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Posts posted by Tombo

  1. 14 minutes ago, Tombo said:

    Couhig talks the talk but don't dwell on him being given airtime on the radio. We've made massive strides in the past few days.

    Stay on target. Keep pushing

    Furthermore, having listened to it more closely, does nobody find it extremely interesting that this guy volunteered to go on Radio Derby?

    Why is that? Who is his audience?

    It's you. It's Derby fans. That's why he asked "how much do the administrators expect to make from the Derby case?". "Why do they keep missing the deadlines they promised you?"

    He's paying close attention to Derby fans becoming disgruntled with the administrators and picked those very same talking points to bring up. He explains very little about why he has a case, and spends most of it laying into Quantuma.

    Because he wants to squash our solidarity. I have concerns over Quantuma as well but don't take his word on it. He wants us to fight with them rather than with him

  2. Honestly she's my MP and I've never thought much of her until now. She's actually engaged with it in a way that constituents expect and I'm glad to hear she was already engaged with it months ago with conversations with the EFL.

    Some of the wider support feels..."late to the party" maybe? Glad for it nonetheless but sounds like she is different and has actually been involved for a while.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Barney1991 said:

    Made me laugh this did in the mail. Hope he never returns.


    Think you probably need a sense of humour transplant if that's funny to you.

    No love lost for the guy and what he has caused. But I hope he stays safe and hopefully one day soon does not have to worry about his safety and the safety of his family, and perhaps feel free to live in whatever area of the country he sees fit.

    He ducked up badly and jeopardised the future of the club but he's still one of our own. And I'll defend that last statement to the hilt no matter how inflammatory it may seem to some fans.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Ramos said:

    I have no memory of this -  but his sudden departure sounds odd. Do we think this has any role to play?  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.skysports.com/amp/football/news/2811028/birch-leaves-Derby


    "Ceased to be employed" is a very strange bit of terminology

    I don't actually know why he left or what the circumstances were of his exit to be quite honest. But I will say I'd rather not cast further aspersions on potential personal issues the EFL executives and board may have with us as a club.

    The EFL in general as an organisation - that's a vendetta in my view

    Gibson - that's a vendetta in my view. 

    Birch leaving the club 15 years ago and still holding a grudge now? Not so sure

  5. They sound on the ropes, as much as there wasn't much encouraging there. Now the Telegraph have the headline referring to a "vendetta". Poorly thought out piece of PR for the EFL

    Do we....dare I say it...


    ...have them on strings? ?


    (This is not serious, we are very much on their strings. And over a barrel... and up you-know-what creek)

  6. I am pleased to hear that they have received more details of the claims from Boro and Wycombe.

    Hopefully on the back of it, they can have some idea of the potential liabilities of the case, which at least gives them and a preferred bidder clarity on what they might be taking on.

    In some ways I do sort of understand the position. They aren't a party to the legal proceedings. They can't agree to an exit plan that doesn't account for something in the region of £50m of potential liabilities (**IN THEORY**). And as they aren't a party to it, they can't tell Boro and Wycombe they can't sue us when we come out of admin.

    It's a catch 22. We can't come out of admin while the potential claims hang over us. But we can't deal with the claims until we come out of admin.

    Having said that....their position is complete madness. It protects two EFL clubs who have very weak cases and I'm 99.9% sure will still survive if they don't succeed, at the expense of another club (us) who may well go out of existence.

    All the talk of "insolvent clubs having no right of membership" and "notice of withdrawal" sounds like they dont feel like they are duty bound to help us as a member club because our membership is on a knife-edge. So insolvent clubs are on a lower-tier of membership to solvent ones?

    It's like they don't have a vendetta... but they've taken us going into administration personally???

    Sounds like a vendetta to me

  7. Also, without falling foul of forum rules on discussing politics, Andrew Bridgen is absolutely not my favourite MP. He's not my MP, but I'm aware of him all the same.

    However I don't think we should be too harsh on his tweets. He's only just dipped his toe into this situation and he's just sharing what he has picked up from today. It's only natural he has only just discovered what we've known for a while because we live and breathe this stuff as the sort of saddos that post on a DCFC forum (no offence all, I count myself a part of that)

    If he didn't tweet anything at all, he'd be criticised for not providing us an update. Let's see if on the back of his initial fact finding he delves a bit deeper and helps us get somewhere.

  8. 3 hours ago, Warwick Ram said:

    I suggested a supporter representative at meetings between the administrators and the EFL. Mr Parry thinks this is an interesting idea.

    I said this is the only way we know what exactly is happening.

    Who is going to attend?

    This would be very interesting. The way I see it, the Administrators represent the interests of the creditors (although I do trust that they are trying to come to an amicable solution for all, their primary concern is that of the creditors).

    The EFL represent themselves and all their member clubs.

    We need someone present who has the sole interest of DCFC as an entity to represent us.

    Maybe just a pipe dream, I don't suppose they will take the risk

  9. I mean the first time it was going round I thought it was a bit daft and not all that funny.

    It's definitely funny seeing how much it winds him up. It only gets funnier the more he reacts. And he had a terrible game yesterday because of it.

    Surely a player of his experience should learn to just focus on his game rather than getting wound up about what is clearly a baseless daft song?

    It's in the same category as the Collymore song. Rubbish banter but if it gets on their nerves you have to admit, it's a good chuckle

  10. If anyone is not already hacked off enough about this, just remember why all of this is happening to us.

    It's happening in the name of sustainability you see. Profit and sustainability rules in the Football League ensure a level playing field where the integrity of the league is upheld and clubs don't get liquidated.

    That's sustainability baby

    The perfect system. Can't forsee any faults with it. I understand now that this is for our own good. They're going to stop us from liquidating ourselves by liquidating us.

    I'm so glad that instead of being taken over by someone who might overspend to try and get promoted,  but fail and leave us with massive debts, we had Mel Morris.

    And I'm so glad that the EFL stepped in to check that we had enough funds to see through the season before allowing a takeover. And I'm glad that when they found that we didn't have enough to make it through the season, they made us sustainable by ensuring we wouldn't make it through the month.

    I feel so protected right now

  11. By the way, Charlton also said they would mount a legal challenge against Sheffield Wednesday because their point deduction was done 2 years after their offence. If Wycombe want to play that game, we will just say "well if that deduction had happened in the 19-20 season, Charlton would have stayed up instead of Wednesday and in fact without the deduction, both us AND Wycombe would have gone down".

    It's ludicrous whichever way you look at it. If they believe the deduction should have been last season, presumably they feel Wednesday's deduction should have been the season before and therefore whatever the legal stance on this, they were always relegated.

    And they were relegated for being crap. They should sue their own players for not winning enough games.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Ramrob said:

    I think I know the real reason the EFL are doing all this…






    … they just want to see if this thread can break the George Thorne transfer saga one. 


    25 pages added in a couple of hours ?

    That went to 500 pages and a second thread had to be put up if I recall. Not sure it'll ever be beaten, its the "11 points" of the forum. Unprecedented circumstances

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