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The Administration Thread


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2 minutes ago, Woodypecker said:

Help from finance analysts needed!

In 2016, Gibson sold Middlesbrough's tax losses to the club's parent company (Gibson-owned), turning the loss into revenue.

He turned a financial trick between his companies to benefit MFC.

How did this benefit MFC's FFP performance and was it significant? If so, can it be splashed onto Twitter, please, to expose the vengeful hypocrite?

Now, he is hoping for a payout from DCFC to shore up his future FFP results, given that they posted a £35.5 million loss last year...just think, if a possible DCFC compensation payout to MFC ended up preventing Gibson being in dock and suffering a  points penalty!

Whether it counted towards P&S or not it doesn't really matter. They were comfortably within the limits.

It was a tax dodging loophole though.

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3 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Now, taking my Derby County hat off, could the circumstances look like Mel Morris put the club into administration to avoid having to fight or settle the claims

this is not the EFL's position. The EFL's point is much simpler:

they are saying in words of one syllable : "Q has told us "no need to worry about the claims, they will be compressed to zero or whatever in accordance with insolvency law"  And we, EFL, have responded "go right ahead, we can't stop you invoking the restructuring statutes. But we have read our insolvency policy, and our lawyers have read it, and they have told us that if you deal with the claims that way then you might lose your golden ticket . '  

And Q didn't see that express train coming which is why they are reeling on the ropes

It's no good people railing on here about the EFL's recent handling of this. They have half of Westminster up their rear ends and as you'd expect they are absolutely playing this by the book 

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16 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Today Nicko seems to be bashing the B/WW claim trolls. 


Alan Nixon clearly knows a lot about what is going on - the main quibble has been that he's been dishing out the info in something akin to Times crossword clues.

However it does seem like it's national come off the fence day.

First the EFL - nailing their colours to the good ship Steve-Stephen-Stevie and then Nixon speaking clearly....... literally calling Wycombe ambulance chasers and having a pop at the size of Steve-Stephen-Stevie's claim.

It's long overdue and welcome.

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I said this after Gibsons last statement, the guy just can't keep his mouth shut and he and Couhig mouthing off the way they are only presents more evidence against them in cross-referencing.

Their claims are unfounded and already defeated in an arbitration panel.

That said, the amortisation charge was defeated once and then reversed on appeal...

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2 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

this is not the EFL's position. The EFL's point is much simpler:

they are saying in words of one syllable : "Q has told us "no need to worry about the claims, they will be compressed to zero or whatever in accordance with insolvency law"  And we, EFL, have responded "go right ahead, we can't stop you invoking the restructuring statutes. But we have read our insolvency policy, and our lawyers have read it, and they have told us that if you deal with the claims that way then you might lose your golden ticket . '  

And Q didn't see that express train coming which is why they are reeling on the ropes

It's no good people railing on here about the EFL's recent handling of this. They have half of Westminster up their rear ends and as you'd expect they are absolutely playing this by the book 

But this will not be an issue if they do not need to "compress them to zero" if they are rules as not creditors at all? Surely that has to be our approach?

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The more I read that Middlesbrough statement the more it seems they are very stupid carrying on with this 

the genuine normal Middlesbrough supporters must be rather embarrassed by this if they look at all the facts and as for the Wycombe one I think Nixon highlighted again in his recent tweets their exact position in reality

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4 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

If Gibson believed his case was valid he’d keep his mouth shut, sit back and allow the process to justify his claim.

This new letter is him flailing around trying to act like he’s right…………he isn’t.

It’s actually a sign of weakness

I’m of a similar stance, I think the EFL, Boro and Wycombe are all kicking up a stink to force things in their favour due to the apparent impasse and the ongoing public focus on them. If they were so certain they would have just taken it to the courts by now. 
They’re hoping that by shouting louder, and in unison, they will get their way and the focus will swing back onto Morris, the admins, and the perceived “cheating” by Derby.

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I posted this on the 29th of January...Not a bad detective aye

MM takes on the EFL where TV revenue was agreed, MM with I think the support of Leeds and Villa critisize the EFL for selling all 72 clubs short, In other words a shambolic agreement with Sky, The EFL in their opinion got the best deal they could, Battle lines have been drawn, Parry takes the helm at the EFL and replaces Jevans, Ridsdale jumps aboard the good ship venus and conclude the Sky deal done and dusted.

Maguire has consistantly been rebuffed by the EFL concerning DCFCs accounts, Parry and co look into these and see something that looks a little iffy, They request past accounts and up to date accounts, Hhhmmm they say things don't look to rosey down at Pride Park you're given a transfer emargo, Investigation concludes we fail P&S and a 9 point deduction with 3 points suspended and found guilty of a minor infraction of amortisation ie not quite innocent of the explaining of the accounting method and fined £100,000, EFL appeal and told to do one, EFL say they are disappointed with the outcome but accept, MM puts DCFC into Administration with a further 12 points deduction totaling -21 points.

In the meantime Boro send a document to the EFL saying we will go after you(the EFL)but we will drop any action if you go after DCFC, They decide DCFC are on their knees relegation is a certainty league 1 is only a step away, Holy shyte DCFC are making a fist of it, Could they possibley gain on those above, A plan is needed to stop this, Parry reverts to the Boro document and assembles the Coven, DCFCs admin are close to annoncing a PB, How can the EFL blow that rescue pontoon that DCFC have built, Talks between the EFL and Boro are coming to fruition but need a fairy godmother to rubber stamp their plan, Come on down WW, They get involved as a makeweight so fingers are not just pointing at the EFL and Boro.

EFL and Admin meet to discuss and anounce the PB, EFL play their joker, Boro/WW are creditors, Holy duck say the Admin, Our PB will not accept that, We're unable to confirm what we have told our manager WR, Someone has not just moved the goalposts but dug them up and thrown them away, WR is spitting blood, Derby fans worldwide are very angry, The EFL/Boro and WW are like a Cheshire cat which got the cream, DCFC still can't sign anyone, Have to unload players who are only on 6 month contracts, Their cash is coming to an end, They will have to sell more or come up with £5m for DCFC to complete the season or COULD LOSE their membership of the EFL.

The shyte has hit the fan in a very big way, Boro and WW owners are going on the offensive, The EFL say we know nowt as we are not in talks with either of those 2 clubs, DCFC fans, MPs, Celebs, Councillors, Businesses and Uncle Tom Cobley and all get involved on saving DCFC, Meetings galore this last 2 weeks appear to be going in DCFCs way, The BBC have woken up, Gary Neville speaks out, The National press get involved, Martin Samual does a great report in the Mail.

The EFL appear to be shocked, Gibson releases a statement that is now in the hands of MI5 to decipher, Couhig goes on radio Derby and talks and talks, The interviewer mooches off for a coffee comes back to find Couhig still talking, Then Ed says thankyou for that and ends the interview.

Timelines may be a little ascue...but I hope you get the gist.

Non of the above could have happened without the 3 parties being intouch with eachother...hence the big "C"



Edited by Unlucky Alf
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6 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

I expect a Derby statement saying see you in court. Surely. Otherwise what is actually going on. 

Maybe we will see that statement. But maybe not: administrators don't like to play poker, however strong their hand may be. 

I expect they are all over MM asking him to indemnify buyers against the claims. Even if the claims ultimately fail, it may be very expensive for MM to do that 


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13 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

I expect a Derby statement saying see you in court. Surely. Otherwise what is actually going on. 

Statement will read as 


‘ Derby county appointed administrators quantuma is providing the following update to all key stakeholders and fans of Derby county football club. 

We would look to put on record that we are making excellent progress with our pot noodle. The kettle is boiled and the sachet is ready in hand. We expect to complete on the meal in 48 hours and have narrowed down our preferred cutlery to two parties. A spoon and a fork. 

We have contacted the EFL, wycombe and Middlesbrough to seek clarity on whether they lay claim to said pot noodle. Due to legalities we can’t say anymore at this point. ‘

In reality I don’t expect them to have made this much progress. 

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