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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. I really think Liam’s Derby would win this game I think we’d control the game as Ipswich being the home side and up near the top would come at us and be picked off by us 

    I want Warne to do well but I’d like us to have more of the ball and control the game more and I just don’t think the 3 centre backs are quick enough to play 352 so I’m not optimistic about this one but of course I’ll be cheering us on very loudly  ? 

    ps hope Knight is fit 

  2. 4 hours ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    Playing long balls forward in the air, targeted or not, creates a scrap for the second ball situation. It's not what I enjoy watching and I don't think it especially suites our players. 

    This….we have enough quality to be able to control games so that means on the floor and keeping the ball …the problem is we don’t move the ball quick enough to be able to move the opposition around and create enough openings so a mixture of styles in certain situations is what’s required imo 

    IF and it’s an IF we try to play percentage football then we are basically playing exactly the way of most teams in this  division …Note: Plymouth Argyle did not ..I thought they played some nice attacking football 

  3. I'm personally hoping that Warne can mix it up a bit and what I mean by that is be prepared to attack and get balls into the box etc etc like he  has mentioned  but for me yesterday once we were 1 up i'd have reverted to Liam style keeping the ball , taking the sting out of the game and gaining control of the game because we clearly have technically good players who can do that , we've seen it for ourselves.

    What worries me is the lack of control even when 1-0 up and then becomes an even scrap where teams like PV will see and think they have a chance...i'm fairly sure had we reverted to possesion football after going 1-0 up we would have taken them and most teams apart if they have to come at us for an equaliser

    We played some brilliant football at Charlton in the first half and really should've been 3 up by HT and not getting a lead early in a game seemed to galvanise some opposition enough to be happy with a 0-0 

    I will accept Warnes style of play if hes astute enough to change tactics during games but I will probably (like others have mentioned )be a bit dissapointed if we continue to play percentage football and give teams with much lesser talent than us an equal chance of winning 


  4. 6 hours ago, angieram said:

    I agree, Saffy. 

    The interview and all the media around it has made me feel uncomfortable,  it's all overkill at this stage.

    It went on too long - very complicated answers, thought Warne was trying too hard. My comment about the coffee was only partly in jest, he really needs to calm down a bit! Maybe the club could do the same. We've hardly signed up Fergie - and if we have he's more Darren than Alex! 

    From where I sit, the fans were enjoying the fact we were trying to play football, weren't calling for the manager's head, so there's that bit of unease around the way Liam has been treated. He failed his target - so what was that? We were seventh after the start to the season we had, hardly dismissal material.

    As for Warne, I didn't like him before, he's very aggressive on the touchline, a bit of a bully with the officials, I sit above the away dug out so see it every game. Seems to encourage his players in the dark arts, Crooks springs to mind as an example. A good footballer, but playing on the edge of legitimacy all the time - more bullying.

    I think some players will respond well to him, but others? I don't know. I know I wouldn't want my boss texting me all hours with snippets - there needs to be boundaries, imo.

    So, all that touchy feely stuff left me feeling a bit underwhelmed. 

    However, what I did like, was when he started talking tactics. He suddenly grabbed my attention and I liked what I was hearing. My fears about the sort of football we're going to see have subsided somewhat, especially as we've not got those sorts of players available to him (currently).

    If he can deliver what he says, and if he can tone it down a bit, I'll be happy. But I'm not in the fanclub yet! 


    Wow.....give the bloke a chance.....He gave honest answers and he was only responding to questions asked...I didn't want Liam removed either but he was and I trust Mr Clowes...the man that saved our club...you obviously don't like Warne thats your choice of course but bullying????   thats ridiculous....think its you who needs to calm down 

  5. 13 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Let's ignore the fact Cashin has been our best defender so far this season...

    If Roberts is LCB, who plays LB? Forsyth who is best suited to LCB in a 3 at the back system, or Barkhuizen who wouls be reminiscent of playing Weimann in that role unde Rowett?

    Tbh, I'm struggling to think of a goal we've conceded due to Cashin being outpaced. Even if we have conceded under that situation, surely an extra CB in the team means would have a man covering if it were to happen again.

    Perhaps you should look again then as Cashin ( who I’m not saying is a bad defender ) has been out paced a few times…Plymouth is one that springs to mind …but there’s been a few we don’t need an out and out LB if we’re playing 352 so yes a LWB ans Barks may find himself in that role but in Warnes previous set up they sit high up the pitch 

    let’s gets one thing straight I’m not saying Cashin needs replacing what I am saying is if you go by how Rovrum set up then there’s a chance Roberts fits the LCB more than Cashin but time will tell

    Cashin makes good blocks last ditch tackles I get it but he lacks pace to play as a covering CB that’s all I’m saying nothing more 

  6. I wish him all the best …football today seems more about greed than anything else sometimes ….couldn’t have been easy over the last couple of years here…

    I remember him saying that his father and family were here when he became interim manager and Liam was so proud to be leading this team …it didn’t work out but he conducted himself with grace even leaving with a statement unlike some others who have not given a s*** about this club …respect where it’s due good luck Liam I will applaud you if you ever return to PP even as an opponent …good luck 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Sean said:

    Wish him the best of luck. Really liked Cocu as a person and wanted it to work out here. I think we all now realise why it wasn't ever plain sailing for him

    Totally agree was a gentleman and our first ever foreign coach and think he got a bit of a raw deal here after lampard.

    Also departed with some class and didn't demand a big pay off, classy bloke who i really wanted it to happen for....

  8. 47 minutes ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    On the other hand Cashin can pass short, long and also puts in good crosses (good attributes for a “spare” Centre back over lapping) while Roberts can’t do any of those very well.

    personally think Roberts is more mobile than Cashin and would fit the LCB role very well , would be harsh on Cashin but his lack of pace has cost us a few goals this season, be interesting to see who plays in the 3 as Rovrum's defensive record last season was very good especially away from home

  9. 5 hours ago, Old Spalding Ram said:

    3-5-2 Warne style.


                                       Chester          Roberts             Cashin

        Mendez-Laing          Knight          Smith       Hourihane       Barkhuizen

                                               Collins               McGoldrick

    Sod it, let’s go for it!

    ……………………apologies to the Sibley & Bird fan clubs.


    Warne always selects a dominant less mobile CB as the Centre of 3 ( Richard Wood 36 ) who basically heads everything and is like an old fashioned Centre Half so see this being Davies, I think Cashin could be more vulnerable as his other two CB's are usually deeper and have a bit of pace can see it being                              Chester     Davies      Roberts

  10. 2 hours ago, RodleyRam said:

    If you read my post again I said 'very few trophies' and if you can raise me on your one example of Wimbledon then I'll stand down. The stats are stacked way in favour of teams who would be considered as playing a more 'attractive' possession based style.

    And it's what I would prefer to watch, ideally winning to boot. I would honestly rather we tried to play football than constantly box-kick for touch and try to drive over a line-out.

    For what it's worth I think our style under LR was mostly fine. LR stated on a few occasions that having possession wasn't all about the attacking benefits, which makes sense to me too. The results (away in particular) were not reflective of our performances and I think we are 3-6 points off what we deserved and think this would have balanced out as a solid play off place over the course of the season.

    It is what it is and I hope PW seizes the opportunity because he has some excellent players on the books and it'd be a shame to waste their abilities.

    Great post ?????? Spot on 

  11. This is a step up for Warne and his team and make no mistake DCFC is very different to Rovrum FC 

    The expectations crowd infrastructure basically everything is different and Warne will know this and be excited by this as this is his oppurtunity and of course I hope he does well

    as I’ve mentioned previously though he sets up Rovrum to nullify the opposition and not necessarily be the dominant side keeping the ball etc 

    This will be different to what he’s used to …how he gets his team to play is very suitable for an underdog style team but here lies the big question can he change slightly when he sends out a team where we have predominantly better players than the opposition 

    I’ve found in my own playing career that playing against better teams where you have to be solid and execute a game plan because you’re maybe on the backfoot is very different to dominating a game with more of the ball 

    If Warne can change his mindset enough to want to dominate games rather than setting up purely for the opposition then I think he could be a success he set up his team last season to be very difficult to score against and that is always a good foundation in any game but we are very different and he will know that and will need to adapt to the fact we have better players and there lies the challenge for him 

    Rowettball was slightly different but have to say was terrible to watch letting the opposition come onto us Mac had us playing some great stuff and to me that’s how I’d like us to play as we scored goals and went forward but still dictated games 

     Only  time will tell of course and I wish Warne and all of his team the best ….it’s never dull at Derby County ? 

  12. 24 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    Such things are easy to say and then fade into the background. 

    It’s also easy to paint someone as the bad guy for having an opinion and a mind of his own and being willing to defend his opinions.

    We’ll see what happens, but I doubt you’ll be back to apologise if you are wrong, will you?

    So I’m not alone in thinking you’re one of the biggest whingers on here …never happy and face pops up to comment like clockwork every time there is a blip …I even thought you were a wummer at one stage such was your constant critisicm quick to criticise and yet don’t see you if we are doing well ….people seem to have the same opinion of you …funny that ?? 

  13. 1 hour ago, David said:

    I don’t think we should assume he will play 3-5-2 and stick a Ram over the Rotherham badge on his playbook, a decent manager/head coach should be able to adapt their tactics to the players they have.

    Mendez-Laing is without doubt a key player in our attack, to walk in and dispose of him for not fitting his style would be a huge f*** up with us still under embargo for another 3 transfer windows is it? 

    International break so I guess it will fill the gap with a talking point, however the boring answer is we will have to really wait and see what is served up at Cambridge.

    Would have been nice to not have Cashin, Knight and Hourihane on international duty, they could be the first casualties no fault of their own, just until they have more time to work with Warne and understand what he wants.


    I do think though that because he's had success with 352 in league 1 it will be natural for him to go with what has worked for him 

    The fact we played 352 in last game proves we can do it but I'm not convinced some of the players will like it 

    He plays Richard Wood as his central CB and hes 36 and basically just heads everything and clears everything a bit no nonsense style so see this as Davies role 

    The difference i see already is that the two other CB's tend to be quicker covering centre backs who drop off and I think Chester will be one of them but not sure Cashin has the pace to be the other 

    NML won't particularly like the Wing Back role as he didn't at the wendies but these are challenges he will already know about

    This is Warne's big oppurtunity with a bigger club with higher expectations and what i do like about him is that he has good energy and likes to attack and get the ball forward 

    I do like possesion based football like City play as it gives you more control of the game and when you listen to how Rovrum set up it is more to counter what the opposition are doing rather than being dominant and having the ball so it will be different but he is now our manager and of course will get behind him and the team as per always

    Do feel a bit for Liam as he talked of being so proud to be leading the team but he has looked a bit drained for me in post match interviews of late and maybe he's just not ready yet but wish him all the best if he departs as i suspect he will

  14. 7 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    It’s obvious scaremongering.

    The vast majority of Derby fans believe we should be a footballing side, so naturally any manager who deviates from that even slightly will be talked down. Even though in real terms, Billy Davies is the only manager to have a degree of success with us since the turn of the century.

    Cocu and Lampard raised the roof. Pearson and Rowett were treated with suspicion. So too now is Warne.

    I prefer to look at Warne’s record and the circumstances he was working under. To me, everything points to him having done a good job at Rotherham and showing skill in what he was asked to do.

    Will he be a success here? Who knows? But he has had success in League 1. He has got a team out of this league three times in three attempts. This is positive, no? What has Rosenior done by comparison?

    So surely if you put concerns about style to one side, Warne is the safer bet.

    You only appear on here to literally moan about everything and I've said this before ....it is not scaremongering....The football under Rowett was poo at best and Jewell and Pearson were experienced managers with track records of promotion...fact! and yet they were poor as p*** here so you mentioning warnes record of promotions is neither here nor there

    Every manager when appointed is a risk no matter who and LR was given 9 games with a virtual new squad, will you be calling for Warnes head after 9 games as thats usually the only reason you pop up on here is to have a dig, you're never happy no matter what 

  15. 1 minute ago, Jourdan said:

    Look at it from this perspective: you appoint a manager to get a job done.

    We want to get promoted from League 1, do we not?

    If Warne gets us promoted, it will be the perfect fit.

    You make it sound like footballers can only play in one way and you make it sound like our squad is prime Arsenal under Wenger. It’s far from it.

    Players like Davies, Mendez Laing, Barkhuizen, Chester, Collins, McGoldrick and Hourihane have flourished under various managers with varying styles of play. They are not out and out technical ball players.

    Looking at our young players, the likes of Cashin, Knight, Thompson, Dobbin and Sibley all have qualities that could be brought to the fore playing under a different manager in a different kind of side.

    I’ll say it again, comparing this to Jewell or Pearson is scaremongering.

    Why is it scaremongering ?? Jewell and Pearson had good track records and failed here miserably so that’s a fact every managerial appointment is a risk and personally think 9 games was not enough ….LR possibly needed an experienced assistant who knows this division 

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