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Posts posted by Eatonram

  1. Not surprisingly support increases when a team is doing well, just remember the heady days of 2014 when Pride Park was filled to the rafters...."Since I was young" bouncing off the roof.......

    Ironically we are in a hole, the polar opposite situation and I suppose many supporters will...."stop supporting"


    As a fan base, have we got the metal and love for the RAMS that the club is going to need over the next year or two. We often talk of our fantastic support, well we'll see. I rather suspect it will turn out not to be as solid or loyal as we often believe.

  2. 7 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Mr broken record here. There are all sorts of statements on here claiming the EFl ‘approved our accounts’. Problem is, they only understood how we were doing the amortisation shortly before the first hearing. So even if they ‘approved them’ - which is very doubtful - they did so under a misunderstanding. 
    So, who was responsible for the misunderstanding? Well, the DC blamed the club and the EFL. And the LAP said it was the club’s fault, and they said much worse about us. 
    We have been very lucky (so far) and - as Pearce is now at last saying - we should kiss and make up with the EFl. Estoppel ? Forget it, we should take our medicine and stop fighting with them 

    Well the medicine is the current DC punishment which we will take. You keep saying we should stop fighting. This is difficult whilst ever the EFL keep throwing punches (to use your fight analogy) How exactly do we achieve what you are suggesting? I'd love to know.

  3. 3 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Last statement said...

    " it shall not comment further until after publication of the full written reasons of the Disciplinary Commission."

    No need for any further statement is there?


    No but reassuring supporters would never be a bad thing IMO. Are you not a little surprised at the gap between initial release and publication of report? I am. 

  4. could the club and efl already have received the DC report and not made it public? The EFL have appealed and this is already with the LAP/ We know so little. Perhaps time for a club update, even if it is to confirm we are still awaiting the final report.

  5. I think it is clear from the sanction that the DC have some sympathy towards our case. I have some hope that they will prepare a carefully worded report that makes the point that their sanction should be seen as in addition to the protracted embargo that has already been very punitive towards the club and that it is their view that both parties accept their independent and neutral findings to allow the championship to move on. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, G-Ram said:

    Im hoping that when the takeover is done & morris is out of the picture that us & the EFL can become friends.

    Yeah they're incompetent but its no good keep arguing with them. It only affects us negatively with embargo's and bad press. Im hoping it gets done and we can all move on 

    G Star, we are not arguing with them, we are just not allowed to accept our independently given sanction because the EFL will appeal. So many are saying that we should take the punishment so we Can move on.......if only that was possible. It is the EFL that are ensuring the fight never ends.

  7. 1 hour ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Angie Ram Angie Ram

    there are 2 versions of this, one comes from the DC, one from the LAP. One version is: the EFL had no clue what was going on with our accounts and that’s the fault of the EFl. That version was (sort of) supported by the DC. The other version is: the EFL had no clue what was going on and that was because they were misled by the club. That was where the LAP ended up. 

    what is not in doubt is that the EFL did not understand what we were doing. They hadn’t even ‘got it’ days before the DC hearing. So the suggestion they approved what we were doing is cloud cuckoo land. 

    unfortunately the evidence indicates we misled them. Our auditor basically admitted the notes explaining the changes were non-compliant. An accident? Perhaps. This led to the DC finding us ‘guilty’ on a minor count. More troubling is that when the club was asked to disclose documents relating to the accounting issue, they claimed to have none - this was clearly incorrect and the word mincing LAP did not mince their words on this. They called us liars. 

    We are very far from squeaky clean. 

    I am guessing that I love our club just as much as you do. But the blind loyalty shown on this forum is foolish, not least because the club’s decision makers keep an eye on what we all think about these things. And the fans’ support of the club’s foolish squabble with the EFL perpetuates it. We will do better next season if we stop this fighting with them and focus on the squad and the pitch. 

    it all comes back to Mel. He has spent a lot of his money to find that the deck is stacked against him, that the system is unfair. So he has pushed the envelope. We should thank him for that. But it has not worked so we need to take our medicine and focus on next season (in the championship). 


    You say we should stop fighting the EFL…… but how? They will not let us stop fighting because they keep fighting and they are about to do it again. How do we stop this? The answer is that WE can’t only the efl can stop this fight by not appealing. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, mrdave85 said:

    From what I’ve seen a lot of it is viewed as Derby being the ones who won’t accept the punishment and move on.

    Every time there’s an appeal non DCFC fans will assume it’s the club. From an outside point of view if you read that Derby have been given a £100k fine and it’s being appealed against, who would you think is making that appeal? 
    You wouldn’t think it was the EFL, who the ruling is in favour of, would you?

    Good point though it is mainly our supporters sayin we should just take the punishment and move on. We would take the punishment if only the efl would let us. They won’t. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I agree we need to start changing the narrative from being victims to accepting the consequences of what our current chairman has done to the club to get us into this position.

    The sooner we do that then we can move on hopefully with a new owner to boot and draw a line under the whole sorry episode.

    You could always vote with your feet. You do not have to support DCFC other clubs are available. As long as you close the door on your way out. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

    If by that you mean FACT then yeah I guess it is..



    It isn't a fact though is it Muespach?, we have actually possibly broken the "spirit" of one rule, not the letter of the rule, simply not giving a clear explanation of the change. I know you are not happy with what the club has done, fair enough, but your are grossly exaggerating the point and confusing opinion with fact.

  11. 15 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

    Which bit of what he said is "unfair" on DCFC then..? Because i see nothing at all that he said that is even the slightest bit unfair 

    So for adjusting our amortisation method to another perfectly legal method, it warrants the phrases "systematic cheating and years and years of violating the rules" Really? Considering the process is not even complete and the majority of accusations against us have been disproved, I would say it is "unfairly" disparaging, particularly when you see what Leicester, QPR and Villa did.

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