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Posts posted by S8TY

  1.  I suppose the international break was the time to do this if true but still shocking ....and have we got Warne lined up ? seems difficult to believe , is he even a good choice as Rotherham don't play the most attractive football shall we say certainly not possesion based so would be a strange choice 

  2. Its sad but with Bielik its always " hope he does well in the  future when fit and has a run of games " and is then  repeated time and time again when he gets injured

    its a shame as he is a good player but un-fortunately no player is valuable if always injured and looking ahead to what might be


    And if I was Max Bird I'd be talking to my agent already. Good players don't become bad players overnight, unless they aren't being used correctly.



    How is Max Bird being used incorrectly ? He's been poor simple as that as well as Hourihane but both are playing in there preffered position whereas Knight isn't 

  4. Nothing wrong with possesion football if there's an end result and there isn't and we don't score enough goals 

    Cashin seems to evade criticism but he's been poor lately and needs dropping, yes he makes some good blocks but he has no pace and his header last night for the second was poor as well as getting beaten easily for Plymouth goal with Davies and Cash we play so deep and with a bit more pace in Central defence we could push up more and condense the play in  the oppositions half

    Knight has to play in central Mid and Bird needs leaving out for a while, also I really don't see why we brought in a total rookie in Ossula ? and not getting a RB in seems crazy

    There must've been better options than Ossula surely as goals are a massive problem for us , team needs a shake up and if possible I'd go with this team next time 

    wildsmith, smith,davies,chester,roberts,knight,hourihane,rooney,barks,collins.NML

  5. 5 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    He will have to control the ball first.

    The more desperate he becomes to score the less likely it looks.

    It’s almost cruel. 

    Hope he gets one and that it’s a cracker. It might relax him.

    Collins really did look like his confidence had gone before being subbed on saturday but he works his socks off....I really hopee he gets one and then relaxes because i still think he can score  a few this season 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Does that mean no one is allowed to comment on games unless the post reads like a hagiography of LR and his team selection and match tactics?

    Apart from one or two extreme views which I'm excluding from this then the status quo seems to be as long as we take into account the war in Ukraine global warming and the rail strikes then after that any perceived form of even minor criticism against the manager is totally unacceptable.

    So tell me what would you want done exactly ? is it tactics that is causing us to have 27 shots or not ? we haven't taken those chances but we will we are only a few games into a new season with a new squad and I'm pleased with how cohesive we look after just a few games together and very little pre season 

  7. 1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Does that mean no one is allowed to comment on games unless the post reads like a hagiography of LR and his team selection and match tactics?

    Apart from one or two extreme views which I'm excluding from this then the status quo seems to be as long as we take into account the war in Ukraine global warming and the rail strikes then after that any perceived form of even minor criticism against the manager is totally unacceptable.


  8. 44 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Can we not comment until 10 games in then?

    Or can we re-assess after 10 games?

    I thought we were poor and very underwhelming in first 10 games under Jim Smith and fans made it known then , we were not playing teams off the park like we have done this season away from home ( except for Charlton second half which i thought was poor ) but over analysing it sometimes can cause more problems ...Hourihanes comments say it all really, the team know we are not taking our chances but we will and when we score first other teams will open up more to get back into the game and thats where we'll end up winning by 2 or 3 

  9. 4 hours ago, angieram said:

    But scoring is a habit, we need to do everything we can to get into this habit before the mould is set for the season. 

    good points but are you saying that this "mould" as you call it will continue for the season??

    because of a couple of games where we've missed chances?

    We are creating and dominating and the goals will come 100% that is for sure

    The time to worry is when we are not dominating and creating...judging by the reactions to our start to the season I can only imagine the massive meltdown by some on here if we dont dominate and create , if we'd been outplayed and somehow scraped  a 1-0 would fans be happy ? because that wouldn't be sustainable ...dominating possesion and creating chances as City show brings rewards so a bit of patience and we'll be fine 

    Some ( not you ) are reacting like we have made a poor start....lets look again after 10 games and see how we are doing as I have faith that our play and dominance will result in more wins than losses 

  10. 2 hours ago, Magicman said:

    Dobbin is an U21 level lad who has a lot to learn & prove . Reminds me of the time we took Lingard on loan and he never impressed me. 

    Fair enough thats your opinion but Lingaard had already been out on  loan at a couple of clubs i believe Brighton and was it Birmingham before he came to us  ?  where he had a good spell... i agree he was dissapointing for us though

    no comparison really Lingaard was much more experienced 

  11. 4 hours ago, Magicman said:

    NML has,  so has Barkhuzien .... just not seen anything in his outings to suggest otherwise ok.

    Both players you mention are experienced players in the championship Dobbin is a kid who's here to get experience and hopefully learn something....he's not at a prem league club because he's crap so give the young kid a chance.to settle and get some decent game time ..wow! some people are unreal !!

  12. 4 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Interesting chat. If true, I apologise to those Derby fans who were so obliterated before the game, I assumed had ran on the pitch!

    If its true though surely he would be known to Charlton but apparently did a similar thing at Palace dressed as some sort of ultra ?? no idea??

    ...what I do know though is ....... the bloke is an absolute bell !!

  13. On 06/08/2022 at 20:15, ariotofmyown said:

    A couple? You obviously aren't a real fan. Proper fans get totally obliterated before the game even starts. Much more enjoyable day, but who knows how they get home!

    On the train that got to Charlton about half 2, a wasted Derby fan starting giving another quiet Derby fan loads of stick. I think it started off as banter, buy then he got aggro for some reason.

    Eventually, an older fan who (I think) was with think smashed Ram, came over and was rightly having a go at him for being an idiot. This prompted another random smashed fan in a Stone Roses style hat to come over and almost start on the older guy, I presume because he didn't realise he was a Derby fan.

    Pretty embarrasing and almost got stuck on the train at Charlton Station as it was about to properly kick off. Fortunately, people getting off the train diffused the situation.

    Pretty embarrassing and I doubt the 2 drunkest fans will even remember this, let alone the game. Was surprised that the fool who ran on the pitch BEFORE the game wasn't one of these two. What a day out he had. Saw no football, will probably be fined and not allowed to go to games again. Plus called a W****r by the whole of the away end.

    Unfortunately I work quite local to Charlton and was on nights so went straight to work from the game and had to put up with the footy banter from Charlton fans at work 

    One of whom showed me the text sent at 15:15 to one of his mates saying " we are proper getting torn a new one here! " so that kinda summed up how the first half was going and how dominant we were even though we somehow lost!! to a pretty crap team IMO ( I did say this as well as I'm pretty straight talking lol ) 

    Now apparently the idiot who came on the pitch waving the corner flag might be  known to the Charlton fans i spoke to last night and said it wasn't the first time it had happened its also happened at a couple of other games where a fan comes on and waves the corner flag...they seem to think its the same bloke who carries out some sort of protest but of course they could be wrong and someone may know him on this forum

    Yep my train to the ground had a group of Charlton fans who were goading literally everyone on the train because there were about ten of them ( all about 18/19 ) giving it large and had a shandy or two but can bet not one of them wouldve said a word if not mob handed 

    I've never liked that side of football if i'm honest I've attended literally hundreds of Derby and England matches and although i love the pub and the football I dislike the stupid element who can't handle there pop and all of a sudden think wearing a stone island top makes them hard lol....

  14. 9 hours ago, Lincs Ram said:

    Also travelling down on my own from Lincolnshire. If you want some company over a few beers, I'm heading for 'The George' just South of London Bridge Station on the main A3, I'll be there about 1215. Sure there will be lots of Rams in the pubs around that area/Borough Market. 

    Hi mate I've only just read your message  but defo catch up another game for a couple of cheeky ones before the game 

  15. Can't believe we lost that game to a very poor side IMO

    yes we should've been out of sight by HT but second half we started poorly and let them get into the game

    I did'nt understand why Hourihane ended up on the left until Fozzy came on and why NML didn't switch to that side with 20 to go...it feels like we've been league oned !! because they were not good yet got 3 points.

    Great support today except the clown during the minute's applause .....but we need to learn quickly

    Big miss by  Knight with his header and although Cashin did well did get caught a couple of times with pace 

    We will hopefully push on from this ....I personally feel that we need a midfield enforcer who's going to enable Hourihane the time to play because he is a quality player.....COYR

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