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Posts posted by Jourdan

  1. 3 minutes ago, S8TY said:

    So I’m not alone in thinking you’re one of the biggest whingers on here …never happy and face pops up to comment like clockwork every time there is a blip …I even thought you were a wummer at one stage such was your constant critisicm quick to criticise and yet don’t see you if we are doing well ….people seem to have the same opinion of you …funny that ?? 

    Your entire existence on this forum is following my posts and taking swipes.

    Very funny indeed.

  2. 24 minutes ago, LazloW said:

    I honestly don't know how you have the audacity to question this!  With all due respect you've got to admit, in quite a competitive field , that you're one of the most 'impatient' posters on here (I'm avoiding using the word 'negative'...).  I think its very fair to assume that you will be on him like flies on poop after any poor result or performance. I'm not having a go at you about it; you're entitled to your opinion just like anybody else, but the original comment certainly is not 'rubbish' is it!?

    Not at all impatient and honestly not even negative. It seems people just love to put posters in boxes and then can’t see them as anything else.

    It’s simple - in recent times it’s become very clear very quickly that we have made the wrong managerial appointments for the situation we’ve been in. See Cocu, Rooney and Rosenior.

    I stuck my head above the parapet. I won’t apologise for having those opinions and tending to see it before others came around to that way of thinking.

    This time I feel differently and I have been one of the few defending Warne and his prospects on here.

    People have started writing Warne off and forecasting his ill fate at a time when the ink is not even dry on his contract. All that despite him seeming a reasonably, genuinely good fit for the job at hand.

    Time will tell, but at the end of the day, I don’t see why I am being vilified when we all want the same thing - a winning football team.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Sidd10 said:

    Don’t post on the forum very often but when I’m on and something controversial is happening I always know your profile pic will be on show as the last poster.

    Other poster is right, you’ll be the the first to post Warne out. Can’t wait to see it after 1 bad result 

    Such things are easy to say and then fade into the background. 

    It’s also easy to paint someone as the bad guy for having an opinion and a mind of his own and being willing to defend his opinions.

    We’ll see what happens, but I doubt you’ll be back to apologise if you are wrong, will you?

  4. Just now, uttoxram75 said:

    You'll be the first to slag him off if we lose two games on the bounce. ?

    First to slag him off? Rubbish. He’s not even put a framed photo of his wife and his dog on his desk and other people are writing him off.

    I would describe his appointment as potentially shrewd and a potential answer to the obvious need for an experienced manager who knows the league. I am getting Billy Davies vibes.

    I am interested to see what happens and I think we have to assess the situation at the end of the season.

    If we are a long way off the play offs, of course Warne will come in for criticism and rightly so.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Again I find people's reactions bizarre. It's like people are pretending that the limitations in our squad don't exist.

    I absolutely guarantee that if Rooney hadn't left, and then had an identical start to Rosenior this season then 80/90% of the people who've now decided they don't really want Rosenior anyway and (in some cases) are actually glad to see him leave wouldn't have been calling for a change, but making excuses for one manager that they won't allow for another.

    If Warne does get off to a bad start it'd be interesting to see what excuses come rolling in. Probably some would find a way to blame Rosenior.

    Rooney would have got exactly the same treatment.

    Calls for a more experienced manager with more of a grasp on what football in this league is all about.

    Well, from the ones who hold every manager to the same standard.

    Unfortunately our fanbase gets enamoured with failing managers with unworkable principles far too easily.

    Some would be glad to see the likes of Cocu, Rooney and Rosenior still here and I find that honestly quite odd.

    Roll on Cambridge and let’s see if Warne can deliver a ripper or two.

  6. 13 minutes ago, plymouthram said:

    Do we have the right players to adapt with Paul Warne style of football. With him bringing in his coaching staff in, I would assume they will be playing the same style that Rotherham have been playing for the last 6 seasons. Which if this happens we might have the wrong players that Liam recruited. And if we do get promoted this season, would we drop straight back down the next season?

    Time will tell.

  7. 3 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    The thing is, do you honestly expect that Warne will have the current squad looking like they are on for automatics by Xmas ? Because I don't see it and I wouldn't see it of nearly any manager. 

    The sacking of Rosenior has laid down the marker of where the expectation level is at and its at automatic promotion. I just don't see how the decision is justifiable otherwise. And yet I don't personally think it's realistic. Never mind that it might be a bumpy transition based on styles, it being a squad Rosenior has assembled and the pressure of expectation.

    I think the aim will be to close the gap before Christmas and then push later in the season.

    We have 12 league games before Christmas. 14 if rearrangements are made. Could we get 24-28 points?

    If Warne comes in and finds a way to make us more difficult to play against, why is that not possible?

    On current form, we have 14 points in 9 games. We’d be trending for 72 points. So it’s not necessarily even good enough for the play-offs if we continued in that vein.

    The only marker that it has laid down is that we don’t want to be left behind by the 4-5 teams beginning to break away at the top.

    If we’re aiming for 6th, there’s no margin for error and we could easily finish 8th-9th. But if we are aiming for 2nd or 3rd, we might still end up 5th or 6th and all is not lost come May.

  8. 29 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    In my opinion this is a move that only makes sense if we are absolutely gunning for automatics. And if that's the case Warne needs to have us in the top 2 or just outside by Xmas or else we need to reassess. Personally it's not the way I'd have gone about it but I don't see how it can be any other way. 

    My prediction of what will happen is as follows:

    - We have an initial patch of decent form. The football is mostly decent or at least decent enough that it appeases most people.

    - This will be followed by a lull where things get progressively ugly as we turn to increasingly more "pragmatic tactics". 

    - This doesn't really pan out and our results flatline at mediocre and we are just inside the playoffs at best and quite likely down around 10th. This depends on how long the good form is and how long the slump is.

    - From there it's a fair chance Warne loses his job and we either roll on a new manager going into January trying to push again. Or we hire in house and sell of the players who would fetch a decent fee in January.

    This is all completely unfounded. For all we know, we could do really well and be in for a really positive season.

    Let’s keep in mind, averaging 2 points a game (so 20 points every 10 games) would be enough to leave us very much in the mix for top 2 and also give us room for a few bumps in the road or teething problems.

    It seems that people are doom-mongering based on nothing other than the new manager doesn’t fit their ideals.

    If it was another manager with a different reputation, say for producing a favourable style of football, people would be saying how we are well placed to kick on and push for promotion.

  9. I would expect us to be comfortably in the play-offs with a late push for the automatic promotion places if we can regroup quickly and build momentum.

    Previously with Rosenior, it felt like we would be top half with an outside chance of the play offs purely due to his inexperience.

    I don’t think promotion is guaranteed, but this move has definitely strengthened our case.

  10. A four year contract?

    Now that’s an interesting decision.

    I would have thought Warne would have been given a two-year contract in line with the deals that the players signed in the summer.

    I guess this means the financial restrictions related to signing up playing staff don’t really apply to non playing staff.

    But even so I think it would have made sense to use the business plan as a guide to protect ourselves.

    In some ways, a four year deal means there is security for both the club and the coaches, but equally we don’t want to be in the position of paying off long contracts should something go wrong, which there is always a chance of happening however small.

  11. 20 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    How long are you giving Warne before you criticise him? 10-15 games or your usual 5 games? ?

    I think he has to be treated like any other manager we have had.

    Praised when he does something well, criticised when something is seriously wrong.

    That could be 50 minutes into Cambridge away when we are 4-0 down and playing James Chester up front. Or it could be in 200 games when we are beating United 4-0, not 5-0. Who knows?

    I don’t know if Warne will succeed, but I can see the thinking behind it.

    League 1 football is not what anyone wants and nor is it likely sustainable for us over a number of years, so we have to maximise our chances of getting out of the division.

    I see this as a calculated risk, much less of a risk than sticking with Rosenior who has been figured out and nullified very quickly at a level he himself probably figured he was too clever for, but one that could pay off.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    I think it is the timing that is all wrong. LR should have been given until Xmas, another 12 games or so, and then a fair assessment could have been made.

    But why?

    He was interim manager, not permanent manager.

    If an interim manager is still in place halfway through the season, it kind of makes a mockery of the role.

    Everyone would want some clarity and certainty by that point.

    The timing could very well be fine, because we don’t have a game for 9-10 days, so Warne has some time to settle in.

  13. 16 minutes ago, S8TY said:

    Why is it scaremongering ?? Jewell and Pearson had good track records and failed here miserably so that’s a fact every managerial appointment is a risk and personally think 9 games was not enough ….LR possibly needed an experienced assistant who knows this division 

    It’s obvious scaremongering.

    The vast majority of Derby fans believe we should be a footballing side, so naturally any manager who deviates from that even slightly will be talked down. Even though in real terms, Billy Davies is the only manager to have a degree of success with us since the turn of the century.

    Cocu and Lampard raised the roof. Pearson and Rowett were treated with suspicion. So too now is Warne.

    I prefer to look at Warne’s record and the circumstances he was working under. To me, everything points to him having done a good job at Rotherham and showing skill in what he was asked to do.

    Will he be a success here? Who knows? But he has had success in League 1. He has got a team out of this league three times in three attempts. This is positive, no? What has Rosenior done by comparison?

    So surely if you put concerns about style to one side, Warne is the safer bet.

  14. 2 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Out of the Mel playbook as completely the wrong fit.

    Jewell and Pearson both had really high stock when appointed, but wrong fit to style of play and squad.

    Happy to be proved wrong, will support him but I’m massively struggling to get my head around this 

    Look at it from this perspective: you appoint a manager to get a job done.

    We want to get promoted from League 1, do we not?

    If Warne gets us promoted, it will be the perfect fit.

    You make it sound like footballers can only play in one way and you make it sound like our squad is prime Arsenal under Wenger. It’s far from it.

    Players like Davies, Mendez Laing, Barkhuizen, Chester, Collins, McGoldrick and Hourihane have flourished under various managers with varying styles of play. They are not out and out technical ball players.

    Looking at our young players, the likes of Cashin, Knight, Thompson, Dobbin and Sibley all have qualities that could be brought to the fore playing under a different manager in a different kind of side.

    I’ll say it again, comparing this to Jewell or Pearson is scaremongering.

  15. 16 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Random manager choices (as Warne clearly is, in no way a good fit for Derby in terms of personnel to fit his style of play or experience of this size of club ) is exactly what will ensure we’re in league 1 for years 

    How do you know this is random?

    How do you know this group of players can’t flourish under Warne?

    Is his ‘style of play’ set in stone? Do we have a squad of solely technical footballers who can only play one way?

    Is it possible he could adjust it to a different club with a different squad and considerably better facilities and resources?

    It all remains to be seen.

    But given Clowes quite possibly made an interim appointment to give himself breathing space to make a permanent appointment, to suggest it is random and ill thought out seems counter intuitive.

  16. 2 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    You may not think Liam was the right man, I disagree with you and considering the circumstances we’ve had a more than creditable start to the season with the prospect of further progress. But what about Paul Warne being first choice? a one club man at a much smaller club than ours playing a completely different style of football to the players we have with no prospect of changing it because we’re working under a business plan, all because “he knows league 1”?! Paul Jewell and Nigel Pearson knew the championship!! Does that not seem short sighted to you?

    Its exactly this approach I hoped Derby wouldn’t follow because it’s what kept Sunderland and Sheff United down here for years, and it’s straight out of the Mel playbook. With the exception of Portsmouth, The teams at the top of the league have inexperienced but talented coaches given time to execute their philosophy.

    Why is this straight out of the Mel playbook?

    Clowes has been here for a matter of months. Isn’t it too soon to compare him?

    He didn’t give Rosenior a three year contract and he is unlikely to give Warne one either.

    If he appointed an interim manager to settle things down and navigate the immediate challenges facing the club before bringing in his preferred option, what is wrong with that?

    Is there one way to win football matches? Is there one way to be successful? Why do we have to do what Ipswich and Plymouth do?

    Also, do we know what Warne’s philosophy will be? Maybe he will look at the squad he inherits and decide what suits them best and what will get the best out of them?

    Comparisons to Jewell and Pearson are simply scaremongering.

  17. 6 minutes ago, rammieib said:

    Even the players all commented on how they saw LR as the boss. However the question still stands, LR for whatever reason hasn’t been regarded as good enough with a 58% win record with a 7th position. Would you want a new manager (interim or perm) sacked if that’s their record after 9 league games?

    44% win ratio in the league. Our bread and butter.

    This is obviously the determining factor.

  18. 5 minutes ago, rammieib said:

    This is my issue with fans today - you basically think we should have played 9, won 9 from a team of free transfers at the end of their careers.

    We have some really good players but we’re not entitled to dominate the league, far from it.


    Who expects 27 points from 27? Who has said that?

    We’ve picked up 14 points from a possible 27, slightly over 50%.

    Two points better off than Fleetwood, Shrewsbury and Port Vale. One point better off than Lincoln and Cambridge. Three points better off than recently promoted Exeter.

    Doesn’t that suggest there is room for improvement?

  19. I don’t understand the outrage here.

    Clowes gave Rosenior an interim position, so he was auditioning for the permanent role, not guaranteed the role. Clowes is well within his rights to go in a different direction, especially when Rosenior hasn’t been overwhelmingly impressive.

    This says loud, clear and unequivocally that standards and expectations are high and promotion and bouncing back straight away is the target.

    This would line up with the calibre of player we brought to the club and this would also line up with the conversations being had internally.

    With that in mind, can Clowes be blamed? We’ve dropped 13 points in nine games. We’ve lost a third of our league games. We have thrown away a win v Plymouth, contrived to lose v Lincoln and Charlton, and not made anything count v Fleetwood and Shrewsbury. We’re seven points from the top two places and five points from 3rd. It doesn’t set the right tone and suggests a rethink is needed.

    As such, it’s no surprise Clowes wants someone who knows the league, someone who understands the mechanics of the league and how to win games consistently, and someone who has consistent experience of doing well in this league.

    Warne could be a very shrewd appointment in that sense and especially if it’s on a one or two year deal. Three promotions from League 1? It’s difficult to argue with his track record, especially as Rotherham are not necessarily a big fish in this league, just benefactors of yo-yoing between the Championship and League 1.

    Of course people will turn their nose up at his perceived style. But here he will have better resources and a better calibre of player than he has ever had at Rotherham. So in theory it could be a good blend, knowing when to play our football and knowing when and being coached how to take a different approach. 

    We certainly have players that could thrive under a different style. It’s not as if we are the Arsenal of League 1. It’s not a squad of purely technical footballers, is it?

    It’s worth a shot. Enjoy the ride.

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