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West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan


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West Ham suffocated the life out of the game extremely well: it's difficult to play against a better team who are able to play like they're the underdog which is what happened tonight. No complaints from me. 

The only surprise for me was Antonio - I did think that it might be comical to see him come up against Forsyth and Davies, but he's lost a couple of steps and moves like he's pulling a tugboat. He's got an awful first touch and struggles to hold anything up. Definitely wouldn't look out of place in League One on tonight's showing. If anyone pays good money for him, in his current form, then yikes. 

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We need to get behind Collins. He is an old fashioned honest league 1 centre forward playing against Premier League defenders tonight.

He's going to score some important goals for us, and his work rate and effort will tire defenders and make chances for others.

I don't know what anyone expected us to get when we can't buy anyone.

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1 hour ago, TuffLuff said:

If I’m being critical, based on tonight I’m not sure ‘Warneball’ suits playing higher league opposition because you aren’t positionally disciplined enough. Not that I don’t like his ideas and how he sees football, I’m just not sure it works against a better opposition

It’s an interesting theory but it kind of falls down when you consider that should we move up through the leagues, our squad will change and (hopefully) improve as we do.

Warne will (hopefully) pinpoint players who can perform the roles he is looking for and the style he is looking for in a more developed and complete way. Our opposition will improve but we’ll be aiming to as well.

Saying the style of play can’t be scaled up on the basis of a cup tie (where we didn’t disgrace ourselves) against a team two divisions above us seems like scaremongering, to be honest.

95% of cup ties between sides in the two positions we are in play out like this.

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Bit of a damp squib. Never really got going and couldn't produce a sustained spell of pressure. The timing of the goals killed us, but it felt as if West Ham had plenty more gears they could go through. 

A harsh reminder of where we stand in the football pyramid. But a pointer to where we want to be in a few years.

Concentrate on the League. At least we can pretend to be happy that Ipswich and Sheffield Wednesday have more games to play - hope we can use it to our advantage. Back to winning ways on Saturday!

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4 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

Bit of a damp squib. Never really got going and couldn't produce a sustained spell of pressure. The timing of the goals killed us, but it felt as if West Ham had plenty more gears they could go through. 

A harsh reminder of where we stand in the football pyramid. But a pointer to where we want to be in a few years.

Concentrate on the League. At least we can pretend to be happy that Ipswich and Sheffield Wednesday have more games to play - hope we can use it to our advantage. Back to winning ways on Saturday!

I'm not so sure, West Ham fans (like Everton) seem to be miserable 90% of the time and they have a squad with a wage bill of £134m per annum. Always on at the board for not spending enough, on at the players for not trying enough, constantly at odds with each other. Quite honestly a miserable existence. 

If that's the ambition, give me League One football with a competitive squad every day of the week. 

I'm confident City fans get no more enjoyment out of wins against Fulham, Forest, etc than I do against Cheltenham, Forest Green, etc. A win is a win, no matter what league you're in.

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No big deal…..we lost to a strong WH side in the cup - after being 19 games unbeaten!! I never want us to lose a game but if we’re going to get beaten and lose our run this was definitely the best game to do it in. 

Not sure I understand all the negativity about Collins - look at the last 10 years of his career - he’s played League One and Two and the Championship - yet we expect him to outperform 3 PL centre backs. There’s a reason he’s not played at that level in his career  - but he’s a proven goalscorer at the level he’s currently playing at. He’s not got Didsy’s touch and offers a different option up top but he has scored 8 goals this season (so could yet end up well into double figures for the season) and some of those could prove to be very valuable contributions come the end of the year.

Fwiw I thought Max Bird was very poor against a PL midfield tonight - but that doesn’t mean he’s crap - he was just up against a higher class of opposition who outperformed him. Would I want him fit for our League One fixture against Morecombe on Saturday and feel more confident of A win with him playing - absolutely!!!!



Edited by Dava75
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1 hour ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

Disappointing tonight.  Don’t think we gave a great account of ourselves. Too passive at times but maybe they were too good. Thought we started to rough them up a bit just before half time but other than that they were comfortable. Agree the timing of the goals against the run of play both times killed the game.

Collins is getting grief, he was outclassed by good defenders. I remember when we played Chelsea in the cup and Gary Cahill made Chrissy Martin at the peak of his powers look second rate, and then did the same again when England played Scotland. 

We move on, I won’t be there but look forward to seeing us have a bigger attendance v Morecambe - that’s shows what a draw West Ham are (not much) and shows what really matters. Red dogs would’ve sold out tonight and had 15000 on Saturday against Morecambe. 

 ? for Max but doesn’t sound promising. Ruined the night.

I don't think Collins has had a good game in months to be honest,against L1 defenders,never mind prem players..this was no different i.m.o.

Edited by kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong
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1 hour ago, Zag zig said:

Too right, we draw a line under tonight, as we won’t be playing teams of this calibre again this season.

Real difference was they broke fast, we’re clinical, exactly what you would expect; we had neither the guile or pace down the middle of our attack, to really do the same. Few people been a bit too harsh.

We focus on our priority and we are well capable of carrying on our league form.

Spot on. The dream of a Cup upset died for me tonight when I heard McGoldrick was not playing. We move on to what is important......Morecambe on Saturday.

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5 hours ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

I don't think Collins has had a good game in months to be honest,against L1 defenders,never mind prem players..this was no different i.m.o.

Hate to say it, but I agree, we look so much better when he isn't playing, unfortunately our situation means he has to play when McGoldrick isnt/can't 

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5 hours ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

I don't think Collins has had a good game in months to be honest,against L1 defenders,never mind prem players..this was no different i.m.o.

Bit harsh. I was expecting more granted but think he’s doing ok in league 1 that’s his level. Difference tonight is he was totally outclassed and it reminded me of the Cahill/Martin games i remember (different level of course) His problem is the alternative we have is McGoldrick whose skill level is on a different planet in comparison, in that’s its an unfair comparison. 

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8 hours ago, YouRams said:

Big loss but time for Rooney to shine!

Max’s face said it all when he went off and we will miss him. It may indeed help Rooney. But after seeing Roberts’ leaps and bounds last night, maybe Sibley’s many godparents, friends and relations will get to enjoy watching him in midfield once more ? 

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I think last night showed how much that we rely on Cashin and how much he has come on.  Collins really struggled to get any grip on the game, and we defo missed Didzy.

IMHO we did ourselves credit by trying to play football, and at a pace and with determination and hard work, the sort that we have come to expect over the last few weeks.

In hindsight I think that we didn’t lack class, more like we simply lacked their guile - especially in the final third and ability to make two goals from nothing.

They came and did a professional job on us and they deserve credit for that.

The fans on their forum seemed a proper decent bunch BTW.  I posted a few comments, and I am glad I did.  It is not something I would find myself doing normally, but there was little negativity for our club on the whole, in fact the conversation was pretty warm towards us and stretched as far as them remembering/asking about Ted McMinn.  This was against the backdrop of the graceless rubbish we saw on the Liverpool forum a couple of months back….

Mrs Andrew1 says that she thought the pundits on ITV were very negative towards us, is that true?

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4 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

Wasn’t a vintage performance by Col tonight but he’s 1 league one striker vs 3 much higher level centre backs. All their fans are raving about that big fella at LCB, ogbonna has been at that level for a few years now and I can’t remember their third CB… 

Yes their LCB looked good I thought 

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