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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. Old Football stadiums had character as did the BBG

    The popside was so crammed sometimes it was unreal but the atmosphere seemed a lot more raucous and intimidating for visiting teams 

    PP is a nice stadium but lacks character for me like a lot of modern stadiums its also too quiet and lacks atmosphere at times 

  2. 21 minutes ago, HorsforthRam said:

    I understand you don’t think Warne is the right appointment. You’ve also stated elsewhere he has a “small club” mentality. What type of manager do you think Clowes should have appointed? Maybe give some names of managers that fit the type you would have appointed?

    I will confirm now that I do not want Warne to be sacked because I like the bloke and think he deserves next season at least but….I know I will get pelters for this but….there is no better manager out there who has a promotion record like Neil Warnock he would’ve been my choice and been unpopular as was  Jim Smith under similar circumstances  …short term maybe to get us out of this dire division but he knows how to get teams promoted 

  3. 44 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    To what end and who benefits? Lots of short contract players most of whom might feel it is easy to move on.

    The team benefits from healthy competition...leaving players out who might be on short term deals ? so what? same as playing players on short term deals they'll still see it as easy to move on either way

  4. 14 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    Warne, and to a degree Barker, were footballers in the lower leagues (Div 1 & 2), who through hard work and high professional standards had pretty good careers. Fans liked them because they gave it their all, and were no doubt good characters. They bring the same mentality into their management roles, but they have the same limitations they had as footballers. I think it unlikely that they have the wherewithal to succeed at Championship level, nor be able to offer any significant technical insight into player development via the Academy structure.

    I agree with this …I think Warne and Barker are great people who care and you can rely on but hard graft and putting the miles in is only part of the equation 

    it is a fact that the higher you go in the football pyramid in any country or league the technical, tactical, standard of play and players gets better 

    Warne is a top fella ( I really don’t get any criticism levelled at him for being friendly and open ) but he has had zero success above league1 level that’s a fact 

    Bournemouth under Eddie Howe for example took most of the league1 side with them and had great success in the championship and then stayed in the premier league with some players that had played in league2 with Bournemouth 

    That wasn’t a fluke they scored something like 100 goals the season they went up I think they beat Birmingham 8-0 away so it can be done but PW and his team have a lot to prove above L1 level 

  5. 12 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    Yes, but that’s like saying Brighton and Brentford shouldn’t be comfortable with being in the Premier League because their natural level in terms of club size and stature is probably lower Championship/high League 1. Yet they are in the Premier League, they are flourishing, and deservedly so.

    If we ‘shouldn’t really be here’ and we are ‘better than that’, then surely we have to prove it and show it? It’s all hot air if we finish 8th. Perhaps that’s the problem - the reality of where we are and how good we are in football terms doesn’t line up with our long-held perception.

    Yes, in size, stature and history, we are a Premier League club in the making. But if you strip all of that back and you are left with what’s on the pitch, it’s a League One squad looking right at home at this level. That’s what counts.

    Yes, we have plenty of players with Championship experience, but I don’t think many (if any) of them have proven themselves week in, week out to be too good for this level.

    So do we have anything to be arrogant about?

    It’s not the same as Brighton or Brentford at all Jourdan 

    We are not a League1 club and if you want us to be here for years to come then yes let’s think we’re a league1 club 

    we are DCFC and although we like every other club has no entitlements  we should act like one of the big teams because we are ….

    or do you want us to get used to this division and spend years here?

    winners sometimes come across as having a certain arrogance and that’s what we need in some ways 

    Brentford and Bournemouth are punching above their weight and good luck to them but they’re not doing it thinking like a championship or league 1 club …when you step up you have to up your game to compete when you step down you don’t step your game down and join the pack …I personally want us to have an aura about us ..we are Derby County not Forest Green or Shrewsbury Town …

  6. 4 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    If we don’t finish in the play-offs, we just go again next year.

    Let go of the entitlement you are obviously carrying and show the league some respect. Promotion has to be earned, not given.

    You make it sound like every club of our size and stature dominates the division and goes up at the first time of asking and there are countless examples of actually quite the opposite.

    We were in the top six from November to April and we are only out of it on goal difference. We have been competing at the top end of the division, but we are not the only good side in the division and it is no disgrace to be where we are.

    Ask the likes of Darren Moore, Kieran McKenna, Steven Schumacher, Michael Duff and Ian Evatt to compete under our restrictions and the response you’d get wouldn’t be a kind one.

    Just because we have the best stadium, the best training facilities and the biggest crowds doesn’t mean we are in the best position to succeed.

    We are competing against sides who yo-yo between the Championship (Barnsley and Peterborough) and sides who have spent several years coming together (Bolton, Plymouth, Wednesday and Ipswich).

    We have no divine right to success in this league.

    Let’s get this right …we are ONLY a league1 club because we are in league1 

    we shouldn’t really be there if it wasn’t for the efl gangsters and we should not act like or be comfortable in league 1 

    we are better than that and although what you say is true that we have to get out of it on merit …let’s not pretend we have to act like a league1 club 


  7. On 04/04/2023 at 23:02, On the Ram Page said:

    David Clowes, the man who saved Derby from extinction, wants to rebuild this Club, its reputation and integrity. Over the last few years we have been a pretty dirty corrupt commodity. Thankfully we have someone in charge who wishes to change that. He has brought in Paul Warne to assist him in this project (not an overnight flash). Mr Clowes is a very successful business man, who has obviously made good business decisions to achieve this success. No, he is not experienced in running a football club but he probably knows as much about this Club and its history over the last 2 or 3 decades as anyone. I, for one, trust his judgement.

    Paul Warne is as honest as the day is long (possibly too honest for some of the feint hearted on this forum). He knows how to get out of this Division too - 3 times! For goodness sake give him time to build the squad he needs to play the type of football he would like to play. That’s likely to be energetic, full of running, high pressing, passionate football. I think that sums up Liverpool’s style.  They are not a bad example to follow. No, I not saying we are any where near as good as Liverpool - just I would not mind copying their style.

    The  squad we have has some very good players in it and many,as has been mentioned, would walk into other teams. What we haven’t got as a team is balance, aggression, height and pace - to match the better teams in Division One.

    There’s still a chance we could get promotion but unless the EFL loosens its shackles during the close season we will struggle next year in the Championship. I would rather take a slower, more sustained route. I am getting a bit old in the tooth and believe you have to have work and earn success - it seems some people wants instant success as a right.

    No one knows, not even Paul Warne, how successful he can be at a higher level, given a reasonable budget. I sure he believes in his ability to succeed and I am sure David Clowes believes so too.

    David Clowes has stated he has a 5 year plan to make Derby a competitive Championship side. I am sure he is itching to achieve this sooner but will be patient. I want my club to be successful, have integrity, good reputation and be well run. This takes time after the dreadful last few years.

    Please be patient and allow this to evolve at the right pace.



    I agree with a lot of your points 

    my worry is that did or does David Clowes have a long term vision for this club and I’m forever grateful for his intervention in saving our football club 

    That doesn’t mean we as fans can’t have an opinion on his decisions though 

    my fear is the long term ….if PW ( who I really like as a person ) signs 10 new players who might get us out of league 1 will these players be good enough for the championship?

    if we are looking long term with some great foundations then PW as much as I like him is not the right fit for this club in my opinion 

    Getting a manager in who likes to play decent football and build a good side using the academy as a mirror image of how or what direction we want to go in is important for a sustainable future especially with not much hope of making any signings unless they are freebies 

    LR recruited very well under the circumstances so surely if LR was not seen as the manager to take us further we could’ve gone for a manager who not only can get us out of league1 but also can build a side that could merge seamlessly into the championship and add a bit of quality maybe then and build it from there 

    I don’t think the Rotherham model for example is good enough to be a championship top 6 side whereas our long term plan should be to go up and then challenge again …..why not? Plenty of sides that go up from L1 challenge the top 6 in a higher division 

    I don’t see the side that PW eventually gets up being tactically or technically good enough to challenge so therefore you have to question the appointment of  PW to an extent as I don’t think he was ever the right choice if you’re looking long term and that is not Paul Warnes fault 

    I do though totally respect Mr Clowes and know without him we’d not have a club at all 

  8. I still think we play some good football at times and the first half at peterborough was a good example, it was so one sided but in those periods we need to score and we are'nt and this is the problem.

    We are toothless, once Didzy's form dropped off, and it was always going to where are the goals coming from ?

    If you put two mobile pacey strong forwards in our side who can score the whole picture changes for me

    We should've been at least 2-0 up in first half against Peterborough and then I believe the second half would've looked a lot different

    Didzy had to score that easy header from NML cross in first half against Ipswich and Cashin's header should've stood and would've put us 2-1 up ..the differences are marginal not massive and 2 Centre Forwards would change a lot as I still don't see Didzy as a CF and Collins is very short on confidence

    I'd be very tempted to play NML or Barks up front with what we have at the moment to give us something different.....pace !

  9. On 02/04/2023 at 17:03, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I think if we could sign Roberts on a free, him and Cashin as the left side of defence alongside a new more mobile right sided cb and a proper right back would be a solid enough defence. Also Cashin in a back 3 with wing backs could well work if Warne looks to play a similar way to how he did at Rotherham.
    It’s only his second season as a senior pro, there are plenty of centre backs who have had excellent careers despite a lack of pace and/or height, seems odd to write off his career before it’s really got going.

    Not writing off his career at all , Cashin has good attributes and is all heart i can see that...he's coped well against some good players but as i said pace is an issue, its also cost us a few times this season but saying that some last minute tackles have prevented some goal attempts.

    In a 3 with more mobile CB's yes maybe but although he's still fairly new to senior level football it also means that as time goes on teams may well be  putting a rapid striker or winger up against Cashin meaning we can't defend too high therefore making our  press less effective and more difficult.

    I really like Roberts and think he will get even better when he has more freedom to bomb on rather than worrying about covering but agree Roberts Cashin a more mobile Right sided CB and a proper RB would look good on paper

  10. 25 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Presumably though, unless the business plan is revised, any such mobile CB's would have to be free transfers. I wonder if there are any such candidates of a better quality than Cashin?

    I personally think some of us are being a bit harsh on Cashin. Yes, he's not in the best form of his short career right now but he's hardly alone in that respect. It doesn't seem that long ago that some were talking about him being amongst the best CB's in the division.

    Football can be harsh Cashin's lack of pace will always hold him back IMO any quick forward would fancy there chances against him I'm afraid , he is not a bad player but pace will always be an issue

    If a club offered the right deal I'd be tempted, I think we need a new back 4 unless we can keep Roberts , then 3 

  11. 6 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

    Really want Cashin to go on to be a top player, but lack of pace will always be a limiting factor unfortunately. Think he would be good alongside a rapid experienced partner but we’re massively limited on the recruitment front.

    yep he's quite brave and put him alongside a rapid defender like Tomori for example and his lack of pace would'nt seem so evident... shame as seems a top lad

  12. spoke to my friend who's a Charlton STH and when i said promotion maybe too much too early for us he said, once you stay down in League1 for more than a season it seems to engulf you and then you're a league 1 club and very difficult to get out of....makes sense looking at other big teams who've gone down and spent  seasons there, so for me , I don't care how we get there but lets just get to the play offs first, then 3 big games and lets get the f out of this league!!

    ...I think we can do it ....still 

  13. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    And we rely on our nice midfield to provide them with the chances? Read the #DCFC comments on here and social media they were watching a different game to the Posh fans. Perhaps if you enumerated the chances our dominant midfield created? 

    I'm so glad I don't sit or stand anywhere near you, you just moaaaaan all the time....go and watch the first half again and tell me the midfield was poor ....actaully don't as i don't really care what you think if I'm honest , just a miserable f*****

  14. 10 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    We moved it around nicely, about sums it up. Not much incisiveness not much aggression going forward, but it was quite nice at times. My 'dislike' for White for stems from the fact it is him playing rather than Sibley. Or Bird or Hourihane. Three extremely similar nice midfielders.

    They struggled to get out of their half but we struggled to get in their box. 

    Another poor team choice from Warne including when and who he subbed.

    absolute nonsense ...you really do talk some utter tosh at times ....go and read the posh supporters comments, we totally dominated the first half it was the best he'd seen at there place, Warne's choice of midfield was spot on ....you must be watching a different game ....up front we had zilch...relying on Didzy who's never been prolific and is not really a number 9 ??

    Collins is poor and we have not much else up front....where do you think the goals are coming from?? if you're relying on the mids to score loads thats unlikely to happen , we need more goals from our front players, also some movement to create space for others would'nt hurt, Dobbin is  rabbit in the headlights most of the time and Didzy is not the answer but good job we have him as otherwise we'd not be in top 6 at all .....put 2 decent forwards in our side and we'll be fine...but yeah ....its because Warne chose the wrong line up!! pmsl....if you watch the first half again you'll be quite embarrased at your statement....the second half would've been totally different had we scored a couple whilst in TOTAL dominance of the game...but you carry on blaming the midfield ......lol

    The midfield done there jobs yesterday IMO but as the posh fan said we looked very weak up top....we lack one probably two pacey strong Central Strikers ....midfield is NOT to blame ....

  15. 1 hour ago, vonwright said:

    Loads of things you could talk about and blame.  

    But we do lack a centre forward who represents a constant goal threat and scores goals. 

    Feel bad for Collins but he just hasn't worked out, has he? Such a crucial position and we have him, McGoldrick (doesn't really feel like a No 9) and... no one else.

    This ….well said 

  16. 6 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Hourihane had a decent 1st half, but DOMINATED come on. Not one of them bought the ball forward or even passed it to much effect. They were an awful 3.

    Yes dominated!!! the first half all 3 of White Hourihane and Bird dominated their midfield …they struggled to get out of there half we won ever second ball and moved it around nicely …White included who you seem to dislike ….the problem comes when you dominate but don’t make it count ! We didn’t as we are toothless up front when a Didzy is not at it …Dobbin if he had held his position on the left could’ve picked up some of the crosses from NML instead he was too central …hourihanes cross into the box from a free kick was sublime …but not one player on the end of it …there were a few decent deliveries with no end product …Barks should’ve scored but without decent strikers we aren’t going to score enough 

    if we had gone in 2-0 at HT it wouldn’t have been an injustice but when you don’t take opportunities when you’re in total control there is always the chance you’re going to end up with nothing …no team dominates for the entire 90 mins …We are lacking pace and power up front and no disrespect to Didzy but he’s no youngster …he needs a rest sometimes … who for? Dobbin for me is not good enough and I don’t get the springett signing ….out midfieId 3 would get into most teams in the top 6 and of our division ….but we are toothless and Collins is woeful ….a tryer yes but woeful ….also Cashin needs to get his form back …Fozzy and Roberts we’re good today Cashin wasn’t ….

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