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David Clowes 👏


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A year to the day then since I got home from work, sat in my car and burst into tears from the relief. 

Never be able to thank the bloke enough. 


The interview was really interesting. Interesting to hear he thinks we have a significant budget compared to others in the division. Performing below your budget is (in black and white terms) failure. Obviously football is a different beast but expectations will certainly be high. 

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Just listened to the interview and a year later you realise how lucky we are. On two aspects, having such a thoughtful precise chairman and that we are still a football club operating daily. 

The interview is a must listen to be fair and the passion he expresses for this football club is second to none. He bleeds black and white, his thought processes are what have made him a successful man and I feel we are in such safe hands. Take it back a year ago were we was sitting on this forum awaiting news of a takeover and I can remember feeding my son in the evening and the news came through leading to a little dance in the dining room. 

Please listen to it if you haven’t already (very interesting that warne was approached by Derby before LR was made a interim manager)

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1 hour ago, EraniosSocks said:

Just listened to the interview and a year later you realise how lucky we are. On two aspects, having such a thoughtful precise chairman and that we are still a football club operating daily. 

The interview is a must listen to be fair and the passion he expresses for this football club is second to none. He bleeds black and white, his thought processes are what have made him a successful man and I feel we are in such safe hands. Take it back a year ago were we was sitting on this forum awaiting news of a takeover and I can remember feeding my son in the evening and the news came through leading to a little dance in the dining room. 

Please listen to it if you haven’t already (very interesting that warne was approached by Derby before LR was made a interim manager)

During Admin a lot of Rams fans thought we would be bought by a Billionaire and in a couple of seasons would be in the Prem. They did not know how close we were coming towards oblivion. It’s going to be a long process under D C but we must always be thankful to have a club.

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1 hour ago, IlsonDerby said:

year to the day then since I got home from work, sat in my car and burst into tears from the relief. 

Never be able to thank the bloke enough. 

Just this. Feel quite tearful even now thinking of that relief and reading some of the stuff this weekend. There will be so much 💩that we will probably never know about

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21 hours ago, Retro_RAM said:

I remember the months and years looking at this forum during this time for any information, the lost count how many pages administration thread, forum members genuinely concerned and looking for support. The fake Saudi, the American chancer


... and the dodgy dago...

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5 minutes ago, simmoram1995 said:

I think we might be changing the style of the academy maybe a b team structure or simply a complete restructure on recruitment 

He reiterated that he wants a category one academy so the format is pretty much set out by others. Not sure there’s much we can change to it. 

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32 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

Just listened to the interview - we are so, so blessed to have DC as owner of our Club. Never been a fan of Ed Dawes but credit where credit is due - he did well.

I too have never been a fan of Ed Dawes, but he asked good questions (and got good answers).


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