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Too much trolling now and too little a fans forum?

Half fan

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What follows will probably elicit howls of protest about the right to free speech and the expression of opinions.

However, a number of recent contributions to this forum have been rather critical of the manager, his staff, some players and even our esteemed saviour DC. At times, this trend has degenerated further to personal attacks on fellow fans.

Might I suggest that the authors consider the adverse effect their vitriol might be having on those I have listed above? Players especially cannot be helped by attacks on themselves and their management and team-mates and owner.

During our darkest days only a few years ago, this forum played a splendid part in bolstering our spirits and informing the outside world about the importance of DCFC nationally and locally. 

Well done all.

But such heart-warming praise might be replaced now by distaste at some unseemly and unhelpful and destructive attacks which even relegation to League 2 and the loss of the first 6 games would not warrant  - never mind promotion to the Championship and the loss of the first game by a team which everyone knows is as yet incomplete.

Writing off at this stage of the season dedicated and honest and decent people who are manifestly working hard and doing their best for DCFC, is surely unjustifiable. Every organisation always contains 'tryers' whose 'best' is sadly not currently good enough, but the role of owners and managers is to deal wisely with them. Our previous owner did not. Our current owner has a track record in business and with DCFC which suggests he will.

Having lit the blue touch-paper, I wait to see whether there is peaceful support from our forum, or a riot by 'fans' I have annoyed!

May we live in interesting times.

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You're getting dangerously into the realms of trying to appeal to certain posters better nature by asking that they consider the impacts of the vitriol they are spouting to paraphrase yourself.

Some of them have turned into caricatures or memes and you can predict almost to the letter what will be posted especially after a loss am afraid.

I know this isn't the Oxford Union but when you attempt to challenge back or debate their views it almost always ends in acronomy. It's just become too entrenched.

You'll get to find out quickly enough if you haven't already whom the protagonists are, the only advice I have is don't try and change them as you'll just batter your head against a brick wall instead the block button is your friend. 

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There are certainly more 'challenging' opinions on here at the moment - whether they're deliberately trying to wind people up is open to debate. I tend to rely on sarcasm and puns if they get too full of themselves - far better than taking their gibberish too seriously....

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There are some who parody themselves, and deep down I think they know it. However in most cases I believe it's because when they've previously posted a more balanced version of their argument and still felt ridiculed for it or feel it's been dismissed without proper engagement (or intentionally misconstrued in order to construct a strawman whilst parading for likes) so they think "screw it, I may as well go OTT and lean into it"

I'm happy to admit that I've been on that baiting / dismissive / parading side of things in the past, particularly when Cocu was in charge but that's what has made me more perceptive of the way many are behaving now.

However threads like this just end up tarring all people with a 'less than positive' opinion with the same brush, whether it's intended to or not and only leads to further division.

The true WUMs and trolls on the forum aren't those posting critical views - even when they are overdoing it - but I can't be bothered to expand on that, quite frankly.

Edited by May Contain Nuts
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5 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

You're getting dangerously into the realms of trying to appeal to certain posters better nature by asking that they consider the impacts of the vitriol they are spouting to paraphrase yourself.

Some of them have turned into caricatures or memes and you can predict almost to the letter what will be posted especially after a loss am afraid.

I know this isn't the Oxford Union but when you attempt to challenge back or debate their views it almost always ends in acronomy. It's just become too entrenched.

You'll get to find out quickly enough if you haven't already whom the protagonists are, the only advice I have is don't try and change them as you'll just batter your head against a brick wall instead the block button is your friend. 

Other than the completely unfounded assumption that people around the club a) read forums and b) only respond to positive feedback, you could literally repost that with 'win' instead of 'loss' and it would be equally true. 

Just accept that people disagree. It's fine. It's all good. It doesn't hurt the club.

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It's always been here but it's more intense now.

I can't be arsed with the forums to be honest,I hardly looked at it through the closed season and we all knew the usual moaners would be back in here on the first day of the season,rubbing their hands in glee awaiting our first loss,sadly. 

It's just,well,a bit of a misery pit a lot of the time.

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6 hours ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

It's always been here but it's more intense now.

I can't be arsed with the forums to be honest,I hardly looked at it through the closed season and we all knew the usual moaners would be back in here on the first day of the season,rubbing their hands in glee awaiting our first loss,sadly. 

It's just,well,a bit of a misery pit a lot of the time.

Jeez you're a little ray of sunshine on a Sunday morning aren't you? 

Sad I Feel Sick GIF by Crispe

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14 hours ago, Fraser_23 said:

I think this is probably one of the only places to be able to criticise the players/staff without them seeing it.

Do it on twitter, instagram etc, they will more than likely see it, however DCFCFans allows members to freely speak out about their opinions and debate with other fans

It's probably the best outlet people have for harsh criticism. This is about as good a place that people have to vent frustration and have those views challenged in a place that's not visible to players/staff. It's better to speak get it out here than sit on out or let it out on a more public social media where it can potentially harm morale.


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18 hours ago, Half fan said:

What follows will probably elicit howls of protest about the right to free speech and the expression of opinions.

However, a number of recent contributions to this forum have been rather critical of the manager, his staff, some players and even our esteemed saviour DC. At times, this trend has degenerated further to personal attacks on fellow fans.

Might I suggest that the authors consider the adverse effect their vitriol might be having on those I have listed above? Players especially cannot be helped by attacks on themselves and their management and team-mates and owner.

During our darkest days only a few years ago, this forum played a splendid part in bolstering our spirits and informing the outside world about the importance of DCFC nationally and locally. 

Well done all.

But such heart-warming praise might be replaced now by distaste at some unseemly and unhelpful and destructive attacks which even relegation to League 2 and the loss of the first 6 games would not warrant  - never mind promotion to the Championship and the loss of the first game by a team which everyone knows is as yet incomplete.

Writing off at this stage of the season dedicated and honest and decent people who are manifestly working hard and doing their best for DCFC, is surely unjustifiable. Every organisation always contains 'tryers' whose 'best' is sadly not currently good enough, but the role of owners and managers is to deal wisely with them. Our previous owner did not. Our current owner has a track record in business and with DCFC which suggests he will.

Having lit the blue touch-paper, I wait to see whether there is peaceful support from our forum, or a riot by 'fans' I have annoyed!

May we live in interesting times.

I think you’re half right about this 

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People are allowed to have different opinions and outlooks, it is really as simple as that.

For every wind up merchant there is on the 'anti-Warne' side there is someone on the pro-Warne side ready to tell unhappy posters that they aren't proper fans, or that they are somehow not entitled to their view.

Two sides of the same coin, both as wrong as each other.

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33 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

People are allowed to have different opinions and outlooks, it is really as simple as that.

For every wind up merchant there is on the 'anti-Warne' side there is someone on the pro-Warne side ready to tell unhappy posters that they aren't proper fans, or that they are somehow not entitled to their view.

Two sides of the same coin, both as wrong as each other.

Or would it more accurate to say they ask for a little perspective! 
I mean for the whole negativity to start preseason and after one game just demoralised other supporters. 
Frankly it puts me off even looking at the forum at times. 

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1 hour ago, Eatonram said:

Or would it more accurate to say they ask for a little perspective! 
I mean for the whole negativity to start preseason and after one game just demoralised other supporters. 
Frankly it puts me off even looking at the forum at times. 

In some cases that is accurate. In other cases we have forum members attempting to invalidate and shut down any form of negativity or criticism or writing it off as people being impatient, churlish etc.

When performances are bad are we meant to just pretend everything is fine? At what point are people allowed to criticise the team/manager? 

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