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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 12 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Can anyone give me the lowdown on Michael Knighton please, apart from playing Batman I can't find anything.

    Is he worth a Bob or two?

    No idea on his wealth, just very conveniently on Radio Derby yesterday being a bit coy (not that he hinted at anything, just he was there and being ‘everything will be ok’), plus a couple of tweets about Derby’s current situation.

    I’ve plumped it all on a guess basically, but he appears a bit of a dramatist which makes me think he’s reminded a few people who is before the big reveal.

    It’s only really me going for Knighton and I wouldn’t put too much behind my working out!

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

    champagne GIF

    Ok…although I said earlier that people need to look away and focus on Sunday I’m gonna ask this anyway…do you know something about Knighton here or are you just on a wind up?

  3. Just now, hintonsboots said:

    Will we see him juggling his balls at Pride Park ??

    I thought his interview on Radio Derby last night was very coy tbh

    Why raise your head above the parapet wit an interview, it makes no sense unless you are looking to make yourself known…

  4. FWIW Im kinda glad nothing has come out of that meeting in that, like Parry the administrators have said, there’s been too much noise going on surrounding them. Thing is on the one side we want less EFL leaks, but then crying foul because no one is saying anything.

    Obviously we all want to hear something positive asap, but there’s still a long way to go. I’ll reiterate what I said in the Rooney thread, maybe it’s time to focus on being a fan and gearing up for Sunday and not distracting ourselves/the club with all the other goings on until something worthwhile is said. Maybe it’s time to take a step back and concentrate on the football and what we can do in the ground?



  5. So I think I know the answer to this and why both train of thoughts are probably correct. 

    Some years ago I did about football attendances in the late 1800’s early 1900’s as part of my history degree. To cut a long story short, for cities like Derby, Liverpool and Birmingham, going to watch their club comes part of parcel of working class activity and the tended to get bigger attendances per population density. In part this is because of the location of the grounds near factories or housing. 

    Other cities, like Nottingham (it’s as good of an example of any, I’m not being daft) sport becomes part of the city’s general culture. So there’s a lot more going on, sport, theatre, whatever and it doesn’t quite hit working class life the same. The grounds are built out of the city as to look pleasant and doesn’t exactly have that community with it’s city inhabitants.

    There’s more depth to this, and a load of other cities you can use as examples. But what I’m getting at is that from some cities, it wasn’t a ‘one club’ thing as football is an activity rather than a passion. I think you can still see some of the effects of that today and possibly what the OP is getting at.

  6. Does anybody know if those Twitter spaces/council meetings thingys are still carrying on this week?

    If so if posters are concerned about certain chants and wanting us to show a more positive message it might be worth talking about on there. They’ve been pretty well represented so it would probably be worth trying to get the message out in a constructive way?

  7. I think there’s more important things to be talking about to be honest.

    Maybe it’s just me but I’ve seen quite a bit of people now going after others for stupid chants, fans having a go at other fans for having an opinion, Ed Dawes, Morrison etc and honestly is it all necessary right now?

    Yeah, stupid stuff happens but I’m not gonna be given an OTT lecture on it when in the end…is it important?

    The only comment I’ll have on the video is that I don’t condone it but I don’t condone Gibson’s actions either and the effect it’s had on the city/county or it’s peoples mental health whilst we are still having the knock on effects of a pandemic/club put through the ringer. Maybe everybody just needs to climb off the high horse a little bit.

    Anyway, loads of positive community stuff to get around regarding Derby recently and a bit more positive news happening in the background. Ignore the noise (sometimes literal noise).

  8. (Hopefully) Final points for today:

    Sky: Cooper’s a tactical genius

    Me: Not really, he moved an obviously struggling midfielder out of defence and into midfield because he had the players to do so. Derby couldn’t respond to this because of the EFL transfer embargo in place meaning weve lost two valuable players to how we were setting up. Can I mention we also aren’t being paid for this game?


    Final point…

    …those Forest flags…a bit crap?


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