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LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions


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23 minutes ago, David said:

World Cup starts at the end of November, Republic of Ireland won’t be there either, they didn’t qualify for it.

I throught winner between Scotland and ukina plays irland as russia no longer allowed to compete in it.

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5 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

I throught winner between Scotland and ukina plays irland as russia no longer allowed to compete in it.

No, the winner of Scotland v Ukraine play Wales on June 5th for the final (European) place in the World Cup.

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52 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

So not a fan then ?

I’m aware that we will be in the market and picking up some largely unremarkable footballers. I can deal with that, and Taylor may be better than who we get, but I really don’t want that gimp clowning around in a Derby shirt. I’d take that bricky Lee Gregory over Taylor every day of the week and twice on Sunday. 

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1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

I’d rather perform my own vasectomy than see that toad play for Derby County. The bloke is a gimp of the highest altitude. 

I remember him looking quite pally with a few of our lot after the Birmingham game, you best get those scissors ready ? 

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4 hours ago, Sparkle said:

Which means we have a choice and having a choice means the club acting in a normal way

Yes that was my point. But I noticed on Twitter (yes I know) that it was being taken as Byrne coming out and saying he was going to stay, which wasn't what the story said, hence I was asking for anything from him that confirmed this.

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3 hours ago, YouRams said:

Lyle Taylor is out of contract with the gumps, always thought he's looked dangerous against us and loves a wind up. 

Im pretty sure he was the Forest player we nearly got in on loan in Jan. Can see Rooney being interested in him, would do well at League 1 level too, I would be happy if we signed him

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2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:



Shame about Lewandowski ?….. but at least this tweet gives us an idea of the money potentially available as contract offers, if it is up to £8k per week we should be able to attract some new players and also secure some of the current squad on slightly improved (or reduced) terms ? 

Edited by Caerphilly Ram
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Regarding Jason Knight.

Flynn Downes was regarded as one of Ipswich’s promising youngsters. But with them being in League One, they were pretty much forced to sell him and got just £1.5m from Swansea as he was also going into his last year of his contract.

Anyone expecting Knight to go for big bucks is living in cloud cuckoo land (Roy Keane’s favorite phrase).

Nobody will be offering more than £3m for Knight. 


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I hope Forest sign Knight and at a decent price.  His engine could really help them cement their turn in the premiership.  2 millions fair and that way they have plenty left to put towards a 20 goal striker as they aren't cheap.  Can we throw in Ebiowei as well.

Hope that fits in with the absolute nonsense I've been seeing on here for the last week.  Totally bizarre. 

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58 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

Shame about Lewandowski ?….. but at least this tweet gives us an idea of the money potentially available as contract offers, if it is up to £8k per week we should be able to attract some new players and also secure some of the current squad on slightly improved (or reduced) terms ? 

If I was minted and had basically won everything, last year of my career I'd ring some club in League 1 or 2 and offer to play for free for a giggle or their average wage donated to a charity. Ronaldo up front for Carlisle. Bit like Johnny Marr playing in a pub band who answered an advert for someone "who plays like Johnny Marr".

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7 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

If I was minted and had basically won everything, last year of my career I'd ring some club in League 1 or 2 and offer to play for free for a giggle or their average wage donated to a charity. Ronaldo up front for Carlisle. Bit like Johnny Marr playing in a pub band who answered an advert for someone "who plays like Johnny Marr".

In no way was I ever expecting us to sign Lewandowski, I was just highlighting that Kirchner’s tweet includes a suggested weekly wage of £8k per week which is more than the £4.5k per week we were limited to last year under embargo. There have been plenty of people suggesting that we won’t be able to put together a squad next season due to other clubs having more pulling power/no restrictions etc, I just wanted to point out that if we CAN pay wages of up to £8k per week then we might well be able to build an ok squad for next season.

In terms of the players we should be targeting my thoughts and suggestions have mainly been around established and capable league 1 players, potentially those in league 2 who did well last year and could make the step up, maybe one or two at Championship who could be convinced to drop down a league, the odd prem academy cast off (like Plange or Ebiowei before them), and a core of some of the existing squad convinced to stay on and at least to attempt to bounce back. The majority being on free transfers as plenty will be available and we are unlikely to have money for fees.

Nothing fantastical about that as an expectation is there? 

Edited by Caerphilly Ram
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