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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. After watching the industrial type of football Luton churn out I really hope in a way they don’t go up because it’s utter dross to watch …set pieces and physical ity obviously works for them and they’re good at it but jeeeez …that will only get you so far

    Can’t believe a two bob club like Luton are knocking on the door of the elite division with their Wimbledon brand of anti football …..whilst we’re in division 3 ( thanks Mel ) there are some on here who would take any sort of success but to be sustainable surely we have to want to be better than that ….

    I really like Warne ..I just hope we don’t go down the Luton percentage football route and he builds as side who can play different ways as I couldn’t sit and watch what Luton dish up week in week out …everyone to there own I guess 

  2. 12 hours ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Me too. Still time yet, but with people saying they are hearing he isn't happy with the amount of games, I worry slightly.

    My concern would be whether its the amount of games he isn't happy with, or the intensity of training?

    Of course at his age and stage of his career the training maybe an issue if it’s to intense but there’s another way of looking at it ….

    Warne has obviously done something right with Didzy as he played a lot more games than I expected him too and had one of his best ever goalscoring seasons so perhaps the fitness regime was good for Didzy ?

    also let’s not forget he did not have a plethora of clubs after him at the end of last season and by his own words contemplated hanging up his boots so one more season won’t hurt ..finish the job off of promotion …great way to sign off 

  3. I spoke to Curtis on wembley way before our play off final against Villa

    A real gentleman and took time to talk to people and thank them for there support and seemed a top top bloke

    His last game where you can see him clearly say " No Way! " and astonishment expression will stay with me as his last moments in a Ram shirt and I feel sad that it ended that way, but in no way do those final moments diminish what a man and a true leader he has been for Derby County.

    I wish him all the best for whatever he does next and hope to see him back one day at PP  where us fans can let him know how appreciated his efforts for the club were,  thankyou Curtis and good luck .

  4. I for one am proud of the effort and performance today there gk was mom 

    we gave it everything and you can’t ask more than that…ultimately this game was decided on a crap decision but the lads gave it there all 

    Jason Knights wave to fans I think means he’s off and some strikers are required …love my team and appreciate the effort they have all given 

    also Thankyou David Clowes for saving our club we go again next season 


  5. 1 minute ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Last man doesn’t mean anything. He was tapping into an empty net from 16 yards out. It was a clear goal scoring opportunity which is what the laws use. 

    Wasn’t a foul but if the foul is given a red has to follow in that circumstance. 

    He wasn’t tapping into an empty net Wildsmith and another defender were behind ball it was not a foul or a red card 

  6. Extremely harsh to say he is lacking effort he still manages to nick  the ball back when you least expect it …he gives 100 per cent for me but that doesn’t always mean he has great game he’s a little off form but still a game changer for me …I know opposition fans are happy when he goes off 

  7. 8 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Nor White, but I'm sure I'm not supposed to say why did he get on.

    White was on for about ten mins ffs ...how much can you really do in ten mins ......before you posted this I wondered if you’d have your usual pop at White ....and hey presto.....never fail to be consistent with the players you dislike even if they only get on for a few mins 

  8. On 26/04/2023 at 17:37, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

    I can't remember which play-off final it was, but there was one where season ticket holders could buy extra tickets for their mates, ahead of genuine fans, who possibly couldn't afford a season ticket but had been to a good number of games.

    Let's hope that doesn't happen again - and, if it does, we season ticket holders could have a pact to not buy one for Dave down the pub or Auntie Marge.

    But the atmosphere balloon was well and truly popped before we got into Wembley v Villa, courtesy of that bloody team sheet. 

    Agree ...leaving Marriot out and starting Bennett for example was quite unbelievable especially after the Leeds game and the ephoria of that game it just felt like Lampard was not going for it ....when he came on we looked a different side going forward imo 

  9. On 24/04/2023 at 15:51, angieram said:

    It was shocking, wasn't it? There were families near us literally having picnics whilst the game was on! 

    Just a day out to them.

    Should make it match-going fans only, play it at a proper ground and have done with all this football tourism! ️ 

    This is annoying .....I was sat near a family ( well at least i thought they were ) and they were chatting away during the game and even asking who certain players were??! grrrrr plenty of fans didn't get tickets , there has to be a way of making sure proper fans get first dibs on tickets and leave the have a day out brigade until last if theres any left 

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