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Barrow (A) - Match Thread


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5 minutes ago, BWRam said:

Which took him going up and down for 6 years to achieve. Do you want to wait that long?

We were promoted in two seasons with him and despite tonights s**** performance,I've got faith we will do well,in time,under him again....that's my personal view.

It's not going to be easy,building a decent champ team again,it really isn't.

Edited by kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong
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7 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

There are a number of forum members who will be unhappy win, lose or draw. Ultimately because they won't be happy until Warne is gone. They're the extreme of that side of the argument. They exist, just as the extreme of the other side do.\

The issue really is that, for whatever reason, there are a few on here now who attack the poster and not the argument. Personal snipes, snide comments, insults. I think it ends up bringing the entire quality of the forum down. It will stop people getting involved in conversations on here because they don't want to get personally abused by your usual offenders. It also just makes the original argument toxic.

Like I said earlier, I've never ever added someone onto ignore on this forum. Mostly because I don't want to live in a vacuum filled with people I agree with. But it is unfortunately the only way to improve the quality on here at this point.

Yano I take on board the majority of your comments.

Whom of the members you allude to have been banned over the past year, or two years even for personally abusing other forum members or insulting a forum member by the same token as you state? Which is against the forum rules as you will know. 

Definitely isn't me, so I can't fall within your bracket. 

Happy for you to ask a Moderator if you don't believe me.

I genuinely don't think you like people disagreeing with yourself which is the issue here, not non existent personal abuse or insults.

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It's the League Cup and many fans, most managers and presumably a fair percentage of players would happily see it jettisoned. I think you can see that in many teams' performances.

I know the performance was grim but a decent effort and a point or three on Saturday will put tonight firmly in the rear-view mirror. It's all about the Championship campaign this season for me and being bothered about the cup competitions can wait until we are comfortable and confident again at this level. 

It's only two years since we drew 0-0 at Liverpool in this competition but I'd wager there wasn't the meltdown on their forum(s) about being held by a lower league outfit as we see here. 

I'd argue we are still very much in the process of trying to rebuild the club across many areas and slow and steady overall progress should be seen as acceptable. 

The style of play needs to be much better in time and questions about whether PW could ever do that are entirely fair and far from groundless. Until the overall quality and strength in depth of the squad improves, however, I feel the gaffer deserves our backing. 

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The last game my wife agreed to come with me to (so sticks in my mind) was at Derby, v non-League Southport, 3rd Jan 2015 in the 3rd round of the FA Cup in the McClaren glory days. We won 1-0 due to an injury time penalty scored by Chris Martin.

Ok, not the scrap fest of today, but almost a v embarrassing result against opposition lower in the pyramid than Barrow, and at home to boot.

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1 minute ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

We were promoted in two seasons with him and despite tonights s**** performance,I've got faith we will do well,in time under him again....that's my personal view.

I agree he done well getting us up as he did. I want to have faith but there is no evidence for me to look at to see its getting better. Previous history at this level are poor and the performances so far have all been 11 men behind the ball and pray for a corner. Not sustainable as seen with Rotherham (looking at the 7 years there as a whole, not the last season).

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3 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

The issue really is that, for whatever reason, there are a few on here now who attack the poster and not the argument.

Which is precisely what you and one or two others have chosen to do tonight. It's pathetic, from both sides to be honest.

On the subject of the game, Warne, sort it and quickly, please. Even the most positive of fans will find nothing to defend in that performance and the toxic atmosphere around the club right now is in no small part down to you. I genuinely hate to be just another angry voice, but a loss against a Championship side I can take, but this was another abject run-out against very limited opposition and in truth, a proper kick in the balls for any fans who travelled to see the game. Joking aside, this is probably the first time I can recall where I'd advocate the club refunding our away fans their ticket money. It really was that bad. 

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1 minute ago, Ambitious said:

The reaction from this performance is very emotional from a lot of people. It does little to suggest to me that we are all in this together, unfortunately the biggest takeaway is that atmosphere at the club this season seems like it’s inevitably going to be loud and toxic. 

I think if this reaction came after losing to Bristol on Saturday then fair enough but we’ve just been beaten by (and not by fluke) a league 2 side. 

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1 minute ago, Comrade 86 said:

Which is precisely what you and one or two others have chosen to do tonight. It's pathetic, from both sides to be honest.

On the subject of the game, Warne, sort it and quickly, please. Even the most positive of fans will find nothing to defend in that performance and the toxic atmosphere around the club right now is in no small part down to you. I genuinely hate to be just another angry voice, but a loss against a Championship side I can take, but this was another abject run-out against very limited opposition and in truth, a proper kick in the balls for any fans who travelled to see the game. Joking aside, this is probably the first time I can recall where I'd advocate the club refunding our away fans their ticket money. It really was that bad. 

Yes I did do that tonight. Shouldn’t have but was just genuinely really fed up seeing the same personal stuff over and over again, so got involved. Appreciate that makes me just as bad but there we go - I wanted to call it out.

Agree with all your points re: the game, though. 

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It’s disappointing but not really surprising. We made hard work of Chesterfield at home, so an away trip to Barrow was always a banana skin waiting to happen.

I am not sure what the plan was tonight. It looked like pre-season again. A jumbled starting XI with six changes followed by in-game changes that defeated the object. You don’t really give players enough of a chance to make a mark if you take them off at HT. 

Given we have lost two away games in the league and several away games in pre-season, I think we should have started with our perceived strongest XI first and given them another run out to build confidence and cohesion.

Instead it looked like Barrow were a team with an identity and a team who were up for it, and once again we muddled through the game never really looking cohesive and never making the decisions or showing the composure and character you would expect from players who have played at the top end of League 1 and in the Championship.

A big reaction needed v Bristol City or this could snowball.

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25 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

In Paul warnes last season with Rotherham,they were doing well in the championship to be fair,a fact that is constantly ignored for some reason.


It's not ignored, it's just common for folk to to put it within the context that it was still early in the season, and that the chances of that form continuing were very remote because in all likelihood their small squad would have succumbed to the fatigue that typically starts to affect a Warne team 2/3 into the season.

Edited by May Contain Nuts
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25 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

I've redacted your post as yes I agree it was shocking tonight and yes I agree that we are also struggling to recruit players.

Am not sure if you are connecting the first and second points both with the manager as if you are I would vehemently disagree with you.

Redacted? That’s a bit strong 💪. The recruitment is massively linked to ££ obviously but do Premiership teams want their players in a system that is probably at odds with their academy philosophy? And no I’m not getting personal about PW I’m questioning whether he can cut it in the Championship.

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3 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

I think if this reaction came after losing to Bristol on Saturday then fair enough but we’ve just been beaten by (and not by fluke) a league 2 side. 

I don’t disagree, I was mortified by what I saw tonight and I don’t say that lightly. 

However, we know what the season is going to be for us, we have roughly 43-45 games left of the season and I suspect on probability we win: 10 or 11 of them. That’s over 30 games where we don’t have a positive result. The abuse and frustration in a month after promotion where we’ve won 2, drawn 1 (lost on penalties) and lost 2 games is already alarming. I can see this a mile off, abuse towards Warne, the players, Pearce and if it gets bad enough even Clowes. 

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