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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. 2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    Would you say it's OK for a 5 year old?

    My little one is pretty clued up about life & death etc but I'm wondering if this would be too much. Mrs Wolfie suggested taking her to see it but I'm not sure.....

    There were children around about that age when we went, I guess it all depends on your 5 year old. There's nothing too scary in it, I'd say give it a go.

  2. 4 hours ago, Paul71 said:

    My first day back at work tomorrow having been off for 2 months. 

    Have felt the anti depressants have been working but getting real feelings of anxiety right now, almost like having pins and needles all over.

    Trying to take my mind off it so will probably post some rubbish on here, hopefully I won't offend anyone, if I do apologies in advance.

    If it makes you feel any better I'm the same and I've only been off since Friday! 


  3. On 26/09/2017 at 13:25, Wolfie said:

    People who take laptops into meetings or presentations & sit there catching up on emails etc. Makes my blood boil. Show some respect!

    Meetings or presentations that could be done by email! 

    Lost count how much of my life has been wasted in meetings where they've just read through an email and discussed it, what's wrong with a good old WhatsApp group chat? 

  4. 7 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    People who can't grasp the concept of climate control in cars.

    Mrs Wolfie drives me mad whacking her temperature control up to 24; getting hot; turning it down to 18; getting cold; turning it up again....

    Just effing leave it at 21 and let it do its' thing like a normal person......!!

    My Mrs does this too! drives be barmy! 

    shes also incapable of listening to a song all the way through without skipping it! Just bloody pick one and listen!

  5. 34 minutes ago, Moist One said:

    in films and programmes when someone pretends to drink a tea or coffee and you can tell that the cup is empty. I can tell every time and it annoys me very randomly.

    In films and tv  when somebody is supposed to be dead and you can see them breathing, I'm not an actor but even I could hold my breath for 10 seconds to get the shot. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Moist One said:

    sad news today that the lead singer of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, at age 41, took his own life. Whilst I don't consider myself a fan of them as a whole, I was proper into a couple of their songs, but that is by-the-by.

    I hope all those that have contributed, and those that haven't felt comfortable enough to yet post on this thread are doing well mentally.

    Remember, it's okay and normal to have feelings that go against what you're supposed to feel. Please talk to someone, anyone, even if it hurts! It's gonna hurt you a lot less to open up, than it would hurt your loved ones if you made a decision as drastic as Chester Bennington has.

    I'll put this here, my (cyber) friend drew it, he's a cartoonist:-


    Linkin park were a band I could really relate to during my darkest days, I remember a stage when I was 13, getting bullied at school that I really did think about suicide.

    Linkin park amongst others offered me a release from it all, it was almost like the songs were written for people with depression (after the sad news today maybe they were) 

    Listening back to the songs tonight the signs are obviously there yet I was oblivious until it was too late, talking and being open really is the best policy people.

    ive said it before on here and I'll say it again if you feel you can't talk to people you know about it then I'm here. I've been there. 

    RIP Chester ??

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