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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. 4 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Our club seems to be dying the most slow and painful death, the most likely outcome is Mike Ashley, but at the cost of liquidation and a phoenix club.

    The club as we know, in my opinion, is done, its just when.

    If MA buys it it wont be liquidated not everyone's choice but rather him than no one ....then it would be liquidation!

  2. 3 hours ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

    Who are Boro going to claim off for this season? Paying them a penny or more shows complete opportunism on Gibson’s behalf with the EFL complicit in aiding and abetting them. There is no chance this claim would have held up in court hence why they never tried to take it further than a spurious vague claim. Football is broken and corrupt. Money, money, money. The only consolation is that it is Morris’ money and not ours. 

    Agree with all of this…it is making the common football fan who love the game maybe walk away …I’m sick to death of claims and money talk …it’s about football !! or it used to be …really fed up with how the game has gone and how badly and corrupt the governing bodies are !!

  3. 2 hours ago, RAM1966 said:

    They should at this stage be considering all offers.  Take the best one that goes through.

    The price for the stadium has not changed, yet CK said he was not interested in it, then moved the goalposts with a couple of days left.....

    Poorly managed by Q and CK, thetefore all offers at this stage should be on the table.....



    I genuinely think that Q see the CK deal as better for creditors and it’s the only bid which makes it the preferred choice but….if in a few days time when the exclusivity expires there are still problems then I expect MA to bud well under the price and get it including the ground but mean -15 points 

    I was told shortly after we went into admin by a reliable source who had a night out with someone from Q that MA was very much interested in buying us but his valuation will not be anywhere near what was required to please creditors …I don’t think that has changed …if anyone thinks MA is not in background waiting to see if he can get at his value then you’re very much wrong ….after reading the articles tonight I firmly believe CK will get this over the line but…..if he doesn’t MA will step in 

  4. 21 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    IId rather our local group did the stadium deal tbh

    I agree but no guarantee a local will look after it as history has shown and Cook  is not silly enough to leave us in a worse position than now,,,maybe just some minor short term investment to see the ground come out of Morris and MSD ownership 

    I personally think CK will deal with someone who Cook has got  investing rather than give Morris money directly just my thoughts 

  5. Gary Cook was intrumental I believe in getting substantial investment into Man City

    watching him on the City series he is the main reason i really want CK to buy us because Cook has fingers in lots of pies especially in the east where CK's plane has been seen...I just wonder if someone is trying to tie up some investment regarding the ground ....future investment is more likely if we are in the prem ...Gary Cook is very well regarded at City



  6. 11 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    No. But we're not talking about someone putting their life savings on a starter house.

    If I had £20m in the bank, saw a property I really wanted up for auction with a guide price of around £200k, if required I would probably pay an extra £20-30k or so to ensure that I won that auction, and someone else didn't get it. 

    I could easily afford to take the hit, no point squabbling over the pocket change, it's water off a ducks back.


    The point I'm trying to make it that a guide price is not the value ...its a guide....usually a starting point which can go up or down at an auction.....as I've said previously our value is ONLY what someone is actually willing to pay and paying 20 or 30 k over the top is just stupidity .....why pay it ? 

  7. 1 minute ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    No. But we're not talking about someone putting their life savings on a starter house.

    If I had £20m in the bank, saw a property I really wanted up for auction with a guide price of around £200k, if required I would probably pay an extra £20-30k or so to ensure that I won that auction, and someone else didn't get it. 

    I could easily afford to take the hit, no point squabbling over the pocket change, it's water off a ducks back.


    If you paid 20 or 30 k for something that was not worth it you'd soon be an un-succesful businessman 

  8. MA will offer much less and get it meaning he can also get stadium but  creditors will  get less ( lets not forget they are not his debts!) we get a club on -15 next season which he might appeal who knows but he will get us back to the championship and if its all about money then the prem too...there is absolutely no point in him buying us to see us dwindle in league 1 and he will have zero interest in selling PP ...some are suggesting MA is all about money but will then see us dwindle away in league 1 and 2 ..that doesnt make sense.....-15 points and he wouldn't have to spend loads to get us out of league1 which is a starting point....he spent plenty on players at the toon and better than having no club at all or playing at stoke...he also sold Newcastle to someone who is minted so all in all theyve not done too badly...as i said better than no club at all

  9. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    What do you know about Ashley? 

    As I said CK chooses how he is seen.

    You side with who you want, it doesn't mean you are right. ?

    Agree with this ...how is MA getting stick for not paying over the odds for a football club ? I will have a small wager that his valuation is not far off what its worth...something is only worth the value of what someone is willing to pay MA did not rack up this debt and I don't remember him putting St james Park at risk by selling it off or getting loans he could'nt afford against it

    CK would be my option but without the ground is a no go and think we are starting to see that is how it is...so MA buying us for whatever  price he pays if he is succesful  is unfortunately what it is worth......

    If you had 300k in your account to buy a house and it was only valued at 200k...would you expect to have to pay more just because you have it?

    make no bones about it...if MA gets us at the price he thinks is right he WILL not lose money on us and will turn us into an elite club eg prem league at some stage to maximise that.....does anyone think he'd buy us with a view to see us ticking along in league 1?

  10. 8 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    Can we look at this a different way.

    If Derby, for example, went and shared a ground with Burton what would Mel do with the ground.

    Does anyone have a bright ideas.

    I doubt the ground would be given planning permission for redevelopment.


    My own personal view on this is Morris will hold onto it knowing at some point we'd need somewhere to call home...all of this is nothing short of a disgrace by the way...Morris/MSD have got us by the short and curlies and there was Morris leading us to believe that it was for the long term future of our beloved DCFC....cannot see this being resolved unless someone backs down and pays....If I was CK I would not pay another penny after coming in and trying to be our saviour and paying off huge debts not down to his own mis -management

    ...I'm actually numb today and feel as down as I've felt for quite  some time 

  11. How can anyone look at any blame at the council regarding them buying the ground whilst the little weasel Morris is rubbing his hands hoping for some money from PP

    ivw said this before but how on earth is this clown having any say in our future ? But he is …some saying he won’t deal with CK or he prefers MA and will sell at a certain price to MA but not to CK but the council might buy the ground blahdy blahdy blah ….just listen to us fans we are sick to death of all of this and even right at the last knockings …Mel holds the keys to our future …I cannot say just how much I loathe this man….he comes out to tackle gibbo and yet he can’t do a deal with someone who’s willing to pay off all of the debts he’s accrued including the HMRC …still it seems he wants some payment for our football ground!! This man is nothing short of a disgrace and yes we don’t know all of the facts but for pities sake Morris just write it off …sell our ground and home back for a pound or 5 pound who cares but do the bloody right thing …

    council are not to blame nor is CK for not talking to him or anyone else for that matter …this man has been holding the keys to our future for some time now and knew this would be an issue ….just sell it on Morris ffs ???

  12. 1 hour ago, one_chop said:

    I somehow can't see him queuing up in the Neptune on matchday after consuming a full English round the corner in Wetherspoons. If he does it'll only be the once as a token gesture.

    However if he does I'll give him a nudge and wave my half empty glass at him to get me one in.  Another few twists in the saga before the weekend I predict. 

    If he's successful in getting the deal over the line I would  insist on getting CK a drink .....he deserves one!!...but where there's  gratitude there is always the odd idiot who wants a freebie I guess

  13. 6 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    It’s a shame CK won’t deal with MM because it rules out one of the most obvious options, ie a lease from MM to DCFC with some sort of option down the line. 
    But whatever the reason may be, CK is entitled to say that his investment is conditional on MM not being involved going forward so Q just need to work around it. 

    thought CK came across very well on Amanda Solloway’s session- was really  encouraging. Just wish he’d do a little less twittering 

    Think its a breath of fresh air us fans being kept up to date rather than always being in the dark with Morris 

  14. 4 minutes ago, curb said:

    The stadium to be sorted by the time we come out of administration end of May/early June.

    oh ok I thought he meant he wouldn't be owner if Morris still had stadium so if he takes us out of admin what is stopping Morris then asking for silly money for the stadium? holding him/us to ransom ? would be too late then surely thats why I thought he meant it needed sorting before completion and he starts paying bills etc 

  15. 7 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I'm really not. Until we see CK's signature on the SPA (or whatever it is) then I'll keep being concerned about what things might happen. Whilst it might seem obvious what CK is doing perhaps the outcome isn't quite so clear.

    You do seem to think its ok though Roy for Morris to STILL have some influence in our future ...How would you genuinely feel if Morris scuppers this deal because from what I've been reading you think its CK who should be questioned ? a man who at this moment in time is supposedly doing positive things to ensure we survive as a football club 

  16. Just now, RoyMac5 said:

    Because you'd be getting the garden at a cheap price?

    I'd tell the owners to get stuffed...he's left this club in a real mess owing millions but now wants the new saviour who's paying the debts he got us into by poor management ......to pay him rent as well...you couldn't make it up!!!!

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