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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. 13 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    I dont think a single person has said we should get rid of Hourihane to have a Bird-Knight midfield 2, so it's odd that you're now using that as an argument to support your original point - you would sell one of then to 'rebuild' the side.

    Bird and Hourihane combined played in 78% of the available minutes for a 2 man midfield. That 78% contributed to more goals than 100% of Plymouth's midfield usage, and were 2 or 3 goals behind Ipswich's. Add in the additional 22% of players and we matched Ipswich's 2 man midfield. Your statement of "need more goals in midfield" is factually incorrect since the two clubs which got automatic promotion didn't get more than us from that area of the field.

    Bannan is another poor example to compare him against. Bannan is given absolute freedom to pick up positions to create goal scoring opportunities for his team. He has very little defensive responsibility, as shown by making almost half as many tackles per game as Bird. Bannan is often playing in much more advanced positions.

    Once you strip out games played at AM, wing, or CF, there are only 6 players who gained more assists from CM than Bird in the league: Bannan, Hourihane, Phillips, Kane, Morrell, Morsy.

    Try leaving your stats to one side please stato

    I'm quite old fashioned in that I see what i see on the actual pitch

    Why keep comparing us to Plymouth when the main comparison point  is they got a lot more points than us ! 

    Didn't compare Bannan to Bird in any way what I am saying is if you actually care to read it without rose tinted glasses is Knight and Bird, as good a players as they are....( good players!!) when I watch them they are NOT going to get the goals required to help our forwards out....Hourihane at his age is not worth what we could get for Bird or Knight so going back to my original post ....selling one of them and IF the money was invested properly we could realistically get 2 maybe 3 decent players ( thats not rebuilding the side but wheeling and dealing yes to keep us financially sound ) and for me 1 should be a more attack minded midfielder, i'm not going to get into an argument because its not an argument ...thats your take on it My opinion stands and I'm saying no more ....

    id sell one of Knight or Bird , preferably Knight and then use the money wisely ....thats it ...because I don't and won't see Bird,Knight and Hourihane scoring enough ....and for me Bird could be more of a box to box player but he's not played in that way ....Bielik showed how to play the CDM role and Max for me would be better if we tried to get him to play with more attack in mind because I think he could do it ....I think Bird could be one of the best midfielders in L1 if he was more forward thinking but if he's not going to play that role then we need a goalscoring midfielder 

  2. 1 hour ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Rather than dismiss the statistical facts, why don't you construct an argument on something other than blind feeling? I've presented facts which show we don't need higher goal contributions from midfield. We exceeded Plymouth's tally from last season, on par with Ipswich from last season (their team scored 101 in total!), and roughly on par with what Warne has historically got from his midfield when in L1.

    You state Bird should look forward more, yet I've shown how he actually has more open play assists than Hourihane, and many of the other players who have been suggested.

    You previously used Dack as an example of what you expect from your midfielders. You completely ignore the fact he was mostly used as an AM/SS, which would be in the 2 behind the CF in our 3421.

    No I said I’m not a big fan what I’m saying is we can’t have a midfieId devoid of goals …that what we’d have with knight and Bird 

    I don’t see Bird as a Bannan type midfielder he’s not quick or defensively astute at times ..but saying that he’s not a bad player of course 

    what I’ve said from the start is we need goals in midfieId so playing both knight and Bird would mean the emphasis is on forwards to get the goals 

    so I’d look for someone different meaning losing Bird or Knight …IF we reinvest the money correctly it could be good business 

  3. Rather than keep on throwing stats about do you actually think Bird is going to be the main player in midfield for us ?

    i watch every game like you and he goes missing at times and needs to look forward at times also 

    I’m not slagging Bird off or Knight even what I’m saying is I don’t think both of them contribute enough attacking wise including goals …not regurgitating anything …it’s an opinion based on what I see with and without the ball 

    if I had to generate funds one of Bird or Knight would go 

    I personally would’nt pay any more than 1.5m for either that’s just my view 

    i do think that Bird has more potential to become a better midfielder than Knight if he were to look forward more I don’t think he’s a CDM even if he’s played there 

  4. 37 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I agree that we should go up. So how much difference between selling now and selling next season, or might they even be useful squad players compared to the financial payback? You can tell what kind of player say Dack or a.n.other mid-20 yr old is but can you tell me what kind of a player Bird or Knight will be in mid-20s? For me the difference in monetary values is worth the gamble to wait and see how good they get (if they want to stay that is). 

    Yes you may well be right but my assumption was based on the fact selling one and getting the right players may outweigh keeping both with the hope they’re going to get better 

    what I don’t see happening is either turning into a goal scoring midfielder and that’s the point 

  5. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    How much extra would we make from selling Knight and Bird? How much would it cost to replace them? We ran last season within budget and so would assume that the proceeds of that and similar this season plus the loss of Bieliks wages should be plenty of leeway when even Bonis or May are talked about as costing a few £100k.

    I predict we will go up this season as div3 looks weak 

    if we were in championship and Bird and Knight were in our midfield we aren’t going to be scoring many from that area

    We need more goals from midfieId and therefore selling one of those players will not be the end of the world if we use it to get a more forward thinking CM 

    already mentioned Dack who’s on a free but this is where our scouting comes in we don’t need to spend a fortune to get a more attack minded CM and may even get a striker or another player with what we could get for Knight or Bird 

    I don’t think we need to keep both 

  6. To generate a meaningful rebuild where we can spend a bit of money on transfer fees and wages I very much suspect means losing Bielik and one or both of Knight and Bird 

    as much as they’re  good players I do think the rebuild if the money is spent wisely could benefit us more 

    Knight is so industrious we all know but he did not stand out in a lot of games last season 

    Bird another good player but doesn’t impose himself enough 

    both good players but I think if we spend the money correctly it might be best 

    what both don’t do is score enough goals that’s a fact and the team in general need to be scoring more from midfield 

    I’m not a massive Bradley Dack fan but he regularly scored 15+ goals from mid for Gillingham in league1 when my lad was there as an academy player 

    that sort of input would bridge the gap between 7th and top 2 


  7. 1 hour ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Take away Hourihane's set pieces and he's on 5 assists from open play vs Bird's 6. With the addition of Ward and others still to join, Hourihane's influence over set pieces will diminish. I still believe Sibley take better corners too.

    Bird is much better defensively, actually managed to assists more than Hourihane from open play in less minutes, and retains possession better.

    Bird's still only 22, whislt Hourihane is 32. If we do sign another CM, as the season progresses, Hourihane's minutes should decrease as we build for the future.

    Bird has to up his game for me …Hourihane does basically what I expected whereas I expected Bird to control the midfield a bit more …but he doesn’t …has the potential but we need more from him and more goals 

  8. 5 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

    Knight’s skills are largely in the ugly, practical side of the game.

    He rats and harries, covers for teammates, runs into areas which create space for others, wins cheap free kicks.

    As a RWB, I thought he did a pretty good job. He was certainly a help to NML.

    In midfield he had to do a lot of the grunt work for the less mobile Hourihane and Bird. Little wonder he didn’t create much.

    I’d say if Knight goes (and that looks increasingly likely), we need two CM players in, one attacking and one as a grafter.

    Bird can act as pivot and I see Hourihane as an impact sub or fill-in for Bird.

    We definitely need more impact/momentum from midfield because we’re at our best when playing with tempo.


    I really don’t get how Bird or Knight are rated above Hourihane 

    I know Hourihane got some criticism last season but I thought after an indifferent spell he worked hard and contributed with goals and assists 

    I don’t see either of Bird or Knight commanding the transfer fees Hourihane did and I also don’t see Knight or Bird being premier league players 

    More due to his age I think we’ll see Hourihane being brought off for Bird after 60 mins or so not the other way round 

  9. Anyone thinking Sibley will or could replace Didzy needs there head testing 

    Didzy was class and had so much other than goals about his game …Sibley is not in same class 

    we need to spend money for a 10 or cam because believe me that is the crucial position that will unlock defences and he needs to be able to score a few 

    Sibley needs to prove himself because so far he’s not been consistent and I certainly don’t see the guile to take Didzys place ….this is where Warne needs a real player because that position is pivotal 

  10. The CAM or number 10 role is going to be very important and Didzy would’ve been great as needs someone with guile vision and ability to score goals 

    I know we need a striker or two but the cam/10 role is probably the role where we need to spend a bit of money 

    I do not see Sibley as the answer in that role against the better sides 

  11. Ok so my mates at work who are Charlton STH said he would be a great signing 

    They said when they had him the other striker or strikers scored loads because CW  literally works his socks off and creates lots of space for others ...not prolific but they suggested a great foil for a proper goalscorer and said when he left the same strikers who had been scoring loads went on barren runs and they put it down to Washington leaving 

    Just passing on what they said 

  12. 2 minutes ago, tinman said:

    You’ve seen the piss take one on Twitter, haven’t you. 

    Haha yes apologies it flashed up as a notification on my phone and I saw the shirt and saw ocean and noticed the black stripes then it dissapeared I should’ve guessed it was a hoax 🙄

  13. Summer rumour mill my arse!

    Pages about the academy 😆…..







    anyone got any more rumours? I wonder who the attacking players are we’re interested in? I suspect this is where the money will be spent fees wise as we look very light up top especially with Didzy gone 

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