move across the map and start upgrading things. Between the 20-50th hours I had some of the best time on a game in ages!

    Just got to meridian. It’s one of the best games I’ve played. It has a touch of skyrim about it which I think is fantastic. 

  7. On 05/05/2021 at 00:00, maxjam said:


    Subnautica is the pick of the bunch imo, well worth a play.

    Dunno if Horizon Zero Dawn is still free, but thats a stunning game if you've not played it yet.

    Horizon zero dawn was a great shout mate ? played 15 hours in the last month (thats a lot for me) what a fantastic game. Even better that it was free! 

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