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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. We played well first half once but  we go a goal down we resort to long ball , they changed it at HT and once they scored we stopped doing what we were good at in the first half ....NML stretches defences and taking him off was  mistake IMO 

    Didzy was poor today but I thought White, Bird and Hourihane bossed the midfield in the first half , second half, please see above !

  2. Some slating Hourihane is laughable IMO

    If we wanted players who will run through brick walls and have constant energy like Knight for example we would not have signed Hourihane at all

    He has scored some good goals and assisted quite a few as well so guess what ? if you take him out I don't think it would help.... He has never been a marauding CM and has value on the pitch for me as long as the other mids balance it out

    To say he is one of the worst signings ever is a joke quite frankly....Mikkel Beck , Bob Malcolm , Derek Hales , Claude Davis , there's plenty of players deserved of that title and Hourihane is not one of them 


  3. Dissapointing to say the least,  we need to get back to some sort of form and hopefully take it into the playoffs if we make them

    I do understand Warne's comments and he said they'll watch it back 

    What i do think is wrong though , is the fact when we are up against it like when we went 0-2 down , our play becomes a bit desperate 

    The amount of aimless crosses or attempts to cross when sometimes you just have to get the ball down and play it on the ground and move the opposition about creating spaces

    We do have players who can do this but the biggest dissapointment for me is that time and time again we resort to what I'd call hit and hope football.

    Yes the players lost out and didn't show enough commitment and desire to be first to the ball and cover the yards to close spaces but we surely can't be relying on pure effort and desire alone ?

    Tactically I think we are quite poor especially against the better sides in this division where you need a bit of guile as well as effort 

    Some criticised Rosenior's style of play and my comment is not meant as a comparison or a who's style was better etc etc but sometimes surely we have to change what we are doing and think of different ways to open teams up and move the opposition around.

    It does seem as some have already alluded to that we seem to have one option of how to play and we kinda stick with that and now and again show we can pass it around and play slightly differently but its only in short spells then we go back to plan A

    I'm not against PW and of course I really want him to succeed and I do like his methods of team bonding and the togetherness he has brought but..... in games where it is not going so well we do need the manager and or coaches to be able to change and tweak certain things and i don't mean just formation changes but changes in how and what we do 

    What I am finding really frustating  after watching us today where we really didn't look like scoring is  the aimless crosses and attacking play then continue to do whats not working , in the hope it will work , rather than altering it .

    yes good players who can keep a ball are capable of of going long of course they are and if its working and  thats the plan then great, but to continue to play those aimless crosses when they have the ability to play more possesion football or up the tempo or overload certain areas of the pitch should be an alternative and I don't see much alternative

    COYR and Warney and coaches we are better than losing at home to Fleetwood !! lets not ignore other capabilities in our squad 


  4. Here is my prediction

    The semi final will be the biggest obstacle IMO and will be tough over two legs but.....

    If we make it to wembley we will win , here's why

    With the experience in our squad of Curtis, Didzy, NML , Hourihane, Fozzy etc etc I think we'd have too much on the big day and the big occasion will be too much for the other contenders who i expect to be there Barnsley , Bolton, and possibly Plymouth i reckon as I think they might blow top two

    I fancy us and our experienced squad in a big one off at wembley against any of the other play off hopefuls , the problem will or might be the semi final so win and get through and we'll be going up .....COYR

  5. I remember the Italian ref Collini responding to a question of why did he think he was one of the best referees and he said regarding penalties DO NOT give a pen unless you are 100 per cent that it is a pen because you're in effect giving a team a goal and if you're not 100 per cent don't give it.

    Funny how players didn't simulate so much when he was in charge of a game because they knew he would not give penalties easily 

    If this stance of ONLY giving a pen if 100 per cent sure was followed it would be a massive step in the right direction

  6. 6 hours ago, angieram said:

    I agree with this and whilst I know Warne has limited options from the bench he could have brought on players who know how to retain the ball and calmed things down.

    Plymouth went to three at the back but again Warne didn't react until we were chasing the game.

    And then he brings on a random assortment of mis-matched subs who don't appear to know what position they're playing. I've never seen such a waste of Sibley's talents. And don't get me started on Collins - I would rather see Cybulski getting the odd sub runout than him. At least Bart knows how to hold up the ball and lay it off without giving away a foul every time! 

    I would like to see Warne take some responsibility in his post-match interviews, rather than just calling out his players. Although I have a certain sympathy where Hourihane is concerned! 

    On the penalty, it should be an automatic three match ban for players who cheat. Until then, players will continue to get away with this shocking play-acting.

    Small consolations. I take no pride (but 5 points) in getting tonight's prediction spot-on. And I'm enjoying a cold beer back at my hotel rather than dodging motorway roadworks and a 4 am return to Derby. I might regret it tomorrow if it snows hard overnight! 

    Plymouth were 3 at the back from the start and we were better side in first half ....agree about the dive

  7. Massive well done to Rams fans who made a real noise there tonight 

    I watched on tv and a few points 

    Korey Smith is a good player but makes the wrong decisions in the final third 

    Barks should’ve done better with the header 

    we desperately lack a pacey striker 

    Dobbin showed naivety when he came on often dribbling for the sake of it and then playing push and run when he just needed to play it 

    Collins when he came on just goes around giving needless free kicks away 

    Jason Knight needs to play further forward in midfield 

    we can still win play offs but we need to be much better but Plymouth were not great at all 

  8. I think before making too many comparisons or judging Thomas it’s also fair to say he will find it easier persuading or targeting certain players when you say Derby County are interested in comparison to Oxford United and that is in no way a slur on OUFC

    There may well be many players more that he has suggested but could nit get them whereas Derby is still a big pull 

    welcome aboard and good luck 

  9. Don't personally see how anyone can watch Wycombe every week with there long ball game ....dreadful to watch 

    Think PW got it wrong taking Roberts off and Sibs unfortunately did not stop the cross for a soft third goal which effectively cost us

    Actually thought Roberts was having a decent game , long way to go and think if we can be brave and go to Plymouth and win we can still catch them 

  10. Get behind Collins and support him through this lean period …the ball isn’t sticking with him I get it but he’s what we have so get behind him as we need him scoring and I don’t see constant criticism as the way to get him firing 

    I’m sure Warne sees the frailties in his game and nothing wrong with us fans having our opinions and all that but it’s been said enough…and he’s all we have and is still capable of goals so let’s get behind him eh?


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