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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. Off the list of freebies I’d take a punt on Wickham but on a pay as you play structure …he gets injured too much and I’d structure it so a bonus for promotion and per goal and how many he plays 

    no point whatsoever having a player on the treatment table for rest of the season and getting paid big wages for the privilege but out of all of the names he’d be the one I’d go for 


  2. 7 hours ago, Steve How Hard? said:

    I'm not sure if you've mistakenly quoted me but none of your questions/statements actually relate to what I was implying. ?

    No sorry I was merely pointing out that Martin or any player for that matter might not be the best around the squad if not picked it wasn’t a dig at you 

  3. Considering PW stated he would like a striker in hes probably as disappointed as us ….I’d be more concerned if he wasn’t after a striker but I trust Warne, if it wasn’t right he wouldn’t sign someone he’s already said as much 

    my big fear is same as everyone else’s and would hate to be going to a Wembley play off final with both Didzy and Collins injured if that were to happen 

    perhaps it wouldn’t hurt at this point onwards to get off of Collins back a bit and encourage and support him as confidence is everything especially as a striker and do think negativity in the crowd can get to players so let’s get behind him ??

  4. 2 hours ago, Steve How Hard? said:

    I think therein could be the problem and this isn't with Martin exclusively in mind. . Warne is probably well aware that Collins could upset the apple cart in terms of team spirit if he's suddenly out of the picture. Collins does come across as a sulker. 

    How do you know that CM wouldn’t be a sulker if not picked ? 
    Towards end here Martin wasn’t the happiest on the pitch and I trust PW

    We should not just sign anyone the personality of the player is also important as just one player could upset the harmony sometimes 

    Warne wanted a striker and if he didn’t sign one there’s a good reason and I trust Warne 

  5. What I also really like about PW is the fact that recruiting players appears to be going through him.

    Plenty of clubs adopt this policy where a director of football or someone looks and recruits whereas the comments from Warne strongly indicate he has the choice and thats how it should be.

    He commented on the recent CB who was offered and has also mentioned the calibre of player and personality he desires at the club

    I like this approach , not someone else buying players with good stats but the Manager looking at a players personality and playing attributes and judging if he would fit in, also saying that money will not be spent if it is not a player who will fit in. and make us better.

    A lot of clubs don't use this approach but I for one think this is the way to go.


  6. On 11/01/2023 at 11:48, Hans Datdo-Dishes said:

    That Goddard goal...one of my all-time favourites. Never tire of seeing it.

    Me too..best partnership I've ever seen for us IMO Saunders and Goddard  just worked so well and I was gutted when we sold Goddard.

    A few other gems in that team who were underrated by some Gary Micklewhite and Geraint Williams were very good players for us and rarely had bad games ...great memories

  7. 5 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    Cocu was out of work for two years until recently. He was given the job at Vitesse, a club he previously played for. Why? Consider that Cocu had had previous success with a much bigger club in Dutch football in PSV, so why would he take a step down?

    Rooney was given the job at DC United, a club he previously played for. Why? If Rooney’s reputation had been so enhanced, why would he go to a team rooted to the bottom of the MLS? Surely there were better options out there?

    Rosenior was given a chance at Hull, a club he previously played for. Why? If people in football circles appreciated his work at Derby, why wouldn’t he wait for a better offer?

    All three clubs were struggling at the time and obviously having a familiar face in charge would encourage patience and goodwill in difficult times, so you can understand it from the clubs’ point of view.

    But if these managers had done such commendable work at Derby, why are they where they are?

    Please stop being silly....

    Cocu came here under difficult circumstances after Lampard ( who you fail to mention in your list!! ) but someone who left us in the lurch with a small part of pre season left, Lampard went on to manage Chelsea and Everton which by your yardstick means he's a good desirable manager but look how thats turned out.

    Rooney showed real leadership when we needed it most when everything seemed to be going wrong at our club and i remember thinking how demoralising it would've been had Rooney walked away when we all going through the hell of the latter part of the Morris tenure, but he stayed and with Rosenior gave us more chance than I thought possible yet both were rookies learning as they went and made mistakes as anyone learning on the job does.

    You seem very self righteous now in your love for Warne and although I really like the bloke and am very pleased with how he's got us working hard it doesn't detract from the fact i was sceptical when appointed and there is nothing wrong with that.

    We all have doubts with decisions regarding new managers as no one is guaranteed to be a success and people airing there views is why we all here and it makes what the forum is

    In the past you have found negatives galore as anyone with a glass half empty will find if you see it that way, but please don't make silly comparisons like saying Cocu was out of work for 2 years blahdy blah when many good managers have done the same ...Dyche for example has been out of management a while doesnt make him a bad manager, Bielsa,Wilder,Pochettino, Zidane,Tuchel, Benitez i think are all out of jobs ?

    I will always be thankful of the efforts and loyalty shown by Rooney when we needed him the most and Rosenior is a good young coach/manager who will do well IMO and Hull City was a good move for him and I hope he does well

    I have said this in the past Jourdan and no offence intended but you always find negatives in everything and now all of a sudden you are Warnes biggest fan and say he was ideal for us due to his history in league1 but plenty of managers have had the pedigree and credentials and experience to succeed but doesn't mean they do.

    Wilder knew how to get teams promoted from league1 and the Championship yet failed at Boro so give Rooney, Rosenior and Cocu some credit maybe for the jobs they did under difficult circumstances

  8. 8 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    Calm down. You’re being confrontational for no real reason.

    I didn’t even mention you directly or anyone specific. But what I am saying is fair and true and if you have been paying attention, you would know that.

    But naming names or quoting people and their comments was never my intention. I am not in the business of embarrassing people.

    Tired Britney Spears GIF

  9. 55 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Did you watch us play? Must just be me then, but I saw less and less evidence of the way we went at Charlton and should have scored a hatful.

    You don't have to agree with my view, fine.

    Lol. So why have you just compared? ?

    I'm not giving Rosenior no credit that wasn't the point being made. FWIW I wonder how many of the players we signed committed to us when they thought Rooney was going to be here? As you say, pointless.

    My opinion is that Rosenior was not the manager to take us forward, seems Mr Clowes thought that too.

    Also Roy I think Paul Warne is brilliant …a great personality and character and although some including myself worried that it would be hoofball it really isn’t and I love how he’s galvanised us and made us hard to beat
    The fitness levels seem higher and I really like the bloke and although some don’t like his ways/ methods and coming across as a cheeky chappy type I love it and am guessing the players do too as they are working there socks off every game 

    There will be bumps in the road and we will see who’s quick to jump on Warne but I won’t be one of them as I think we have a real gem 

  10. 33 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Did you watch us play? Must just be me then, but I saw less and less evidence of the way we went at Charlton and should have scored a hatful.

    You don't have to agree with my view, fine.

    Lol. So why have you just compared? ?

    I'm not giving Rosenior no credit that wasn't the point being made. FWIW I wonder how many of the players we signed committed to us when they thought Rooney was going to be here? As you say, pointless.

    My opinion is that Rosenior was not the manager to take us forward, seems Mr Clowes thought that too.

    Oh bully for you Roy Mr Clowes thought that too…which makes you right I take it !! lol

    stop nit picking and saying how Rosenior wouldn’t have been a success when you just don’t know that!! Yes we battered Charlton away and we will never know how we would’ve gone with LR in charge …and for the record and to give some credit to Rosenior ..none of the players had to sign for us because Rooney had gone so he must’ve sold his ideas or the club to some good players who could easily had played in the championship and it’s a good job he did because he signed some decent players 


  11. 6 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Do you think we're looking the same team as we did under Rosenior? We started the season like a house on fire and then our play got worse. Whereas under Warne we play differently and we're getting better.

    So, lovely as Rosenior was, I see little evidence that he would have got us winning away matches like we do now.

    How exactly … did we get worse ? Can you give the evidence that we got worse! 
    Rosenior done a fantastic job here under Rooney in difficult circumstances and has put together a good small squad keeping within embargoes and budgets set by efl 

    his style of play differs to Warnes and what Warne ans his team have done has made us look much fitter than when Rooney and LR were here and that is clear to see 

    Why do people keep comparing when there is no point whatsoever …fwiw I don’t think Warne would’ve signed the players Rosenior did so we should thank him for assembling a good albeit small squad …Warne has galvanised us I get that …but give Rosenior some credit as he did a god job under difficult circumstances here and conducted himself brilliantly at all times 

  12. 3 hours ago, Ellafella said:

    What a night. PV away goes down in the annals of top away games:

    a. Leeds away

    b. Brighton away

    c. PV away.

    I was right in amongst the melee - pure pandemonium and all I can remember is Jason Knight’s face in contorted exclamation whilst seemingly we were all in a big rugby scrum. Got back around 13:00 and the adrenaline was still surging. Priceless. 

    I remember Luton away when they were top of the second tier and we were second but Luton were the team to beat and had some good players 1-0 down and 2 goals in final couple of mins with big Dave Swindlehurst scoring with a header from a cross them jumping onto the fence behind the goal where the rams fans were packed in like sardines and I got crushed in the surge forward  but it was all worthwhile to nick the game 2-1 

    There is something quite amazing to be 1-0 down away from home thinking ..just get one to get a draw …then the relief of thinking we’ve nicked a point turns to delerium when the second hits the back of the net in front of the travelling thousands …nothing quite like it 

  13. Although pitch is not the greatest we have looked better when we get it down and play …I don’t mind us trying to get it in behind them on a pitch this size but for me I’d get it to NML and Barks and say run at them as there is lots of space behind them ..we’ve had two good chances and decision making has to be better …one goal either way will win this …Dobbins pace maybe good in second half if he comes on but it’s become a 50/50 scrap and think we can control the game more 

  14. Works hard but not pacey and doesn’t score enough for me is my first impression 

    saying that …a move to a big club in L1 with big crowds and hopefully on a promotion push may appeal to Hugill at this stage of his career and be good for both player and team 

    he might end up being an astute signing who knows ?

  15. 24 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    We haven't signed many in recent reasons. and the last time we paid a fee for a player in January was Jerome in 2018.
    13/14 was a good January though. Other than those listed below, we also made Dawkins permanent.

    22/23 - N/A
    21/22 - N/A
    20/21 - Mengi, Edmundson, Baningime, Roberts, Gregory
    19/20 - Rooney
    18/19 - Ambrose, King, Cole
    17/18 - Palmer, Jerome
    16/17 - de Sart, Nugent
    15/16 - Olsson, Camara, Blackman
    14/15 - Albentosa, Warnock, Lingard, Ince, Bent
    13/14 - Roos, Naylor, Thorne, Bamford
    12/13 - Forsyth, Martin
    11/12 - Naylor, Carroll, Noble
    10/11 - Jones, Duke, Fielding, Ayala, Davies, Ward, Boulding, Robinson
    09/10 - Martin (David), Anderson, Vidal, Hunt, Tonge, Martin (Dave), Johnson, Cywka, Sunu
    08/09 - Hines, Bannan, Eustace, Porter
    07/08 - Carroll, Stubbs, Mills, Ghaly, Savage, Robert, Sterjovski, Villa
    06/07 - Mears, McEveley, Teale, Currie, Fagan, Macken
    05/06 - Moore, Hajto, Wright, McIndoe, Lisbie
    04/05 - Miller, Makin, Talbot, Kaku
    03/04 - Edwards, Kenna, Vincent, Walton, Manel, Whelan, Osman, Reich, Peschisolido
    02/03 - Chadwicj
    01/02 - Foletti, Grenet, Lee, Barton
    00/01 - Mawene, Gudjonsson
    99/00 - Burley, Fuertes, Strupar
    98/99 - Boertien, Jackson, Doherty, Borbokis, Beck

    Great work interesting …I forgot about Mikkel Beck but then there’s probably a reason for that lol 

  16. I personally can’t remember a January window that really improved us.

    Under Davies I remember being very underwhelmed with Fagan and a lad from Man U who’s name evades me but both were about 1m and for me done nothing for our team

    january is difficult for transfers and our restrictions must make it even harder 

    I’d rather stick with what we’ve got than sign players who are no improvement on what we have 

    Injuries might cost us though and a striker is a must now or we have no real changes from bench up top …I’d sell Bielik if it meant we could sign quality but I doubt selling him will change much in this window so stick with what we have unless it’s a no brainer 

  17. 2 hours ago, DavesaRam said:

    Not agreeing is part and parcel of this forum, and we'd be the poorer if it didn't happen. But you have to admit that he has hardly had any opportunity in his best position, usually being stuck out on the wing. And i did refer to us not knowing what he was like in training. But it isn't as though Derby County aren't without precedent for this - it has been a consistent part of what we do for over 20 years - Lee Holmes, for example. He was a really exciting, really quick winger or spent loads of time on the bench, usually coming on with 7, 8 or 10 minutes to go, often when the t4am were losing. When he did come on, he made things happen, creating chances, even scoring goals. This was in a struggling team that couldn't score goals! But it was rarely on the left wing, which was his position. Sometimes it was the number 10 role, which he was ok at, but usually he would be put on the right wing. He was so left-footed that putting him out on the right was like tying both his feet together. And so we let him go out on loan because he "didn't do the business". When Will Hughes came back from his ACL injury, we played him as Defensive MIdfield. Our most creative player in a defenive role? Come on. We did to Georgi Kinkladze, one of the most slkilfull midfielders to grace our pitch. When he wasn't on the pitch, he too was stuck out on the wing, and often spent his time staring up at the sky as the ball wizzed about 3 miles above his head. The only time he was played "in the hole
    " he destroyed Aston Villa. Again in a team that tended to struggle. I could go on, because the list is long.

    Even played out of position, he may well have started to produce the goods if he was given a run of a few games - Louie Dibley is a good case in point. We had been wasting his talents for nearly 2 seasons, and he was being viewed by many in the same way as Osula. But look at him now - completely out of position, but starting to produce the goods because he has had time to settle into his role.

    We will never know what could have happened. Let's hope he goes to a team that will use him to his strengths.

    I personally think you're making him sound like he was better than he actually was Dave.

    When you get oppurtunuties you have to take them, there are plenty of young players who grab the oppurtunities given to them but I'm afraid for me young Osula didn't.

    He did well against lesser opposition but his first touch was not the best and he didn't hold the ball up when sometimes it was required.

    hes a young lad and we will see what he achieves and where he ends up but in truth i think letting him go back was a good move for all

  18. 2 hours ago, DavesaRam said:

    The word is that Sheffield United are arranging a loan with another club. In other words they were not happy that he was getting virtually no game time. 

    Me too. His best role is as the Number 9, but that role is almost permanently occupied by Warne’s love child. Collins works tremendously hard, and does well linking play together, but doesn’t really do much of the target man job, and is often not in the middle when crosses come in. All Isula has been given is a few minutes here and there stuck out on the wing to prove his worth as a number 9.

    At least Derby don’t do that with any of our other players, is it? …………. Oh wait …….

    I wish him well, and will not be surprised if he progresses well at a club who play to his strengths.

    Here’s hoping we are lining up another striker because there’s a place on the bench that needs filling.

    I agree with a lot of your posts Dave but have to disagree with this one, I don't think Osula has been badly treated I just don't think he's done enough ( and  don't forget we don't see them in training ) to get a regular starting place in front of Collins

    My own view is that this loan was a bit early and had he gone to a Forest Green or Accrington he would've got more time in his preferred role.

    When I heard he had gone back I wasn't dissapointed to be honest as I think there are better options than young Osula but i wish him well for the future .....guaranteed to score against us at some time in the future though lol , that seems to be the trend 

  19. Think Thommo looked decent tonight, full of energy and was nice seeing us play some neat passes in tight areas and Thompson certainly contributed to that ,  it was a decent enough performance tonight and much improved from the ipswich game 

    stick Knight and NML back into that team and i think we might've won that tonight...


    Note for Fozzy....think hes been immense last few games ...

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