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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. Makes me laugh some of the comments, Warne may or may not be right for DCFC but he is a nice bloke and friendly and there is no pleasing some.....making friends with Klopp could lead to a loan or two who knows and I for one don't think you get much from life in general by  being nasty or un-friendly.

    He's not my choice as manager and I certainly don't agree with some of the tactics etc but football apart  he seems like a thoroughly decent bloke 

  2. A couple of mates of mine at work said they watched the Torquay game and could not believe how bad Derby County have become ….because of me they watch out games if on tv and I think they both have fair assessments of the game in general …

    Also my Charlton mates at work STH said after the 1-0 win against us …we will be top 3 because we outplayed them and ripped them open but just didn’t score …his text he showed me at HT to his dad was “we are getting torn a new one here” !!

    LR should’ve been given time to get it right imo until Christmas at least …but it’s neither here nor there now anyways enough said hope Warne turns it round 

  3. 2 hours ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    We saw a lot of dross under Liam too...it was a different and duller type however...zzzzz

    So let’s give Warne time to turn the dross we are seeing into something a bit better or maybe should’ve stuck with the so called dross from LR and given him time ….I don’t want to see the sort of football I’ve been watching since Warnes arrival …we are better than that and yet all of a sudden we are a medoicre league 1 side ….don’t expect our time in league 1 to end anytime soon …give me controlling the game anytime over end to end basketball 

  4. I like Paul Warne I really do he comes across as a nice bloke and I don’t blame him for taking the job but how can anyone say we’ve improved or it was the right decision is beyond me 

    yes before the anti Liam mob bring up the fact that we didn’t score or win away from home etc etc I’m going to reiterate that with Liam in charge I think most of us would’ve bought into the tough journey ahead that we had….LR was always going to have ups and downs but I believe the players he brought in albeit some journeymen were supportive of how we would play 

    yes there were bumps but I firmly believe LR would’ve got us in and around the top 6 no more or probably no less than PW but at least with his past couple of seasons being one of us through the bad times I think we as fans would’ve bought into the journey more 

    I’m afraid I can’t get behind the dross I’m seeing at times at the moment and still think appointing Warne was a mistake even though I really like the man ….

  5. 14 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Or even at League 1 level can't pass the ball and runs into dead-ends. We were lucky they fouled him for the penalty.

    It’s clear you like Osulla and don’t like Dobbin Roy as you keep banging the Ossula drum !!

    Ossula showed how green he is last night and to be honest we need better than him and Dobbin does flatter to deceive but at least showed last night he can cause problems …if I was Warne I’d not worry if both went back to there clubs in January but think Dobbin would be more of a loss …im hoping Warne has some better players in mind for January 

  6. Under Billy Davies  I can't say I really enjoyed the football at times but it was organised and got results so of course as fans we remember the euphoria of gaining promotion but....Billy and his methods were limited to a degree, he could not cut it in the prem for sure as was out of his depth, IMO he bottled it in the prem and his football and ideas were just not going to cut it in a higher league he was a championship manager at best.

    I think PW has been brought in to get us out of L1 and even if that does not happen until next season I'm not sure whatever he builds will be particularly sustainable in the championship if he thinks like a Rotherham manager!

    I know his Rovrum side were doing well but I just don't see it working here if he adopts his previous ideas with a certain limitation of what to expect as our expectations are different but saying that i do like his honesty and interviews and just really hope he sees the oppurtunity here to build a good side but not having the underdog mentality rather thinking we can dictate games because we can attract a better calibre of player than Rovrum ( no direspect intended ) 

    at this moment in time we do have square pegs in round holes and he is not stupid enough to think that can continue as it is with the results and performances as performances do mirror results..... usually !

    If he is to succeed here and i think he could he would have to be more flexible than he has currently shown and that is the  concern...no one is expecting NML or Barks to be amazing wing Backs so don't expect that of two players who can hurt the opposition when we are struggling generally to score enough goals 

    Be brave and go for it in games especially at home because having just Osula and Dobbin as strikers with Collins out seems to lightweight to me so change it to 433 and have NML and Barks or Sibs attacking as 3 rather than two young kids being put under pressure to get goals when both have hardly played senior level pro football 

    I really hope PW succeeds as he does seem a decent bloke but he will know this is not good enough with this group of players and should be doing better so its his job to get the best out of what he has until he can change certain things...but he has to think like a Derby County manager not a Rovrum Manager or the fans will get restless because expectations are very different and he will know that hopefully 

  7. 25 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    I think most managers would try to see if their style works in a new job and then adjust accordingly.

    In an ideal world, he would have had a pre season to do that, but he arrived a fifth into the season. So can he be blamed for trying to make his mark? I am not sure it’s fair at this stage. 15 games in, I could see your point.

    Will he make changes? Will he adjust? Time will tell.

    If he is as switched on as his interviews suggest, we should see evidence of what he has learnt about his players and how suitable his style is in the next 5-10 games.

    By the end of the year, it will be much clearer whether Warne, the players, the club are a good fit.

    At the same time, the fans have to be open to a different way. Many are not, so Warne is essentially fighting a losing battle with much of the fanbase.

    a different way is never questioned when its working but its not....that is what i'm saying DCFC is very different to his previous job and thats a fact, we dont go into many games thinking we are underdogs and have the pull of  being able to attract a better player so use the better players more accordingly and think like a Derby manager perhaps go 433 at home and dont expect kids like Osula and Dobbin to produce when theyre relatively green still ...at home we have been very very dissapointing that is a fact

  8. 28 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    A painful watch?

    Or perhaps having missed the luxury of pre-season, Warne is having to learn about his players in competitive games and perhaps realising at a club like ours, there is no room for error or sentiment.

    Many Derby fans are wedded to the idea of attacking, possession based football. Others can see the positives of different types of football. Personally I loved the Billy Davies promotion season equally as much as the McClaren and Burley years.

    Perhaps if we keep an open mind, we can see in the fullness of time whether appointing Warne was a good idea or not.

    You mentioned Billy Davies and I can't say I really enjoyed the football at times but it was organised and got results so of course as fans we remember the euphoria of gaining promotion but....Billy and his methods were limited to a degree, he could not cut it in the prem for sure as was out of his depth, IMO he bottled it in the prem and his football and ideas were just not going to cut it in a higher league he was a championship manager at best.

    I think PW has been brought in to get us out of L1 and even if that does not happen until next season I'm not sure whatever he builds will be particularly sustainable in the championship if he thinks like a Rotherham manager!

    I know his Rovrum side were doing well but I just don't see it working here if he adopts his previous ideas with a certain limitation of what to expect as our expectations are different but saying that i do like his honesty and interviews and just really hope he sees the oppurtunity here to build a good side but not having the underdog mentality rather thinking we can dictate games because we can attract a better calibre of player than Rovrum ( no direspect intended ) 

    at this moment in time we do have square pegs in round holes and he is not stupid enough to think that can continue as it is with the results and performances as performances do mirror results..... usually !

    If he is to succeed here and i think he could he would have to be more flexible than je has currently shown and that is the current concern...no one is expecting NML or Barks to be amazing wing Backs so don't expect that of two players who can hurt the opposition when we are struggling generally to score enough goals 

    Be brave and go for it in games because having just Osula and Dobbin as strikers with Collins out seems to lightweight to me so change it to 433 and have NML and Barks or Sibs attacking as 3 rather than two young kids being put under pressure to get goals when both have hardly played senior level pro football 

    I really hope PW succeeds as he does seem a decent bloke but he will know this is not good enough with this group of players and should be doing better so its his job to get the best out of what he has until he can change certain things...but he has to think like a Derby County manager not a Rovrum Manager or the fans will get restless because expectations are very different and he will know that hopefully 


  9. 18 minutes ago, Will Hughes Hair said:

    On an exciting night at Pride Park my personal highlight was my annual purchase of a Bovril.

    I’m not a big fan but once a year or so I succumb to the idea of a beefy hot beverage. It was mediocre but still a highlight.

    I thought you’d want to know.

    I thought you might have bought a cup of the beefy brew for ol Trampie as its getting a bit chilly now...warm up his ol cockles 

  10. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    He doesn't need to put in a 'hard tackle', he judges the play and puts his foot in to intercept wonderfully.

    Hourihane just gets in his way - ask me what he does!

    wake up man .....he is so  lightweight and has no pace ....he needs to be tougher and dominate more , I'm not saying he doesnt have potential but please stop saying how woeful Hourihane is because he WAS at least contributing goals before PW arrived Bird does very little I'm afraid he/we need a bruiser in there we are too lightweight in Midfield full stop !

  11. Just now, RoyMac5 said:

    He wants to be a manager, how do you think he'd take to being made to have his hand held?

    why do you always see things negatively ? He didn't need his hand held but maybe some help would'nt have hurt unless he didn't want any help who knows? But to rip it all up seems strange , could've had experience like when Harry came in to help or was that holding someones hand too ?

  12. On 21/10/2022 at 22:33, IslandExile said:

    I don't usually like the wrist slashers' comments immediately after a game but this time, I'm going to become one.

    I had my doubts about Warne's style of play as he was joining us but those fears have just been strengthened further ever since.

    Sure he seems a likeable enough guy (compare with wee Billy for example) and he wears a funny sparkling bobble hat.

    But, from the little I've seen of Derby since his appointment, and including the full game against Ipswich tonight, if that's Warneball, then nah, no thanks.

    Sure, he doesn't have the players to play the style he wants but each of the managers since Lampard could equally say that. For that reason, I'm willing to forego results and a promotion challenge this season.

    But I would like to see a stylish, attacking form of football that I don't think we will ever see under Paul Warne. Whether that be in League One or if we get promoted back to the championship.

    Fighting for every ball, being organised and productive at set pieces is important but it's not everything. This is meant to be the 'beautiful game' and Warneball just isn't beautiful.

    (and it doesn't create that many more chances)


    I too don't want to seem like I'm against PW because I want to see him and the team flourish but instead of getting rid of LR would'nt it have been an idea to have got an experienced coach or former manager to help him rather than thinking it was all broken ?

    I've just watched Notts County v Maidstone United in the National league or 5th tier of our game and Notts County really do play some great fast energetic possesion based fast flowing attacking football without it looking like its too industrious

    Its taken them to the top of a very competitive league but I was quite taken aback with how well they press and control the game with intent and bravery on the ball I really hope they go up playing this way

    I'm not going to outright condone Warne's style and I'm talking mainly about his tenure at Rovrum but i still think Liam's methods with a bit of a tweak here and there would've given us a greater chance of success and longevity in a higher division should we get there

    I know we have to get there first but I just hope its not a long arduous journey where we have to sit through games like Friday night thats all I am saying.

    I still firmly believe in keeping the ball and controlling games and although it was tedious at times under Liam I still think success would have come with a tweak and maybe a bit of help from an experienced head at the club

    Of course I wish Mr Warne well and hope it was an inspired choice by Mr Clowes to bring him in but the early signs are he's not prepared to be flexible and change away from 352 when we just don't have the players to suit that

  13. 22 hours ago, alram said:

    you surely either do it in the summer or give LR more time?


    things werent great under LR but it was his side that he was building. we won't have a huge budget so will have to work with what we have got. just a bit puzzled by the timing for me, i can't imagine the players were enthused about his sacking.

    You’re right they weren’t great under LR just like they’re not now …so time will tell but don’t like the fact we offered very little against Ipswich 

  14. 8 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    People are kidding themselves if they think that tonight would have been any better under Rosenior.

    The truth is that it was a poor game that was won and lost on individual battles, not tactics or style of play. On another day we might have ground out a 0-0 and moved on to the next.

    Ipswich are the quintessential League 1 team. They are capable of mixing it up. They know when to play and when to scrap and they demonstrated this to reasonable effect tonight. They have a blend of physicality, bite, power, athleticism, size and speed that allows them to be highly competitive, but in real terms, they only scored through an absolute gift.

    For us, it’s still a time of discovery and understanding what we can do and what we cannot in the current parameters. Warne didn’t cover himself in glory tonight and that performance will have certainly fanned the flames of discontent. However he’s learning about these players all the time and tonight will have told him a lot.

    Bird and Sibley never got going. Osula and Dobbin barely got a sniff. We are hugely reliant on young players and in truth, we needed all of them to be on it to win tonight and all four of them got comfortably dealt with in their match ups. It will likely happen again in the weeks and months ahead if we choose to count on them.

    Wildsmith, Cashin, Chester and Smith were all solid, but it matters little when the other seven miss the mark so greatly. Mendez-Laing and Barkhuizen offered no quality or composure, a problem that was rampant across the team and ultimately magnified with Davies who made the match-turning mistake.

    What worries me is that for everyone saying we should be a footballing side, there was little evidence of anything that is synonymous with a footballing side. That doesn’t disappear in the space of 4-5 weeks. You either have it or you don’t.

    What we might have to come to terms with is that this squad doesn’t really suit any particular style and that in fact, many of them are not as good as we build them up to be.

    You’re right in some areas but for me wrong in others …. I don’t think any team in league1 would fancy having NML running at them all game but here’s a thing let’s make him wing back so he spends more time in our half …barks is a good player also not a wingback Bird makes the odd pass and he’s a class act in some peoples eyes ..he’s a good player yes but needs taking out of the side now and again …we missed Knight of course and we are a bit of a mish mash in terms of where we are with our newly formed squad but this is where I just don’t get it …why bring a manager in and expect him to make a team play like his previous team with essentially very different players …IMO our team is 433 all day long with NML and Barks and I can’t see Didzy playing much so why get him at all? We need to un earth some young ish talent or this side will not make promotion and Davies has been immense but I feel for him because we need legs and I’d play Roberts 

    I just feel that although we all got excited by our new signings we are desperately short of what Warne wants so he has to adapt and change the 352 because last night made me feel quite sad seeing us basically offering very little against a side that I think are decent but should not be that far in front of us that we don’t offer some decent shots on target …long season ahead and we go again 

  15. 2 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

    What does Max Bird actually do. 

    That's the million dollar question rather than is Warne the right man for the job. 

    I’ve  got to say that young Max is very ineffective lacks pace and strength and needs taking out I’d go as far to say Tommo looked brighter than him when he came on some on here moan about Hourihane but if we played 3 in midfield smith hourihane and knight get my vote ...Bird does not score nowhere near enough for a midfielder and tonight was poor at least Hourihan will get some goals 

    also we look dreadfully short up top I could not understand taking Dobbin off who has pace to stretch the defence Didzy looked very laboured to me 

    surely it must be an idea to go 433 and get NML in the opposition  half more I bet anyone playing us are glad he spends so much time in his own half 

    sorry to say we look short in a lot of areas but praise to Cashin Smith Wildsmith  and Chester who I thought were good tonight but going forward e don’t look like scoring many ...concerning times and tonight was a reality check I’m afraid ? 


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