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Barrow (A) - Match Thread


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Let’s face it Warne isn’t going anywhere. 
But whilst I’m not full Warne out, if we sacked him today and got somebody that looked to play football I’d be quietly relieved. 
Poor football is ok if you’re winning but when you’re not it’s soul sucking. That plus we’re looking desperate in the transfer market has completely drained the good will from last seasons promotion. 
Can’t remember who put it on here a few days ago, but it’s looking like we need a mastermind coach to squeeze performances out which we shouldn’t be executing. Warne churns out what the squad is expected to achieve and as the squad isn’t that good it’s showing.

Lets see how we get on at the weekend but we may be only 2/3 bad results in a row away from pure uproar.

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My thoughts on last night and only last night

Sky+ what an absolute bag o shyte, Freezing picture, Commentary feed awful commentator just as bad, No wonder Sky+ is free who in their right mind would pay for such crap.

Now onto the game

PW and staff

If this is how you send grown men and teenagers into a game of football shame on you, I have never seen in such a longtime watching football that those DCFC players devoid of any cohesion, If I was your employer I'd be opening my filing cabinet to check whether your P45s are available...😏

The players

Barkhuizen and Collins are stealing a wage in their last throws of football employment along with the ever injury prone Washington and CBT, Barkhuizen was utter dog shyte and that's being polite, Collins poor performance culminated in a penalty miss altho he was like a victim of the plague as no Derby player would go near him for support, The header was met with a very good save having said that...he should have scored.

JWZ looks to be a decent signing, Nothing of note to be negative about

2 loan players in Ozoh and Chirewa these look to me as shirt fillers to make up a squad, Nothing of note in their performances very very ordinary in a game of football where mistakes were common place.

Bradley I could have sworn he was wearing a white shirt as the amount of times he gave the ball away was a benefit to Barrow, Nelson...meh, Wards 1st game back and you could tell...poor, Forsyth fell into the same mentality as the other 3 defenders.

Adams, Goodminge and Thompson if they were made of plasticine they wouldn't make half a player, Very little support to our lone striker...bloody awful.

The 3 subs that came on did better than the 3 they replaced...only just

I have no knowledge of PWs team talks, I don't even know if he gets angry, But if I was a supporter that spunked a small fortune travelling to the ends of A509 to Barrow...I would be mightily pissed off...you all deserve to get a refund...well done all.

David Clowes be aware fans are very fickle I'm also one of those fans football is awash with us, But I'll not criticize you...others will, Get those wagons in a circle as the Indians are on the horizon, Having a "competitive" budget in the Championship will not save you, I'll remind you what Francis Lee said when he bought Man City..."when the fans start to complain"...I'm off...and he was. 

Well today is going to be another good day as every day is for me, Enjoy life fellow posters as football will kick you where it hurts 😉 


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This result hurts. The team were not up for it and we were outdone by poor penalties. Absolute kudos to each and everyone of our fans who went braving the weather and performances of some of the players.  Between now and Saturday we all,players and fans, need to roll our sleeves up and treat the game against Bristol City as one where we have to give everything. There's an international break coming up afterwards so players go out there and give it your all. Us fans need to create the same atmosphere as Middlesbrough's game. We are going to lose more games than we win this season but we can win this one. UTR!

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5 hours ago, angieram said:

Got in at 1.32 am.

I expect to see at least the same effort from the players as we put in doing the round trip to Barrow on a Tuesday night.

Very disappointed. 

It’s fans like you that I feel for, that’s a one hell of a trek for a round 2 cup game midweek. 

A cup that a couple of weeks prior we only had one stand open for at home and couldn’t even sell that out, yet there you are doing 6 hour round trips on a Tuesday against League 2 opposition.

You’re a credit to this club, as are the others that made the journey and deserve better. 

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Absolute embarrassing performance and its not as if Barrow did not deserve to win at that

Possibly right up there in the worst football i have seen from a Derby side,what are they doing in training as they are not reproducing that on the field

 This is now Warnes side, he as made all the new signings so the buck stops with him,the next few weeks will be telling,we could quite easily be sat here with zero points if it wasnt the fact that Middlesborough who played us off the park couldnt hit a barn door then the knifes would truly be out

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8 hours ago, BPV said:

I’m sorry, but I completely disagree.

We’ve barely been in any of the games we’ve played this season, and I’d include beating Boro in that. 

There’s been some battling performances, but we are absolutely miles off it both technical ability wise and tactically.

We clearly have a much smaller budget than we had been lead to believe, but this is where we needed to be smarter with our recruitment and where coaching in tactics come into play massively. 
A great coach will pull out performances and increase the levels his players are playing at and a great manager will outwit his opposition. 

I fail to see how 2/3 signings would drastically improve the style of play we’re going for. This team needs dramatic changes to be even remotely competitive. 

Competitive for what? To go at the best teams in the division and fight for top 6 or top 10? Or competitive to survive a relegation battle? This I think is the source of your frustration.

We’ve just played 3 of the better teams in the league or at the very least the three teams who have started the best. If we’d have gone toe to toe with Boro We’d have lost comfortably because player for player they are far better than us, because they cost a lot more money or are at the right point of their academy development. We beat Boro due to Warne’s tactics.

I’ve had neutrals tell me Derby were well in the game against Blackburn and looked likely to go on and win. A poor 10 minutes and individual errors cost us there not tactics. And against Watford we played well for long periods and competed.

If you think we’re going to play McClaren football or that we should be at this stage in our recovery (two years after the club was on its arse and having sold most of the academy silver, with clearly one of the smaller budgets in league one despite needing a rebuild) then you’re going to be disappointed.

Yes smart recruitment, good academy players coaching in tactics are all vital and we need to nail all of these areas to somehow have a chance to fight for promotion from this league but it all takes one thing - time and lots of it. As I said in another post it took Nigel nearly 5 years to build that McClaren side and he started from a higher and better base than Warne which makes his and the clubs task now even tougher. Unless we throw money at it which we either won’t or can’t, this is the harsh reality of where the club is at.

I hope and expect we will play better football against the sides we’re competing with at the bottom but style of football is secondary more than ever, it’s about points. I think we will see more of the football and tactics we’ve displayed so far as we get used to this league again, it needs to evolve beyond it at some point but maybe not this season.

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12 minutes ago, ramboy63 said:

Absolute embarrassing performance and its not as if Barrow did not deserve to win at that

Possibly right up there in the worst football i have seen from a Derby side,what are they doing in training as they are not reproducing that on the field

 This is now Warnes side, he as made all the new signings so the buck stops with him,the next few weeks will be telling,we could quite easily be sat here with zero points if it wasnt the fact that Middlesborough who played us off the park couldnt hit a barn door then the knifes would truly be out

Yeah with a team assembled from home bargains. Think you need to get real about where this club is at.

Three games is not a fair statistical representation and as for Barrow, it’s the league cup!! Shocks happen bad performances happen all the time, it’s irrelevant in our season. 

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9 hours ago, Eatonram said:

Quite a few, just cannot see past their quite personal dislike of Paul Warne. I never hold a manager 100% responsible for individual poor performances of players or shocking games. It’s what happens over the full season. So far PW has delivered success. That’s a fact. Opinions vary. He isn’t about to get sacked and the season has barely started. 

I love comments like this. If the players aren't playing for the manager it's their fault and nothing to do with the manager or his 'inverted no7' tactics? 😄 Oh and the success Warne delivered was in a lower league were our players and squad were mostly better than all the other teams, that's not gonna happen in the Championship and it didn't happen last night.

Oh and the dislike is based on his god-damn awful football and footballing philosophy. 

Edited by RoyMac5
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9 hours ago, BWRam said:

Now a step up, we’re one of the worst teams in the league, so relying on defending when we’re often outmatched doesn’t work. What scares me is in possession. We were really poor last year, and banked on breakdowns for set pieces and crosses, and tonight we could barely play into Barrows half. Looking at Oxford & Pompey, playing on the front foot is giving them more success than we have had so far. The Middlesborough game was a game we lose/draw 9 times out of 10.

I want the guy to do well, but if this way (that hasn’t worked with Rotherham on 3 occasions) doesn’t work, we look so uncreative and unable to do anything else.

Board showed last year they wont be rash making and decisions and it worked, which makes me feel it could be the same again…

Although the Board showed it would make a decision for the 'best' of the Club in appointing Warne over Rosenior's job application.

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12 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Although the Board showed it would make a decision for the 'best' of the Club in appointing Warne over Rosenior's job application.

Interesting point. Getting a manager with experience of getting out of League One was definitely best for the club.

now you could argue getting a manager who provides Championship consistency is best for the club, which based on history is not Warne.

Just curious if results and performances stay as they are and we do drop near the drop zone, when they make the call. Last year they held on and it paid off, just hoping they dont think the same happens again at the other end of the table.

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9 hours ago, Ambitious said:

I don’t disagree, I was mortified by what I saw tonight and I don’t say that lightly. 

However, we know what the season is going to be for us, we have roughly 43-45 games left of the season and I suspect on probability we win: 10 or 11 of them. That’s over 30 games where we don’t have a positive result. The abuse and frustration in a month after promotion where we’ve won 2, drawn 1 (lost on penalties) and lost 2 games is already alarming. I can see this a mile off, abuse towards Warne, the players, Pearce and if it gets bad enough even Clowes. 

I guess it’s about expectations. It might be reasonable to expect to lose more than we don’t this year but tonight was a missed opportunity to regain some form and to actually try and build on the slim bits of decent football we saw at certain points during the Watford game. A complete waste of a match. 

I certainly hope it doesn’t turn toxic particularly at matches but I think it will if we continue to pursue this dropping deep and clinging on style of play. I think most fans want to see the team just go out and compete and if it’s not good enough then it’s still better than what we’ve seen so far and it’s not likely to earn many fewer wins than what we’re currently serving up either. 

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Think we will see over the next couple of months why Warne struggled at Rotherham once he got to the Championship. He is up against much better coaches than last season and the recruitment team  seems unable to unearth the gems on our restricted budget  who can make an impact at this level. I said to someone before the start of the season that he would be gone by Christmas and I have seen nothing so far to change this view. 

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My morning reflections on the game (watched it on Sky).

Firstly, credit to Barrow. They did what they needed to to hold, with relative ease, an albeit fairly toothless team two divisions above them to a 0:0 draw after 90 minutes (and could have won it in normal time).Also credit to those that travelled up for the game.

Like most I’m not really fussed that we’ve been knocked out but it’s the manner of the defeat that is so upsetting and concerning. If we’d played decent football and created loads of chances but just failed to convert them then defeat on penalties would have been much more palatable. Equally, if we’d gone out to a Premier League team (or even a fellow Championship team away from home) without creating much then I don’t think many would be losing too much sleep. The Tinpot nature of the competition makes defeat easier to take for us fans but I refuse to believe the coaching staff and players didn’t set out with the sole intention of winning the game.

Who do I blame? As ever, it has to be shared responsibility. I know he’s still working with limited resources but I can’t help but feel there is plenty not right with the coaching, tactics, formation etc. PW said in his interview that we “prepared well”. Thank goodness for that otherwise it could have been a whole lot more embarrassing. Having said that, the players (or most of them) have to take their share of the responsibility for misplaced passes, wrong decisions, failing to retain the ball etc.

Should Warne go? Of course not purely based on that one performance (I’m not too distraught about our start to the league campaign) but the league performances do need to improve. Hopefully we’ll beat Bristol and Cardiff then put up a decent performance against Sheffield United and maybe grab a point (I live in hope) and last nights game will be quickly forgotten.

Finally, in the absence of Vickers, it seems as if Collins has become the latest scapegoat. He didn’t do much last night (but how many did?) and he hasn’t got going yet in the league (perhaps he won’t this season) but it’s not that long ago that he finished the season as our top scorer so comments like “I never want to see him pull on a Derby shirt again” or “he’s stealing a living” (or words to those effect) are simply ridiculous IMO.

COYR and here’s to a comfortable 3 points for Derby on Saturday.

Edited by Tamworthram
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1 hour ago, eccles the ram said:

This result hurts. The team were not up for it and we were outdone by poor penalties. Absolute kudos to each and everyone of our fans who went braving the weather and performances of some of the players.  Between now and Saturday we all,players and fans, need to roll our sleeves up and treat the game against Bristol City as one where we have to give everything. There's an international break coming up afterwards so players go out there and give it your all. Us fans need to create the same atmosphere as Middlesbrough's game. We are going to lose more games than we win this season but we can win this one. UTR!

Knight and bird playing against  us really worries me.

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9 hours ago, DavesaRam said:

It is only the "Nobody Cares Cup",

You are right in the sense that our chance of winning it is zero, I care in that I always want the team to win and we need to bed in the new players.

Even more important is the money a cup run can bring in, so our accountants will care.

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9 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

It was a depressing performance. Even a night's sleep won't heel the numb the sting I fear. My GF actually asked me if I was alright after the game, so I must have been emanating some pretty fierce FML vibes as I didn't say anything during the match. 

Or half a night's sleep, for those of us that made the round trip. 😴

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Liked what I saw of Zetterström. At the weekend a lot of keyboard warriors targeted poor kicking. I saw one mis-hit goal kick and even that went to a Derby player. Ward is still better going forward than defending. Nelson wasn't up to his usual standards. Too many poor passes from Bradley. Fozzy did what Fozzy does. Too many fouls from Adams. Goudmijn and Chirewa  were outnumbered and Too often they received a poor pass and were immediately put under pressure by 2 and occasionally 3 opposition players. When they did get the ball in space there was no forward movement from teammates making themselves available. Barks struggled to get into the game and really should have done better with that header. Collo did a lot of running, had one looping header and a shot but that was it. Jackson played well, forced a save from the keeper and had another turned onto the post. Barrow? Set up in the right way to stop us yet looking useful both on and off the ball. Little shimmies here and there creating space. I was impressed by them. Especially young Ecclestone at right back. Players in? A proper centre forward is what we've been chasing since Pontius was a pilot. Hopefully we'll get one inside the next 3 days. He's also after a pacy centre half which I hope he also gets. We need them. Will we get them. Not if, as many suspect, the money cupboard is bare. Last night was their Cup Final and they played that way. They have had a cracking start to the season and confidence was high. I'm not worried at the moment. 15 minutes naivety cost us at Blackburn. Showed against Boro we CAN defend. Deserved a draw at Watford. We're not far away from being more than capable of surviving and possibly doing a little better than just that. One thing I really want to know is, the dropping back 10 when we get the lead, is that PWs instructions or is it the players...

Felt sorry for my mates from the Neppy. Their coach broke down on the way back and they got home around 6AM.

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We've played Barrow twice in the Micky Mouse Cup in the last 4 years and failed to score against them in either, so struggling against them isn't exactly new I suppose. 

On the positive side, we kept a clean sheet. And that's probably about it. 

As some others have pointed out, the next few days seem vital now. They were always going to be given that we're still a number of players short of what Warne said we needed, but last night's performance certainly helped highlight our deficiencies. I genuinely fear for us if we get the next few days wrong. Said at the start of the season that I'd happily take 21st, but I'm really struggling to pick three teams that we look like we'll outdo over 46 games - even Plymouth and Cardiff, who I had earmarked as relegation fodder, look questionable....

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