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Happy New Year


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2021 hasn't been easy for a lot of people, even tougher for us Derby County fans that have had to endure and will continue to do so the sleepless nights with the unthinkable, the threat of our club facing possible liquidation. 

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year, without you, this community would not be here, the community that has allowed fans from not just around the country, but the world to come together and help each other through these difficult times and I'm sure will continue to do so through next year and beyond.

For any players, management, staff, anyone connected to the club that may also be reading this, Happy New Year to you also, I can only speak for myself, but I'm sure many others will agree, you are all making us so proud to be a Ram, we cannot ask anymore from you.

Let's all go and smash 2022 ?


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Happy new year everyone.

2021 has had ups and downs for me personally, and I know it's been hard on a lot of folks.

I genuinely believe the forum is a huge benefit to many of the posters far beyond everyone having their two pennies worth about Derby county.

So thanks to David, the moderators and everyone who contributed.


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Happy new year to everybody, thank you to those who supported the various ventures with the 1884 shirts and the Colours of the Rams book and with all of the usual shirt and memorabilia posts, got some great things planned as a solo venture with a reunion of the 71/72 team, some great events with ex players and displays as part of the Rams Heritage Trust.

let’s hope that 2022 has a lot of good lined up for all of us and that our team and it’s fans get back on track.

since I was young !???♥️

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