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Herbie Kane - Gone to Huddersfield

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1 hour ago, oomarkwright said:

Don't understand how S comes after W?! 🤷

Sheff Utd start the season with a two point deduction, for non payment of transfer fees when last in the Championship. 

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On 21/05/2024 at 15:55, Anag Ram said:

Some of our initial targets might be Oxford players for example so it may be assumed they won’t want to move.

There will be due diligence being done on the players and whether they are open to a move to Derby.

Also, the new TV deal and other changes in the offing (who knows?) might affect our available budget and therefore our targets.

These things take time.

Oh please. Stop talking sense. 🤣

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On 29/05/2024 at 11:51, Foreveram said:

Just had a glimpse and we are in a playoff spot already,Yahoo 🍾


The odds of the league finishing in alphabetical order 1 in 2,432,902,008,176,640,000 (roughly two and a half quintillion to one).

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29 minutes ago, Fraser_23 said:

Currently out in germany and bumped into some Barnsley Fans that are adamant Kane is joining us. They’ve said they’re going to be meeting him later in Essen, so i’ll make it my mission to find him and ask him the question! 

European ITK scouting mission, rate it! Have a good one in Germany! 

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1 hour ago, Fraser_23 said:

Currently out in germany and bumped into some Barnsley Fans that are adamant Kane is joining us. They’ve said they’re going to be meeting him later in Essen, so i’ll make it my mission to find him and ask him the question! 

Seriously jealous!!! Have fun mate.

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5 hours ago, Fraser_23 said:

Currently out in germany and bumped into some Barnsley Fans that are adamant Kane is joining us. They’ve said they’re going to be meeting him later in Essen, so i’ll make it my mission to find him and ask him the question! 

That's more overseas scouting than we've done since nice camara and Albentosa!


Hope you have a better time out there than they had here 

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6 hours ago, Fraser_23 said:

Currently out in germany and bumped into some Barnsley Fans that are adamant Kane is joining us. They’ve said they’re going to be meeting him later in Essen, so i’ll make it my mission to find him and ask him the question! 

Ask him who he's more like as a player - Harry or Russell?

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On 07/06/2024 at 13:55, Rample said:

The odds of the league finishing in alphabetical order 1 in 2,432,902,008,176,640,000 (roughly two and a half quintillion to one).

Worth a pound bet then

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On 16/06/2024 at 10:50, Fraser_23 said:

Currently out in germany and bumped into some Barnsley Fans that are adamant Kane is joining us. They’ve said they’re going to be meeting him later in Essen, so i’ll make it my mission to find him and ask him the question! 

Found him and he said “Yes i’m joining, Rams are going up ole ole”

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On 30/05/2024 at 05:11, Comrade 86 said:

If you look really, really hard, you might just spot a clue... 😋


Impressive ! You’re almost as good as me at marking up photos and using “draw” 🤣. Quality editing there ! 

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On 17/06/2024 at 12:42, jono said:

Impressive ! You’re almost as good as me at marking up photos and using “draw” 🤣. Quality editing there ! 

Oi you! I'll have you know that I had to draw it on my laptop screen, take a photo, upload and then crop it, Jono.

Now trying to get the marks of my screen, with limited success.

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1 hour ago, Comrade 86 said:

Oi you! I'll have you know that I had to draw it on my laptop screen, take a photo, upload and then crop it, Jono.

Now trying to get the marks of my screen, with limited success.

We must have been to the same IT school. Then when you’ve done all that the image is”too large” to upload. 

Have you tried writing in draw, with your finger ? Comes out like a 4 year olds pre school daub  ( I am really good at it 🤣

I haven’t downloaded the nectar ap because I don’t want another password but I have a nifty photo of my card in my phone and scroll through favourites then zap it at the till .. excellent work around. 

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21 hours ago, jono said:

We must have been to the same IT school. Then when you’ve done all that the image is”too large” to upload. 

Have you tried writing in draw, with your finger ? Comes out like a 4 year olds pre school daub  ( I am really good at it 🤣

I haven’t downloaded the nectar ap because I don’t want another password but I have a nifty photo of my card in my phone and scroll through favourites then zap it at the till .. excellent work around. 

Do you use the Stocard app? All those bulky loyalty cards in one place, it's great.

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1 hour ago, Phoenix said:

Do you use the Stocard app? All those bulky loyalty cards in one place, it's great.

I am aware of it 🍻 and I bet when set up it works and is clever. Yet, while I am not REALLY a technophobe, sometimes, when I stand back, I honestly think we have “overapped” many simple tasks for the benefit of others and it is beginning to grate. 

Let’s say I want a simple document from my bank, for a tax return. Something that is universally required .. Can’t it just be sent by an email to me, by a massive corporation with an IT and customer services department ?
Nope ! I have to have the ap, I then have to then search for it in my documents and statements, then, when it isn’t there I need to message them. Then they say that they aren’t the team that deal with that and I should ring a dedicated team; which then takes more time (after entering my account number or talking to a bot (that has no intelligence, artificial or otherwise ) listening and wading through their suggestions and menus that want me to use their website or study FAQ’s. Then if you finally manage to talk to someone, they need to identify you, then they tell you that the documents won’t be produced for another 10 days and that I should keep checking on the ap. Flipping send me a mail ! 🤣 rant over 🤪

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