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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. 7 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

    North are nearly the perfect brewery, the Herzog and Sputnick are two of my favourites.  They have some really good small bars in and around the Leeds-Bradford area that are worth a visit, especially the one at Otley.


    Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing is worth visiting the Leeds-Bradford area for...

  2. Thank you everyone... shes doing remarkably well all things considered... she is also our new good luck charm! We are 1 for 1 since shes been alive ?

    This was her face yesterday when I told her we had beaten snakey's Milwall 3-2. 

    Shes still not registered for coronavirus purposes do I'm arguing with the wife that we should call her Louise... then I'll 'accidentally' miss the s out on the forms. ?


  3. Hi everyone... I'm not to sure how to write this so I'll just go along with it and sorry for any waffling! 

    My absolutely amazing daughter was born last week on the 10th June in lincoln. Within minutes of her being born they realised something wasnt quite right and within 19 hours of being born she had been transferred to queens medical centre (which I've called home for the last week) and had life saving surgery. 

    She has a condition called Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula... her food pipe and windpipe were joined and without the amazing work of our great NHS she wouldn't be here. 

    Shes got a long way to go but I'm forever proud of how much shes been through in just a week and I'll forever be grateful to everyone that's helped her and our NHS in general.

    As you can see by the photo shes already in training as the rams newest supporter! 


  4. 24 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

    You've gotta call the kid Nobby now!

    Hope all goes well.

    Everything is as fine as can be thank you... it's more observational but feels strange because I can't be there for coronavirus reasons.

    Nobby for a girl would be quite amusing! Her name will be Clara-leisa. Clara just because it's one of the only names me.and the wife agreed on and Leisa because that was my aunts name. 

    It's more a case of I'm just a bit lonely! No.wife snoring in my ear, no step daughter waking up in the night because of a nightmare (she is at her dads) I should be having the best nights sleep in years! 

  5. So the wife is now in hospital (for the last 2 days) because her diabetes has been playing up...

    The worst part is fending for my self... mcdonalds friday, fish and chips saturday and Chinese today... it's tough. It's not all.bad though I watched the whole of the 1966 world cup earlier, what a game! 

  6. Quite a poignant song in current circumstances... absolutely love these guys and could have chucked them in the under rated topic too.

    Edit: after googling them to get this off youtube instead of spotify I've just realised they're from Nottingham... now hate them and never felt so dirty in my life.

  7. 24 minutes ago, TomBustler1884 said:

    @Ramslad1992 how are things going? Last update was December, hopefully not bringing anything bad up, asking if the pregnancy is okay? 

    Thank you very much for asking. It's been very up and down to say the least! Found out in February we were having a little girl. ? then the wife had a glucose test and turns out she has pregnancy diabetes ( I never even knew it was a thing!)

    We were put on closer testing because she wasn't growing properly so we (well the wife as I'm banned from all apointments for obvious reasons) had to go for multiple doppler scans which picked up on a blocked artery.

    BUT the good news is I have a very big and uncomfortable wife in bed as we are about a week or two away from the big event. The risk of down syndrome is still there but we are just thankful to be in this position.

    Hope your boy is doing well ?


  8. Not random but he sure as hell annoys me... DONALD TRUMP.

    Such a self centered idiot. Firstly dismisses coronavirus as nothing and claims it's not a big deal (100,000 dead people in his country would argue otherwise) 

     Then theres his willingness to take on a social media platform that doesn't like something he says and now ive just read hes declaring antifa a terrorist organisation... 

    Maybe if your country wasnt ran by a complete idiot as yourself there wouldn't be a need for groups like antifa in the first place! 

    On a positive note it was good to see Sancho and another guy who's name i cant remember make a stand in Germany.

    Not to mention him withdrawing the usa out of the world health organisation, surely now more than ever we need to work together.

    So in summary, I hate Donald Trump and he's an idiot ?

  9. 4 hours ago, Paul71 said:

    A Lawyer is suggesting the PC Stuart Outten should be investigated for using excessive force by tasering a man who was attacking him with a machette, PC Outten suffered severe injuries during the attack.


    Seriously wonder what planet some people live on. Some seriously awful individuals about, and I am talking about the lawyer aswell as the attacker.

    Personally I wouldn't have thought a bullet to the head of the attacker would be excessive if he was attacking him with a machette, so he got away light by being tasered.

    The sentence given is pathetic too, he has been given 16 years for wounding with intent, but found not guilty of attempted murder or carrying a dangerous weapon. how do they work that one out? Seriously we are so soft. You dont attack someone and attempt to stab them in the head without it being attempted murder.


    You don't stab someone in the head once without it being attempted murder let alone SIX times, how can you not determine if somebody was trying to kill someone else after they hit them 6 times in the head with a machete?!

  10. 10 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:


    It's hard, but hopefully you look back on her life with happiness.

    Oh definitely mate, she had a good life and gave me one of the happiest childhoods a boy could ask for. Truth be told since she went apart from the first couple of weeks I only really think of her in passing every now and again but today is always different. Today's always difficult, I've got a meeting with our wedding planner in an hour and I'm sat here moping about my dead dog. Tomorrow it will be completely different and I'll be fine.


    9 hours ago, Alpha said:

    People fall out of love, parents fall out with their sons and daughters and siblings can end up enemies.

    But it seems no matter what you say or do to a dog it forgives you and you're it's whole world. 

    Losing a dog is heartbreaking. There's many many people I'd miss less than mine. 

    Sorry about your dog @Ramslad1992

    Mine went blind over one weekend and then when she went to the vets they said she was so ill that trying to fix her would be cruel and expensive. Although I'd have paid it. But they said she isn't coping well with being blind because her senses should be guiding her around the house and she just lay in her corner. No food or drink unless brought to her. Had to drag her out to the toilet and she was 50+Kg. 

    Slept on her bed with her the night before they put her down. My missus still cries about her now and this was also 4 years ago

    But that dog was there for our first house, first baby, first argument... everything. She got off before this ride stopped!! Cried like a baby in the vets.

    We bought another Bullmastiff soon after and I think I was a bit of an arse to him. He was supposed to replace my old one but he was nothing like her. She was timid and cuddly and he was playful and always on the move. 

    Now he's my best friend. I don't tell him that though. I tell him he's fat and useless. But he's alright for a dog. 

    And I reckon if my 5 year old cried from a mile away he'd hear it. He loves her and she only ever criticises his personal hygiene.

    I totally understand you mate, it took me 3 years to get another dog and I couldn't get another Springer spaniel as I'd be just like you 'well Anya used to do this ehy don't you?' Or 'Anya never did that's

    I think that's what the hardest part of today is... everyone else in the family said their goodbyes the night before and left me to take her to the vets. I was 23 when she was put down but I wasnt 23 that day, I was a 10 year old again saying goodbye to his best friend and it hurt. It still hurts especially today, even though I know it was best for her I still feel like I killed my dog.

  11. 1 minute ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Really sorry to hear that mate. I love my dog to bits, and knowing that she's ageing rapidly isn't the nicest feeling.

    I have to ask though, yours wasn't named after a certain £4 million pound winger was she?

    It's the worst thing as a kid/young adult... she was my 10th birthday present and now I'm 27 it feels worlds apart. She was in fact named after a demon from buffy the vampire slayer! I had a weird obsession with that show as a kid... had her and a budgie called Buffy. In hindsight it was probably the Sarah Michelle Gellar thing that did it for me...

  12. 4 years ago today I had to have my best friend of 14 years put down... each year I convince myself it will be easier but it never is, people who don't have pets don't understand but I didn't just lose a pet, I lost my best friend, I lost a family member... I know a lot of people find it silly but I can count on one hand the amount of humans I've loved more than her. RIP Anya the rest of today will be hard just like it is every year and probably always will be. 


  13. On 05/12/2019 at 20:21, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I knew they sung Tragedy, which I’m sure you’ll be glad to know has passed down to the younger generations. When I was about 10, a fellow pupil sung the following:


    When you need a poo and it won’t come through, 

    It’s Tragedy

    And an even ruder alternative:


    When your mum’s in bed and her fanny’s all red,

    It’s Tragedy

    Bit late to the party but we used to sing 


    When your balls get stuck in a moving truck

    Its agony"

  14. Thank you for the kind words again everyone it truly means a lot to me and the mrs! An update on the rollercoaster  of emotions is as my messages last week there was fluid under the babies skin which shouldn't have been there so we had to go to grottingham on Thursday  for a CVS,  the experts had a scan before the test and I quote "we don't really know why you were sent here as at the minute everything seems to be fine, the down syndrome risk came back as 1 in 1668 which is good so they've told us to assume everything is normal and we need to go.back at the  beginning of January for another scan to see what's what. To say I was a mess this last week was an understatement (so much so I was odd work sick) but this news was amazing and means at least until next month we can carry on as normal and enjoy christmas. ?

  15. We had our 12 week scan on Wednesday... the feeling I had seeing our little baby will stay with me forever, seeing their little feet and arms was incredible! Unfortunately theres some fluid under the babies skin which shouldn't be there. After a follow up scan on Thursday we have to go nottingham (of all places!) Next week for more tests to see if its chromosomal which we have both agreed wouldn't matter as it's our baby no matter what, or something a bit worse like organ defects. Quite a crappy time I wont lie but it's not all bad as I won 2 tickets to the millwall game (thanks dcfcfans) so a nice time taking my dad for a few drinks at the Brunswick and a hopeful win for the rams! I hope all the other expectant dads are having an easier time... wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

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