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Posts posted by Tombo

  1. 38 minutes ago, Barney1991 said:

    If that was the case is darragh macanthony a nut case as he is very vocal about posh and has owned them nearly 16 years. Unfortunately the guy will never win. He’s not vocal he doesn’t care or seem arsed he vocal and he’s a nut case and not a sensible owner. I thought after Mel went dark the last 6 months and never to be heard fans would be loving being kept up to date. I for one hope if he gets the club he carries on the tweets I love it 

    Fine, if that's what you want. I did expand on that interpretation in the second paragraph if you got that far

  2. Do feel a sense of unease around Kirchner. He's been very public and open, which as people have mentioned just makes him seem like a complete nutcase missing the quiet dignity that we want in an owner. Also no real expertise or prior understanding of how football clubs are run and as we know these are totally different businesses to any other.

    That said, there's an air of confidence and honesty about him. Maybe he's not absolutely loaded (at least not in a billionaire sense) but he seems to have a bit of passion and care and seems like he understands what the club means to the fans. It could turn out to be a breath of fresh air.

    But the funny thing in all this? No amount of public pressure or fan campaigns will stop a takeover. If someone wants to buy the club, they will buy the club. They don't even ever have to visit the ground to own the club. We have absolutely no say on this and so it's almost pointless to debate if this guy is our best hope or not.

    I mean it's not pointless, because it matters so much to us. But we don't actually have it in our power to stop it happening.

    We have to just trust our administrators to do the right thing. The administrators who we, the fans, had no say in appointing...

    Nothing quite like being a DCFC fan to make you feel weak and powerless...

  3. Every year we get further from that season, the more we forget just how unique it was. It can never and will never be beaten. It was the perfect storm.

    Horrendous recruitment left us League One quality players, who subsequently began to give up after 3 games.

    A manager who didn't want to be there from the start of the season and who sowed discontent in the dressing room immediately after Wembley.

    Then throw in possibly the worst managerial decision change ever in Paul Jewell who was so inept, so poor, so clueless, he regretted the job about 2 minutes after taking it.

    This all takes place in one of the strongest Premier Leagues ever with Ronaldo, Torres, Van Persie, Adebayor, Drogba, Lampard, Gerrard, Anelka, Santa Cruz, Berbatov, Benjani, Yakubu (and the list goes on) all playing at a world class level. And that's just to name who was an attacking threat. The list of world class defenders that season is just as long.

    And finally, just a pinch of some really horrendous luck. I mean to be honest, we didn't fluke anything. There were definitely points we dropped that we were unlucky to have dropped. You can expect any team to fluke a win or two or snatch the odd draw against the run of play. It never happened for us. No lifeline fell into our laps when we were crying out for it.

    It was a cursed season and won't ever be beaten.

  4. 1 hour ago, StockholmRam said:

    Strange day. I live in Sweden and pay a monthly subscription to Rams TV. Never miss a match. 

    Then today my Rams TV said ” broadcast not available in your location”!! Huh? WTF

    So instead of getting cross and frustrated I dropped an email to the address they provide for support! That email bounced.

    Then I got cross and frustrated. Seriously Rams TV. Thanks for ruining my weekend to twots.

    Took me a second to believe you when you said you live in Sweden for a second. I was like "yeah yeah, same as everyone here who claims they're in Cyprus"

    Then I read your name ?

  5. 55 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Didn't Roos do exactly the same thing at Wembley?

    Nope. That was poor but it was a deflected shot that ended up dipping into a crowded box that he misjudged the height of, and he didn't see McGinn sneak in front of him because he ghosted in through the crowd of Derby players who were blocking his vision. It was really bad and on the highest stage arguably a worse error because of what it cost us.

    But Allsop last night....that should be a routine catch but he's not positioned to catch it. I don't know whether he made the call to the defenders that he had it but he'd have been better letting the outfield players challenge for it. Nonetheless, he somehow makes it out to the ball in time to be there for the catch and it is a simple one. Not much on the ball, no spin, no curve, quite a flat simple ball in. But he hesitates and does nothing. It's a shocker.

  6. 55 minutes ago, nottingram said:

    But then what do you do when Roos makes a mistake? Do you drop him? If we’re dropping a keeper after every mistake how can we expect them to perform under that level of pressure, they’ll end up second guessing everything they do.

    Allsop has gained us points since he’s come in, yesterday he cost us points. It is what it is, he’s not the first to do that this season and he won’t be the last. I like Roos but chopping and changing isn’t the answer.

    Not every mistake, but that mistake was very poor. Plus this is my point, how does Roos get back in the team? Do we wait for Allsop to cost us more points first? Why wait, we know Roos is a better goalkeeper.

    3 clean sheets in 5 games for Allsop is good but I wouldn't really say he has been particularly impressive. Aside from maybe one game he hasn't really had much to do that wasn't pretty straightforward. 

  7. I don't usually like to stick the knife in when a player makes an error because mistakes happen and we all make them. 

    However.... Allsop....that was a very poor error to make. I think its worth dropping him over and getting him to work on that. You cannot be doing that in a game.

    I know when you drop someone after a mistake, especially a keeper, you can hurt their confidence, but if we can't drop him when he plays well and we can't drop him after an error, when can we drop him? No, seriously, when can we drop him? Roos is clearly the better keeper. If you can't make that change after that egregious clanger, when can you make the change?

    Sorry Ryan. I don't mean to be mean but there it is.

  8. Could really do with 3 points here. We're picking up points from draws but you can't sustain a season on draws. We've drawn a few games we could have lost, which is great, but we've got a couple of tough games ahead which I'd like to be able to accept draws against.

    Being satisfied with drawing the next two requires us to win this one. Would take a draw away at Cov but from Luton or Blackburn we'll need a win from at least one of them.

    Maybe we shouldn't look that far ahead though.

  9. A note on Mike Ashley and "sustainability"

    You cannot stay in the Championship as long as we have and be sustainable. Sorry, but you can't. This is the one place I will defend Mel vehemently.

    You have to either consistently spend no money, go down, rebuild your structure. Or you go up and you're set for about 4 or 5 full years minimum, even if you come hurtling back down.

    Nobody in this league has been here for as many years consistently as us and Forest and that's because of this reason. You cannot stay in the Championship while the games finances are built the way they are.

    If Mike Ashley buys us, it's because he's sure he's buying a League One club, and that he'll be able to sell a Championship club in a few years. He will not sustain us in the Championship, he will simply try to get us back up.

    Only a fool or an idiot (or a rich benefactor) would try to spend to keep us up year after year.

  10. 4 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    That’s just not how it works. They really don’t think about, Judy best record = winner. 

    like when someone scores two goals in a match and they ask the colour commentator, who’s your man if the match.’ ‘Well, with 2 great goals I can’t give it to anyone else, that man’s a machine.’

    im always thinking, have you been watching the match, the guy was rubbish for 88 minutes and put the ball in the back of the net when presented 2 golden opportunities, the least you expect from a striker. 

    same with Scott Parker, unbeaten is pretty much the least you expect in this league with his resources. 

    It's not how it should work, but it is how it works in practice sadly

  11. 2 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I think it's as much in recognition for how he's handled the situation regarding off the field stuff - which has been dignified and impressive - combined with pretty good results, did we only lose to sheff utd (and were pretty stubborn in that one)?

    And Birmingham in Sep too.

    Must be some sort of record if he wins it. Worst record (and no offence because he still deserves it) to ever win manager of the month

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