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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. 3 hours ago, Ramshankered said:

    Not to steal RamsLad's thunder but I too am expecting (well my partner is) end of next month.

    Yet again DCFCfans turned up and delivers even when I'm not expecting it!

    Not at all mate! Congratulations.

    You can give me the pointers with yours as mines not coming until end of May time. The midwife recommend a really good book called ‘men, love and birth’ which is a baby book written by a bloke for blokes essentially. It’s been really helpful so far. Good luck with everything ? 

  2. So whilst I have my lovely step daughter who I met when she was 2, me and my fiancé have recently found out we are expecting. Whilst I’ve learnt on the job per say and feel I’ve mastered toddlers I was wondering if anyone has any hints/tips when it comes to Babies that they’d be willing to share? The baby book says to look for ‘online dad forums’ but as they’re going to be a future ram I’d rather trust you lot! ?

    thanks in advance! 

  3. 14 hours ago, Smyth_18 said:

    My 2 year old has been suffering with severe constipation for over a year now.

    He has been on Movicol in his milk the whole time but it changes nothing. We're told his bowel has stretched and he is just building up and up until it's unbearable. When he does eventually go he is pushing so hard and screaming, it's absolutely heartbreaking to watch. We go back to the paediatrician, they tell us the same thing, and the cycle goes on.

    We talk about going private but we don't really have the money to do so. How has it come to this? Our NHS can't fix a 2 year old in absolute agony? He can only be fixed if i start earning more money? 

    I’m having the exact issue with my nearly 3 year old girl... we’ve been told it could be coeliac disease so have been feeding her gluten free for about 3 weeks now whilst we wait for an appointment but no change so far. Hope your little lad gets better ?

  4. 14 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

    Why would you do that? Poor thing.

    I don’t know much about rats but that looks like a happy one. All joking aside knowing a lot about dogs he isn’t bothered in the slightest. Whilst I’m not a fan of dressing dogs in stuff he’s quite happy with it by the looks of it.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Smyth_18 said:

    Since watching Afterlife i have applied to volunteer at the local rescue centre as a dog walker.

    Hopefully as an opportunity to give back to the animal which gives us humans so much. Don't have a dog myself but when my son (and possibly one more child) get a bit older i will be all over it.

    My old dog died about 5 years ago and I didn’t want another one so soon so I did the exact same thing. Went every Sunday morning to walk a few rescue dogs and ended up bringing these two home with me, I like to think I chose them but didn’t really have a choice! Every child needs to have a dog at some point ?

  6. 8 minutes ago, David said:

    Couldn’t help but like this despite the Batman socks. That second pic is a thank you face if I’ve ever seen one.

    Nothing wrong with batman socks... she’s only 7 months old and hasn’t had such a rough start as Ruby did so it’s been a lot easier. She’s already settled in nicely ?

  7. On 25/12/2018 at 16:01, Ramslad1992 said:

    Safe to say Ruby has well and truly settled in now! Dogs are for life guys ?


    Ruby has settled in brilliantly and has been playing with other dogs really well.

    About a month ago I decided she would have a friend so took her back to the rescue I got her from to test walk her with some dogs. 

    Today we bought Pippa home and they are already best friends.



  8. On 08/02/2019 at 19:35, Paul71 said:


    This. Surely the charge should be attempted murder if you have kicked someone in the head. Will end up with a slap on the wrist no doubt. 

    Last week somebody got stabbed outside my place of work... as an on site first wider I gave first aid and had to give a statement to the police about what I did etc... they arrested the person who did it with ‘intent to wound’ surely if you stab someone it should be attempted murder.

  9. 1 hour ago, ramit said:

    One more complaint before i pass out from cognac

    What's with the ??? ?  Is that a question questioning the question?  Is it more of a question?  Is it a demanding question?

    And this !!!.  What the heck is that?  Exclamation of the last exclamation and then another exclamation in exclamation of the second one?

    Don't get me started on 4's and 5's

    And ?!?!?!  What in God's name does that mean?

    If you want to make a point, then make a point.  If you want to ask a question, ask

    i bet these same folks wave their hands all over the place when describing what they had for lunch

    This is not aimed at you Parsnip

    Uhh, yes it is



    I don’t know what you mean??? Poor @Parsnip!!!

  10. 8 hours ago, ronnieronalde said:

    Brilliant mate, all you can do under the circumstances. Well played.

    I'm not having a go at anyone on my post, although reading it back it looks like I am.  More just a typical soap box post from me when things don't go the way I want them to go. For others as well as me. Most of my rants aren't selfish rants. I want things to be better for everyone and anyone.

    It's not the professionals fault they don't have the resources. I've not spoken to anyone who I think is or would be happy to turn someone away. The folks in the industry I think are on the whole, wonderful people who would help anyone with anything they could. You don't go into a profession like that unless your heart is in the right place.

    I'm not even having a go at the mates who don't know how to handle it. Christ they're not trained to spot signs, the typical reaction though is come on sort yourself out. As if it were as easy as ABC.

    It really is the silent killer and until and unless we can somehow find more cash to fund more resources it's not getting any better.

    When I was in my darkest period the professionals were absolutely useless and it’s not their fault but my girlfriend, friends (the proper ones) and family were all there... 4 months ago I was back in that darkest place when I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me... didn’t even bother trying with the professionals! My friends, family, this forum and more importantly this thread got me through. It’s still a fight but seeing other people in the same position rallying together and helping each other is 10x better what some bloke with a notepad can do.

  11. 15 hours ago, BurtonRam7 said:

    I’ve had an unusual 2018. I worked incredibly hard for my A-Level results that got me a place at the University of Manchester, where I’ve met some great mates. I had a great summer due to the national team’s heroics and Derby are shaping up nicely this term.

    However, I got hit with some upsetting family news in the summer (World Cup Final day) which has affected, and will continue to affect, my whole world, none more so than today. I bloody love Christmas but today, due to the aforementioned news, was rather subdued and disappointing compared to the typically lively family affair.

    This has led me to drink a fair few whiskeys and gins after everyone has gone to bed in order to improve the day. During this little session, I had a good chat (via video call) with my mates and I’m feeling much better now.

    I don’t really know what I’m trying to get at with this post, and I know that many are going through far greater difficulties than me (thankfully, I’ve never had issues with mental health) but I thought this was the best place to get things off my chest, particularly because the people on this forum are absolutely fantastic and like a second family to me (@coneheadjohn and @angieram in particular). 

    I will regret this post tomorrow morning when I read this as a sober man but, in my mellow state, I feel like it is important to get things off my chest, particularly when I haven’t been able to offload my worries (regarding the family news) to anybody since I found out (I’m the only one in my immediate family who hasn’t told anyone). To all who read this post, I doubt it makes any sense.

    Anyway, I really do love this forum. I know that I’m usually a happy-clapping, Dark Fruits-drinking, joke-making poster but nobody’s life is perfect; including mine. 

    I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I expect you all to be looking out for me on the telly as I cheer on the mighty Rams at Bramall Lane tomorrow.

    Up the ducking Rams.

    Never try and drink your feelings away buddy... it’s a slippery slope! talking is the best way, and this is the place to do it ? Never regret posting anything here (apart from the dark fruits stuff) hope everything is ok with your family mate ?

  12. 5 hours ago, 86 points said:

    Tales of rescue dogs finding love and a good home is a fast way to melt my icy heart! Never had a dog, always wanted one. When treated right it seems they are the most loving and loyal creatures on the planet. Clearly Ruby has not been lucky up to now so it's lovely she's found someone to look after her properly. 

    She’s my 3rd, the other two I had from a puppy, it’s definitely difficult and hard work rescuing, but I’ve given her her own space and waited for her to come to me rather than trying to force it. She’s 13 months old and this is her 3rd family, safe to say it will be her last too! 

  13. 1 hour ago, 86 points said:

    You've obviously done a good job then and Ruby is obviously a deal happier with you than wherever she was before ?

    Al about showing an animal respect... she’s still vary wary and timid with strangers but she now knows we aren’t going to hurt her ? a lot of treats is also key! 

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