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Posts posted by Tombo

  1. Ashley took over an established top half club, who only 10 years before were title candidates, and got them relegated twice in the span of a decade. They've gone backwards under him. Why anyone thinks he has the knowhow to get us "established in the Premier League" I don't know because he hasn't ever backed a manager in all his time there

  2. On 03/10/2021 at 02:03, Alpha said:

    Never really understood why there's people who don't rate him. I know he does some ridiculous stuff at times. Like, it might be the last attack of the game at 0-1 and he gets the ball at left back and over hits a pass/cross by 3 mile and at 150mph. He does do mad stuff

    But in between that I think he's a beast. 

    Given us the best years of his career. Gotta give him some love for that

    We call him Leadboots. Sometimes he just seems to absolutely thwack a ball to absolutely nowhere for absolutely no reason, like he doesn't know his own strength or he's got lead in his boots

    Good ol' Leadboots. What a servant he has been

  3. I think he's not in the team because he hasn't nailed down his spot and earned the shirt. He's been a bit better but not amazing and he's got to work his way back into the side.

    He'll be back, it's just a "who do you drop for him?" And if you do, looking at Wednesday's lineup, why would it be him over Sibley?

    Simplest answer is often the closest to the truth, he's fallen down the pecking order and needs to work his way back up

  4. I've only just managed to uncover what was sung about Billy Sharp and I have to say it is disrespectful and not something I'd join in with but it's really not a big deal

    Yeah, its not very nice. He's well within his rights to say he doesn't like us for it...well who would like to hear that said about themselves?

    But it's not even in the top 10% of horrendous things I've heard at the football. Nowhere near. Horrible things like that were commonplace 10/15 years ago so to turn it into a generational thing where its "just these modern kids with their modern ways" is ludicrous.

    I'd rather we weren't singing it but please spare us all the mock outrage

  5. Whether that has been twisted and spun I don't know but it reads like he sat down with the administrators and told them immediately he was happy to step down totally to help the club.

    But the administrators said "hold your horses, we'd still like your input here, let's just reduce the costs a bit"

    That's...very weird for a club in administration? I mean it's very obvious that if they didn't want him, they wouldn't have thrown him a bone with a part time role. Administrators are brutal, they have no time for sentimentality or the nicey nicey approach - if there's a cost to cut you'd better believe it is cut. And they would have cut him totally, not just reduced him. I'd have thought Mac was toast - after all he's one of the first people they've spoken to in this process.

    We surely can't be that screwed financially on the basis of this? Who was that source in The Athletic who said we were "50/50 to be liquidated"??

    I'm so confused

  6. 18 hours ago, gccrowdpleaser said:

    I wonder if this stance is a pre cursor to them agreeing to a 'softer' punishment for us.

    Also his point on cash being the key to administration would stand us in very good stead when it comes to the administration appeal...if we make one. Acknowledgement that cash was the issue and the lack of cash is down to Covid.

    I remember during "Spygate", Leeds were given a more lenient punishment in exchange for their agreement to amend the rules to effectively ban what they did

    I know our situation is a world away from the minor spying transgression but I'm sure 100% we would be happy to do the same. It's basically a guilty plea, accept we did wrong, and agree to measures that will change the rules to stop clubs doing what we did.

    However given that it was very publicly challenged in court, I doubt our guilty plea would be accepted.

  7. 1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

    He didn't 'let' Usyk do anything - Usyk did it because he's too good at it for AJ to stop him. As you said yourself at the end, Usyk is the better fighter. What worries me about AJ in his press conference is that he is just rolling out all the statements, all the things he thinks people need to hear. Compare that with the Fury clip doing the rounds on social media - responding to Wilder calling him out. That's how you show it's from the heart and not from years of being told what to say.

    Oh yeah of course, I agree on that. Maybe "let" isn't the word. I did say Usyk was just better and the simplest explanation is usually the closest to the truth.

    AJ couldn't have done anything, Usyk was just better 

  8. With the height, reach and weight advantage, it wasn't a bad idea in theory to try to keep Usyk at distance.

    Problem is that AJ isn't good enough at it. He just stood there like a big dumb statue and let Usyk inside. Man of his power should not let the smaller man inside without retribution via a big stiff heavy shot.

    Usyk was just better, end of story. There was no tactical decision he could have made to win that fight. Usyk is just the better fighter.

  9. 3 hours ago, CornwallRam said:

    The problem with the GSE ownership is that it was unsustainable. With Glick in post they were trying to reduce wage costs to break even and we finished in the bottom half every season. Crowds were falling and there was no growth achieved in revenues. They were never able to break even and had to constantly put extra cash in.

    When Rush came in he convinced them to loosen the purse strings a little. Nigel was able to bring in better players, which eventually led to the McLaren play off team. The losses were increasing even at this point though and most of GSE's investors wanted out.

    I would hope that Appleby would return a little older and wiser. With the economics of the Championship, the only route to sustainability is promotion. OK, it might be a few years before it's an issue for us, but I do wonder if the best plan might be doing it in cycles? Two years of high spending to try to achieve promotion, followed by two years of cost cutting to create P&S headroom, for the next cycle. 

    Hmm...I don't subscribe to the GSE love in either but they brought our debts to zero, paid off the mortgage on the stadium, and then made their push.

    It ties into what Mel said on the radio recently about making a big play "1 season in 4/5" rather than every season.

  10. Just now, Wistaston Ram said:

    I'm thinking of doing it as a treat for the wife who otherwise would not come to a mid week game

    Definitely do it if you can spare the cash, Rev is right, it's a great way to put money into the club as the margin on it for the club must be significant, and yet it's something for your dosh rather than for nothing

    We're doing the logistics on doing our bit, the two of us, possibly one of the later October games

  11. 3 minutes ago, Alpha said:


    Are the knob heads completely oblivious to the positive and productive movement others are trying to make?

    Or they just saying controversial stuff on the Internet which is so original and cool

    T'was ever thus.

    They'll be back in a few years.

    I pity those who don't have the relationship with DCFC that I do. My passion does wane from time to time, but I'm in for life and I know it deep down.

    They are the poorer for their fickle nature.

  12. 2 hours ago, Rev said:

    Another way to help out, is to treat yourself to a hospitality upgrade for an upcoming home game.

    Makes an ideal early Christmas present for a loved one or best friend, and the mark up on them will really help the club out.



    This is a very good idea. I've never done one of these and I've always wanted to give it a go.

    Anyone else who has thought the same thing, well now is the time

  13. Glad he was honest, but also dismayed that it just puts us back in the national news yet again. Gives the media their little soundbites to smear the club's name with.

    Firmly in Camp Rooney, but let's avoid a public bickering between Mel and Wayne.

    Suspect what he said is for the benefit of the players, club staff and fans because that's who he's trying to stick up for.

    But like I said, we don't need it. Rooney says one thing, Mel denies it. We'll never know the truth, let's move on.

  14. 20 minutes ago, ramboy63 said:

    One thing you seem to be forgetting once administrators are involved there is no guarantee full wages will be paid to the players employers of any firm are the last in the pecking order,Tax and Vat man first followed by the administrators themselves will make sure they get paid,then the debtors then if your lucky the staff.

    Wont be long before the toys are out the pram and players not giving a dam


    I'm not forgetting anything thank you very much. I'm well aware of the situation we are in.

    Amazing you get out of bed in the morning if you give up that easily.

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