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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. 35 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    You quoted some random person on twitter and came to the same wrong conclusion as the person making the tweet. Q has made it clear Morris has not changed the asking price for PPS, even the Daily Fail says the deal for PPS is all agreed and ready to go. The problem is that CK, who was the highest bidder, hasn't paid up. And Ashley isn't the next highest bidder either.  Ashley has deep pockets but also has short arms.

    Have you ever thought that Morris's asking price is too much ? Nothing to do with Ashley having short arms, its only worth what someone is willing to pay..If CK can't prove or legitimise his funding his bid is worthless...perhaps Ashleys valuation is correct and Morris wont take a hit when he's clearly left DCFC in a mess.....I have no doubt that if Ashley got us we'd be in safe hands and wouldn't be going through this mental torture anytime he was in control....

  2. 4 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Do you actually belive every randon tweet you read on tw@ter? Ed Dawes says Ashley has £28 m in cash waiting to buy the Rams. Fine but that is nowhere near enough which is why ashley is a poor third at best, behind CK (for now), appleby and maybe others too.  

    what is believing random stuff on twitter got to do with my comment?? I dont use twatter....my comment is aimed at how Morris has left us in a mess yet still dictates due to having the ground

  3. 2 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Oh yeah, Morris is a b******.

    Mike Ashley is just a business b******.

    What's going on is business bastardry.

    The only reason Morris wouldn't want a deal with Ashley is Ashley's offering less money. I don't buy that it's personal, sinister or underhanded, he'd be on board with big Mike in a heartbeat if the offer matches CKs.

    Even if Morris was out of the picture entirely, the same business bastardry would be going on.

    Everything that's happening is the result of Mel Morris putting the club in administration. He put it in administration because he didn't want to pay for it any more. Everything is the result of Mel Morris. But this is how it was always going to be. Business insolvency is never pretty.


    Morris said the ground would not be an issue .....it clearly is and the mess is catastrophic by all accounts of anyone trying to sort this mess out...

    Mike Ashley has never left NUFC in administration or sold off the ground ....so don't see any comparison

  4. 4 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Thing is, I just don't buy it that there's some kind of Mel doesn't want it be Ashley game going on in the background. Mel put the club in administration, before that he was prepared to sell it to fakie shakie and Erik Alonso.

    I find Ashley being very sketchy about how much he'll actually pay until he's the only game in town and they have to take his offer far more believable than shady Mel out of personal bitterness is stopping a deal.

    Mel may be having "an" influence but that's going to be "to protect Mel Morris".

    protecting himself whilst putting two fingers up to a club he supposedly loved...? dictating our clubs future from afar trying to get the best deal he can.......after leaving a shambolic mess of a football club which was in a healthy position when he arrived.....thanks Morris ......you just think about yourself!!?.....what about us fans who pay good hard earned money to follow our beloved club...this is heartbreaking it really is ??

  5. We don't know what's happening and we will all be relieved to be hopefully talking about football again one day soon.....but what we do know is.....the delay is not good...we need this done and completed to have any chance of recruiting the players Rooney wants and to give us a chance in league 1....hope it gets sorted very quickly ?

  6. CK did not look too happy yesterday when asked about the Derby deal etc and that to me is normal...even if you are squeaky clean and have nothing to hide no one likes to be investigated and have there money/funds investigated just in case something even minor may turn up i'm guessing

    Whether anyone likes it or not though MA has run a football club given substantial funds to various managers and sold them when as a premier league club and didn't take them into admin or sell the ground and leave the club in dissaray so I fail to see any evidence of MA being a bad owner of our Football Club and as someone has already said how do we know we'll get a -15 point start if he gets us ?

    Would people change there mind if MA said I'm going to buy the club start on 0 points , give the same budget to Rooney that CK was going to give him ? because he may well do that ......MA will not buy DCFC and leave it floundering in League1 or the Championship for that matter when the big bucks is to made by getting to the Prem....

  7. 12 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Which bit? Kirchner's bid results in the most money going to creditors, otherwise he wouldn't have been PB. We know Kirchner's bid won't result in a points deduction next season, whereas Ashely's will. Faced with a 15 point deduction, we'll find it harder to keep players and harder to recruit. If Kirchner isn't the new owner, it's highly likely Rooney will walk, meaning player retention and recruitment is even harder.

    I think what he meant was will the money arrive within days ? no one can know this I'm guessing at this juncture...all the rest I agree with but If this doesn't get resolved quick we are in big trouble and won't even have a team for the opening game 

  8. CK has already mentioned the 31 was significant in the fact the EFL have there own deadlines etc but I don't hear the EFL being concerned....I 100 per cent think this will get done

    This has always been a  convoluted jigsaw and its still not sorted and this week was not the best or easiest to move money because of the bank holidays etc ...but how is it a major drama ??

    The time to worry if is this still isn't completed in a weeks time but it will go ahead and CK has said to celebrate so chill out and do not worry

  9. I hope that CK takes himself off if social media if only to stop reading inane rubbish from intolerant idiots …give the bloke a break ffs …it’s embarrassing reading some of the nonsense on there …he has been true to his word so far and having 25 lawyers tells you what an utter mess and shambles this club has been left in and Chris Kirchner is our saviour …now ffs to all those morons asking daft questions give it a rest !!!

  10. Just now, S8TY said:

    I also thought,,,why is it when we get the final we have to play QPR and Villa who were both big spending and favourites to go up rather than Uddersfield Town who look as interesting as a bucket of poo to watch....yaaawn...

    Also didn't like the constant whingeing from the terriers players especially Holmes! ?and thought Luton were unlucky not to beat them ...but I'd have taken us to have beaten any of them with the first side we went to wembley with COYR


  11. 27 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Everyone thought that about QPR when we smashed Brighton.

    I also thought,,,why is it when we get the final we have to play QPR and Villa who were both big spending and favourites to go up rather than Uddersfield Town who look as interesting as a bucket of poo to watch....yaaawn...

    Also didn't like the constant whingeing from the terriers players and thought Luton were unlucky not to beat them ...but I'd have taken us to have beaten any of them with the first side we went to wembley with COYR

  12. 1 hour ago, jimtastic56 said:

    I know what you mean , but we will need every penny we can get in season ticket money , from whoever. I will be happy when I hear our youngsters are signing contracts, and let’s not unleash hell on Mel till the ground ownership is sorted.

    he should receive a lifetime ban from PP as should Gibson both should be hand delivered ....both of them are not welcome.!!!



    once we own the ground again lol 

  13. 9 minutes ago, Dave Mackay Ate My Hamster said:

    You hear about so many businesses that are bought for a nominal £1, including football clubs, I think that's pretty much where we are. Anyone who's willing to spend £30m to pay off Mel's debts is just doing it as a vanity project.

    We're worthless with the amount of debt we're shouldering. And without a stadium, less than that.

    The only equity is in acquiring the stadium on the cheap.

    On a prospective turnover of approx £6m-£10m next year, most of that will be swallowed up in wages and additional costs. There'll be no profit in that turnover for any prospective investor.

    I'm amazed anyone would consider paying anything near £30m for our club, especially without a stadium. The only upside is getting the ground at a discount - circa £20m , then borrowing against it's true value, prob £45m max in the current climate. I think that was CK's strategy for raising future funds. A future guarantee of buying at £20m but leveraging debt against the higher figure to generate funds.

    I think Mel has made us unsellable at the current £30m to buy the club + £20m odd million to buy the stadium.

    Our only hope to avoid oblivion is for MA to pay peanuts for the what's left, and getting the only real asset - the stadium for around £20m or less.

    That's what he does. That's the reality of our parlous financial position sadly.

    All of which you say makes very grim reading …so sad …Morris should never ever have split the ground from the club …the man is an utter buffoon and I do not know how that man sleeps at night 

  14. 1 minute ago, Gaspode said:

    But that doesn't explain why we were told two more days to sort out the ground and yet still no deal - if CK can't afford it, then he's the wrong person to be buying the club as we'll just stagnate.

    If Morris is blocking him from buying the ground that's a completely different scenario....but we need to know which it is as one or the other has caused yet another deadline to be missed....

    I don't get the impression Gaspode that its to do with funds but more the complexity of dotting the I's and crossing the T's going by CK's statement over the weekend ...I don't think its a quick process...even buying a house takes time I've bought one and completed in 2 weeks but that was because was virtually a building site 

  15. 1 minute ago, Gaspode said:

    As it now looks (despite all the assurances) that CK won't be able to complete the deal today, I think he needs to set out why he can't buy the ground and why it seems to be dependent on someone else to step in - can't he afford it or is it simply that won't Morris sell to him?

    we've been through this before but why would anyone want to spend 23m and give to Morris so he can walk away and oh by the way thanks for stepping in and paying oof a large percentage of the DEBT morris ran up...Morris is a joke and worst ever thing to ever happen to this glorious football club

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