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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. Sibley has not produced much in last couple of seasons and when i've watched him in 23's he didn't stand out for me

    If we could get a fee I'd take it ...he's certainly not worth the 8m someone said on this forum doubt we'd get a million 

    He may well do better in league1 I hope he does if he stays but his discipline leaves a lot to be desired and I'd let him leave if it meant bringing a couple of decent loans in 

  2. 25 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Did Zabaleta get a testimonial? I have no idea. If he didn’t then that kind of proves my point - you don’t need a testimonial to show your appreciation and adulation. 

    I don’t really want this to look like an anti Fozzy opinion, as I say, I like him but I don’t really agree with testimonials in general. Yes he has given us value, so have others, whilst others haven’t but that’s the nature of football. Some signings work out whilst others don’t. He’s played a lot of games for us but paid well for each. As I said in an earlier post, the reasons he’s been here so long is surely because Derby wanted to keep him and it suited him to stay. Contract extensions haven’t been offered and accepted out of a sense of loyalty.

    I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree. If he did have a testimonial I almost certainly wouldn’t come. Not as a protest, I don’t feel that strongly about it, but simply because I wouldn’t be interested enough to travel up from Tamworth. 

    No I've never said give him a testimonial so sorry if i appeared to approve of that Idea as i don't all i meant was that although it's easy to say he earnt this or that its not about the money when classifying if someone is seen as a loyal long serving player whos given us value for money...I guess what I'm trying to say is I think Fozzy is and should be recognised as big part of DCFC and he deserves a good send off and what i mean by that is a standing ovation by us fans and for him to be subbed with say ten to go in his last game so us fans can show our appreciation ....sorry if confused the point

  3. 29 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Again, nothing against Fozzy but why does a player need recognition for being at the club for a long time? Hasn’t he been paid well by DCFC for all those years? The fact that he’s been here through good and bad times is irrelevant as is the fee we paid for him. As I said, he’s stayed here because Derby wanted to keep him and he’s been happy to stay here but he’s not stayed as a favour to the club.

    I don’t think you can really compare any player to Anya by the way but you could compare him to a whole host of other players that give 100%.

    I sincerely hope he stays but not for sentimental reason - simply because I like him and think he can still do a job for Derby. I also hope that when the time comes the fans give him a good send off but it doesn’t have to be by way of a testimonial in my opinion.

    I just think testimonials are an outdated concept (admittedly because players are rarely at the same club long enough now) that belong back in the day when players didn’t earn a vast amount and needed a bit of a financial helping hand when their playing days were over.

    Nothing wrong with a bit of sentiment...we're not robots after all and he's given us value whereas others haven't and I'd be the same for any other player thats played so many games for us

    When I look at the adulation Zabaleta received from the City Fans after several years there that was great to see...he earnt mega money of course he did....but football for me is never about how much a player earns its what he's given on the pitch

  4. On 18/07/2022 at 20:39, Tamworthram said:

    I like Forsyth and hope we keep him but I don't get all this loyalty business on either side. We've kept him because the club has believed he could a job for us and we've not received any offers we can't refuse. He's stayed because he's either not had any better offers or he's settled here and likes it at Derby. Neither side have offered/accepted  contract extensions as a favour or to help the other party out IMO.

    I get what you're saying but when does a player receive recognition then for being at the club for a long time ?

    10 years ? 15 years ? all of his career?......Yes he's been paid for his services so do all players at this level but its got to mean something that Fozzy has been here through the good and bad times and he's had some bad injuries and although at the backend of his career now I think he's been on the whole a decent signing for us and although he's had some poor games he's also had some cracking games.

    We did'nt pay a big fee and he's been with us a long time in todays football world where agents are constantly trying to get you a move to earn more for themselves as well as the player 

    If you compare Fozzy to say Anya .... we have had good value for money with Fozzy and he always gives 100 per cent and 10 years is along time to be at one club.

    I hope we keep him for another year and when he does go i also hope he gets a good send off from the fans 

  5. 12 hours ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Yeh he is good, but you need more than that. Is he better than Chester? No. Better than Davies? No.

    Im not saying he isnt good, im saying he isnt ready to be a regular for us, so if he is going to be 4th choice then maybe its better for him & us if he went on loan to a team where is a regular starter

    Fwiw I think Cashin is good but I get where you’re coming from …he  will be ok in L1 but do worry about his lack of pace against quicker , better strikers 

    I think he’ll do well in L1 but he’s not the quickest or tallest which may hinder his progress to another level 

  6. 3 minutes ago, big bad ram said:

    Watford took Rob Edwards from FGR

    We can't go worrying about losing our manager if hes doing well....I really hope he is sought after as that means he's doing a good enough job to be noticed.

    A contract would only mean compensation if he wanted to go and If he did want to go I hope he'd leave with our blessing

    We will be ok and are a big enough club to never be short of managerial offers and life goes on after players and managers have left....

    To be honest it hasn't taken us long to get over Rooney 

  7. 50 minutes ago, David said:

    Hourihane and his family were out for lunch in a restaurant, bumped into Rosenior, chatted for 10 minutes and now he’s signed. 

    Crazy how these things happen.


    Yes and interesting how influential Liam must be …I genuinely thought it was Rooney being the pull to come here …brilliant signing we get a prolific striker and we are going to do well ??

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