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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. I think Tom gets some unwarranted what seems like hatred on here I think he’s a good player and when speaking to opposition fans are always glad if he’s not playing but for me I do find his decision making at times frustrating 

    if losing Tom would allow us to sign Hourihane Collins and Mcgoldrick I would accept that ….but still think he’s a good player albeit frustrating at times 

  2. Sibley does need to be more disciplined on the pitch and thought Rooney would be good for him but don't think Wayne trusted him

    What worries me is if Sibley can't reign it in a bit with Rooney being manager will Rosenior be able to instill some discipline into his game will Liam get the respect of Sibley to actually control himself a bit because there is a player in there but no good if he's suspended or causing us to go down to ten men ....big season for him this one and think L1 is where we will see him hopefully at his best 

    He is another player who needs to buckle down and show what he can do but if hes not trusted he is another player i can see moving on 

  3. I agree that mcgoldrick will be a decent signing but if we could find a young lower league striker from here or abroad I think it’ll help as we do need someone like a Bobby Davison or an Alan Biley type player who are goalscorers im yet to be convinced by Stretton  or maybe look at a loan from prem 

  4. We all owe Mr Clowes for acting and saving our football club and as I’ve said before his name should be sung loud and proud before kick off against Oxford 

    I also think although he saved us he will not be a long term owner unless it’s sustainable or he gets good investment and could still sell us lock stock ans barrel to someone like MA in the future 

    but his part in saving us is just amazing …his statement said it all …something needed to be done ans he’s done it …so if you read these forums Mr Clowes Thankyou very much !!!

    Thousands  of Derby fans will sleep better tonight ??


  5. 1 hour ago, Curtains said:

    I think the takeover will go through .

    I think David Clowes is doing an unbelievable thing for us Rams Fans. 

    Home to a Oxford I hope we sing his name loud and non stop until kick off …

    The fact we probably won’t know any of our team makes it an even better idea ?

    shout his name from the rooftops deserves ever bit of praise going for saving our great football club 

  6. A parasite and  a ponce thats what he is....Wycombe Wanderers !! a club that will never be anything yet continue to try and pretend they actually have a case...Must admit He'd change his tune if MA was at the helm ( not advocating it ) because I'm sure Mike Ashley would make him look what he is ...a two bob chancer...when the f*** does this all stop! ?

  7. 1 hour ago, TomG said:

    A massive week coming up for the club regarding ownership.  Also a week where it will test Liam Rosenior's powers of persuasion.

    This is a good point....Although Liam R maybe a good coach,  Rooney I do think would've been a massive pull for players who are not sure if L1 football is for them.

    We do need an influential manager who can galvanise the team yet be a big influence on players deciding whether to join us 

    I've said before I don't think it will hurt Rosenior to carry on as assistant but get an experienced head in for Liam to also learn off of 

    Mowbray would therefore be ideal or Warburton who got Brentford playing some great stuff but think he's now gone to westham and probably out of our reach

  8. 5 hours ago, alram said:

    he should be great full we gave him a chance when nobody else would. he needs to grow up and stop jumping from club to club and settle down here.


    repay the loyalty shown ravel.

    Why are you saying he needs to grow up??

    At this present time we can't offer him bugger all whilst other clubs could offer him maybe a 2 or 3 year deal

    He also has to look out for himself and his family....if your job was maybe, maybe not being renewed and another longer offer came along would you not think it tempting to take what is actually on the table ?

  9. It will be Rosenior for sure because looking/interviewing/finding the money for a new manager takes time, time which we really don't have so surely it will be Liam

    But....would we have considered him if he hadn't been here as assistant?

    I don't think he's what we're looking for and seems like we are settling for Rosenior rather than him being the right person this also shows where we are when we are considering him to manage a club of our magnitude in his first managerial job

    I would like to see a new manager with experience of this division and leave rosenior as assistant , that manager for me is Tony Mowbray as Mark Warburton is now at westham

  10. 1 minute ago, Jourdan said:

    We have lots of options. It really depends on the direction that the new ownership group want to go in.

    You forgot to add if we want an ex manager then we’ll go down the Clough Jewell or Phil Brown route 

    if we want to go down the never managed route then John Terry or even myself 

    if we want to go down the best dressed route then maybe Gareth Ainsworth 

    I was just being or trying  to be funny so apologies mate as no offence intended as your best route options doesn’t answer the question just gives multitude of options lol 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    It really depends on what route we would like to go down.

    If we want an internal appointment, Wassall is the obvious choice.

    If we want someone young, fresh and up-and-coming, Evatt at Bolton and Taylor at Exeter would fit the bill.

    If we want someone experienced and out-of-work, Mowbray would make a lot of sense.

    If we want someone who has revived a club in a fairly similar position, I’d go for Mark Robins. The job he’s done at Coventry has been superb.

    Your point is??

  12. 1 minute ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Wayne Rooney was the highest paid manager in the Championship.

    It’s a shame he has gone. But, could the financial aspect be part of it?

    Why have him in charge when we could have somebody like Tony Mowbray on a quarter of his wages?

    It’s going be the same goal anyway. Promotion.

    Mowbray no thanks but I do get your points …Warburton would be my choice 

  13. 55 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Morris pulling the f'ing strings again? So sick of him and his f'ing legacy!

    Totally agree …how can this utter clown and useless former owner who left us in deep deep convuluted trouble still have some say ffs!!! If rather have Morgan or MA but someone who clown Morris wants …I’d tell them no chance …Morris has to be the most loathsome character I’ve ever come across even worse than Maxwell 

  14. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Lol. Nice try, but he'll have plenty of transfer info for us - well if we get our 40 players that is! ?

    Like ….”yes but other clubs interested” or “he’s one of many players Derby are interested in”

    “He may join he may not “

    “negotiations to be done”

    ”Rooney wants to bring players in”

    yaaaaaaaaawn yep can’t wait Roy lol ? 

    still at least it looks like we’ll have a club for him to spin his crap about ??

  15. Yep I bet n

    13 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    They also stated 'best and final' so maybe that's why no-one has bid yet?

    More nothings spun by Nixon:


    yep I bet he sits up all night trying to think of cryptic crap but within 5 words to make us beleive he’s in the know …be glad when he bores off ? 

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