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Posts posted by Jourdan

  1. What a response from the boys!

    We are yet to see a complete performance under the messiah, but we are doing a very professional job. These are the kinds of wins you have to become proficient in to succeed in this division.

    OK, with a new system and a new style, there is every possibility we’ll get punished by the better sides in the division as we adjust, but for now let’s enjoy the positives.

    We are finding ways to cause problems, score goals, and most importantly win games.

    Give me a chaotic 3-0 win over a boring, mechanical and frustrating 0-0 any day of the week.

    Warne is the messiah and Osula is a very good boy! ?

  2. 21 hours ago, Kokosnuss said:

    What I don’t understand is there being some posters who seem have to made their mind up on Warne from day one and will pounce on anyone who provides any sort of critique that isn't unwaveringly upbeat or in any way casts doubt about any aspects of his style of play being a good fit for the players we have, thus inviting others to swarm all over these posts, claiming them to be negative, impatient and born out of a desire to see Liam Rosenior in charge.

    I don't really understand the position you've taken on this really, which seems to eschew your usual (intended) balance and fair judgement in favour of relentless positivity and calling out others for not being positive. With respect, it just isn't how you've come across before! 

    To provide a critique on something isn't the same as criticising it, it's an evaluation. Sometimes people don't seem to know the difference.

    I am not pouncing on anyone. I don’t have the agility. I don’t think there is ‘relentless positivity’ either.

    Many like myself have said it could be a shrewd appointment, many like myself have also said it’s a calculated risk, so there is balance there if you are willing to search for it. I don’t think anyone is oblivious to the idea things could fall flat.

    Right now, I am going to support the club’s decision to appoint Warne. I can see the intent and the logic behind it and there have been signs that it could work and yes, also some indicators that it might not.

    But if people want to raise alarm bells after two games, that’s their prerogative. I am not sure it’s helpful when the man has been tied down to a four-year contract, not installed in a temporary position that could last one game or ten.

    Is it possible it could all go wrong and people’s fears will be realised? Absolutely. But the uproar after two league games, one which we won and the other we were on our way to winning until we pressed self destruct, seems a bit agenda-driven, I have to say.

    The turning points in the game were both down to decision making by individuals, not style of play or tactics. Rosenior or Rooney wouldn’t have got the blame for Saturday either.

    I think Warne could do very well here. There is every possibility he might not. But some people seem to have already seen this episode play out and no benefit of the doubt is being given. After two league games, it seems unforgiving in the extreme.

  3. 29 minutes ago, nottingram said:

    Agreed. Glad we didn’t catch you doing that

    This would be very pertinent if it was even close to the truth.

    Rosenior got criticised after a series of disappointing results. Not from day one, not after two games.

    Warne is being talked down after just one, and one in which the players self destructed and took matters out of his hands.


  4. 50 minutes ago, sage said:

    You seem to be persistently struggling to comprehend my original post and later ones reiterating my point. 

    I am not taking a swipe at Warne.

    I'm pointing out that many fans response to his appointment was disproportionately optimistic. 

    The drop off in levels beyond our first choice are not criticisms of Warne just a state of the nation analysis. Though this formation does place further emphasis on specific players with little cover ie wing backs

    Some difficulties can be assumed after two games, namely the juxtaposition of his 'gas out' style of play with our squad ages. That doesn't need 10 games to work out. 

    Hopefully we will improve and finish in the top six but it's going to be tougher than many fans believed after his appointment and i'm pretty sure Warne knows that too.  


    Getting behind a new manager with a positive track record in this division is disproportionately optimistic, is it?

    Surely some positivity surrounding the club is good and surely in this instance there is at least something tangible to go with it?

    I can understand people may feel Rosenior should have stayed or that Warne is not the right appointment. I can also understand that people will stand behind the idea that Derby should be a footballing side.

    But what I don’t understand is there being some posters who seem have to made their mind up on Warne from day one and will pounce on any negative result to reinforce their position.

    For me, he deserves a chance but some won’t give him that, and that to me is counterintuitive.

  5. 1 minute ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    We need to give him 2 seasons to see what he can do. I personally would have given Liam longer but let’s hope our players can adapt to the different style ?

    I think the signs look good to me.

    We beat Cambridge with the kind of professional performance you want away from home, and we really ought to have won today too.

    Giving away two penalties and a needless red card was the issue, not any hiccups with Warne’s tactical and stylistic approach.

  6. 8 minutes ago, sage said:

    There is more to it than that. A lack of control. The drop off from the starting XI. A high tempo pressing game with half the side init's dotage. 

    The reality check isn't for Warne, it's for the supporters who thought he would be a panacea.  

    Do two games decide that?

    We could win 7-8 of the next 10 and those who backed Warne from the start will look vindicated.

    I don’t see how a game which was lost on the basis of 2-3 individual errors can be used to take a swipe at Warne.

    For one, a lack of control and a drop off in levels are not exactly issues unique to Warne.

    Two, whether he has the same approach as previous managers or something different, bumps in the road are natural.

    I just get the impression that some, not necessarily yourself, are looking for any excuse now to go against this new direction.

  7. 1 minute ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    We made mistakes, not Warner’s fault, but our errors. Better teams don’t make those mistakes.

    10 league games between now and Christmas. I think we’ll see just how good we are and how good Warne is.

    Plymouth and Ipswich are emerging as the outstanding teams in the division.

    In ten games, we should be looking to establish ourselves in the pack of three or four behind them.

    If we are not, then criticism of Warne and his approach would be fair. But after two league games, it seems premature.

  8. 1 minute ago, sage said:

    Not pelters, just a reality check after initial unjustified, in my book, exultation.  

    A reality check? Is it though?

    Any manager’s game plan will go up in smoke when you concede not just one but two penalties and get a completely avoidable red card.

    It would be understandable if Port Vale had showed us up and pulled off a tactical masterclass.

    The reality is, our players lost their heads at key times and gifted the opposition three points.

  9. The irony that some were saying nine games was not enough to judge Rosenior and yet Warne is getting pelters after two.

    It’s conceivable that we would have had a easy six points from six if not for two game changing errors of judgement today, the kind of which coaching, tactics and style of play can’t really influence.

    Playing volleyball in our own box and our star striker turning MMA fighter, how can Warne be blamed for that?

  10. 48 hours from now, I am confident we’ll be celebrating our first away win of the season.

    And to be honest, that’s all that matters. We want to win. I think winning football can be played in many ways. In our position, we can’t afford to be so stubborn. We should embrace change.

    Personally I can totally understand the excitement from the club and from local media. We have a proven manager with tangible achievements at this level. What is there not to be excited about?

    Warne knows what works at this level and how to win football matches at this level. If he has to make us tougher, meaner, more physical, more athletic, more direct, more difficult to play against, so be it.

    Personally I couldn’t care less for style points. I want to win the actual points.

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