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Posts posted by Jourdan

  1. 2 hours ago, Jubbs said:

    Lose 2 games in a row and fans are calling for his head!!!!!!!!! Embarrassing. 

    Oxford - played well, won.
    Charlton - played well, loads of chances and incredibly unlucky not to score. Lost.
    Barnsley - dominated 70 mins of the game(on an extremely hot day), won.
    Shrewsbury - dominated and unlucky not to score. Drew.
    Fleetwood - again, dominated and again unlucky not to score. Drew.
    Peterborough - played meh, won.
    Plymouth - played poorly, lost.
    Lincoln - played poor, shafted by 3 poor decisions, lost.

    Anyone calling for his head need to give their head a wobble. Stop expecting to go 46 games unbeaten and relax. We aren't going to win every game, this is every team in the league's biggest game. We haven't got the "best" squad in the league either, it's strong yes, but the squad depth is poor. RELAX.

    People see the writing on the wall.

    Rosenior has been here in the coaching set up for years.

    His philosophy didn’t work with previous squads, so why will this group be any different?

    You’re kidding yourself if you think things will click in 5-10 games and we’ll become this exciting, free scoring side.

    We’ve been waiting 2.5 years for it all to click.

    It’s not about having faith or having patience or relaxing. We’re all perfectly calm and we can all see this hasn’t worked and even in the league below, it’s a flawed philosophy because to make it work, you need time and money to be able to tweak it to perfection and to make the team more or less infallible.

    Rosenior does not have those luxuries. He needs to find a way of getting the best out of the group, which is still a very able and strong group for L1 standards, and getting results, plain and simple.

  2. 1 hour ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Yeah it’s really helped him in the away games where we’ve pretty much played everyone off the park. 

    We are six points better off because of moments of individual brilliance.

    The team hasn’t been functioning well enough to win the majority of our league games, hence why we have dropped ten points and it could have been more.

    Does it bode well that we have ‘played everyone off the park’ away from home and only come away with two points from nine?

    Morecambe and Lincoln away will tell us a lot. If we come firing back, panic over. But if not, it could suggest that we’re in for a long, frustrating season.

  3. One thing I can’t understand is this idea that we should simply be happy and grateful that we have a team to support.

    It’s a nice sentiment but it felt like that went out of the window the day we announced the signings of Hourihane, Chester and McGoldrick in the space of 45 minutes.

    Such signings were only ever going to build expectation and increase the desire to see a winning team and of course, any sense of the club slowly mending itself seemed to disappear.

    I don’t blame anyone for being frustrated. It’s instinctive when you don’t win a game of football and especially so when the opposition are so overmatched and especially when you see teams of a similar ilk faring much better.

    Rosenior is not a unique case. Any manager would be in the same position. We are a big fish in the league and there is a level of expectation that comes with that. This will have been the same for Sunderland, Leeds, Forest, Southampton and all the teams that came before us.

    It’s going to be hard for Rosenior to keep pace and not because of entitlement. As Derby fans, we are grounded and we have seen enough over the years to know that nothing is a given.

    It’s the sheer disparity between us and the majority of clubs at this level. We have infrastructure, resources and stature that some of these clubs can only dream of. It’s not arrogance, it’s factual. 

    There is always going to be a level of disappointment and questions to be asked if you can’t make that count, and so far we haven’t done that.

    Two wins v Peterborough and Plymouth and the doubts will be washed away.

  4. One worry for me is that Shrewsbury, Charlton and Fleetwood are far from the cream of the division and we’ve got 2 points from 9.

    It’s a bit deflating.

    If some of the weaker sides are finding joy and have been able to frustrate us, what happens when we go to teams of a similar quality who will be looking to contend for promotion and the play-offs?

    Could those 0-0s end up being 1-0 or 2-0 to the opposition?


  5. 4 hours ago, brady1993 said:

    I actually this is the wrong way to think. 

    If we embed the philosophy now at this point in the season then it will be the bedrock of success later in the season and going into the championship.

    If we focus on results at all cost now we will end up a tactical mess of a team and probably looking back at a middling to average season and nothing to build on.

    We have to look beyond short-termism right now, it's what lead to us being in league 1.

    But isn’t results-driven thinking exactly what has allowed us to build a highly competitive squad?

    It is easy to see we have been able to retain many of our young players and attract new signings who could have joined clubs in the Championship because they want to be part of a winning project.

    Players want to win games, not style points. They see the possibility of promotion, the possibility of a Wembley occasion if we do well in the EFL Trophy, the possibility of playing in front of 25,000 crowds every other week.

    You can’t sell that idea to players if results are secondary to philosophy. Results matter and keep fans coming through the turnstiles and entice players who wouldn’t normally join.

    Rosenior is going to have to prioritise results at some point, especially because internally, players and staff are talking about promotion. 

    Having a philosophy and building an ethos is great, but the way we’ve built our squad lends itself to a quick promotion and a need for results.

    If we were going for a slow and steady rebuild, I think we would have reached out to an entirely different profile of player.

  6. 7 hours ago, rammieib said:

    We’re 7th mate. Not 24th. Over reactions!?!?

    Yes, we can all read the league table. No-one is saying that is the problem.

    I think most people understand this season will be a grind and teams will make it difficult for us.

    I also think most people understand that we are a work in progress and we’re looking at somewhere in the top half. Top six if we put results together and 7-12th if we just tick along.

    It’s not an overreaction. No-one wants Rosenior’s head on a stick. People want him to be more flexible, more adaptable, rather than sticking rigidly and stubbornly to a philosophy that has proven time and time again not to get the best out of us in an attacking sense.

    We have a brand new midfield and a brand new front three. New players, yet same old mechanisms. It doesn’t bode well. It doesn’t set the right tone.

    If that continues, frustration will only grow. People can accept when other teams are better, but it’s more difficult to accept when we are our own worst enemy.

  7. Rosenior is a very principled coach, but surely he has to ask himself: is this the best, most effective way to win football matches?

    He’s coached players here for over three years now and has had his fingerprints all over the tactics and the style of play.  The players change, even now look at us with practically a completely new squad, but many things stay the same. But not for the better. That has to be a concern.

    Is Rosenior shrewd enough to recognise when something is not working and have the courage to try something new? So many people have mentioned a lack of bravery and that can only be a reflection of the coaching.

    What worries me is that we’ve tried to keep a sense of continuity but then what promised to be a new dawn, a fresh start, a time of hope and excitement may soon slip away and end up with many fans feeling jaded. 

    This was always the danger with keeping Rosenior and the coaching staff together. It all feels so familiar. It always feels like it’s philosophy first, results second.

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