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I’d like us to gamble on one or two non league players who are on their way up. 

There must be plenty out there and I’d rather have a young guy who’s full of confidence having scored a hatful of goals than a journeyman on the way down who might spend a lot of time on the treatment table.

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4 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

I’d like us to gamble on one or two non league players who are on their way up. 

There must be plenty out there and I’d rather have a young guy who’s full of confidence having scored a hatful of goals than a journeyman on the way down who might spend a lot of time on the treatment table.

Last time round it was Phil Gee from Gresley Rovers. What a signing he turned out to be.

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1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

He might, But not knowing the intricacies of this debacle I'm guessing and only guessing mind Pete, That if Stretford loaned the money to the yank and the yank passed it onto the payer ie Q, Then surely the loanee who loaned the money to the yank to pay the said wages then he should go after them.

The bank loaned me £1000, I loaned it to you, I fail to pay the loan to the bank...you'd better not have spent it Pete coz they're coming after you.


Your last bit aint right Alf, sure as god made little green apples in the scenario the bank will be coming after YOU

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I see members of the Flat Earth Society, the Who Killed Diana Cult, the JFK Gun Club, and the Moon Landing Was Fake Group, are all out in force on here this morning. My input is that I heard Paul Stretford took Madeline McCann and holds her in a basement in Salford with the rotting remains of Shergar.

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1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

You're right Pete, Why would WR have been involved in it, I mean Stretford has only been financially linked to WR for some 20 years, Stretford is/was the link to WR with the yanks bid, Stretford was a witness I believe to WRs wife Colleen in her case with RV, Stretford has been a very very VERY close ally to WR, WR resigns 3 days before the story broke.

I don't believe in conspiracies...did the USA land a craft on the moon in 1969 ?   

Alf , are you suggesting that Wayne “S**gs who he wants “ Rooney . Did not go for a Ibiza weekender with Coleen. And come straight back and pack his job in so that they could spend more time together? 

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25 minutes ago, Gerry Daly said:

Your last bit aint right Alf, sure as god made little green apples in the scenario the bank will be coming after YOU

Well done Sherlock you'll go far as a Detective, As I intimated to Pete the loanee ie Stretford can only go after the yank and not DCFC, As I was having a little bit of fun with Pete's theory that Stretford can go after a 3rd party... ie us.

Yours Detectively  Dr Watson

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25 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

I see members of the Flat Earth Society, the Who Killed Diana Cult, the JFK Gun Club, and the Moon Landing Was Fake Group, are all out in force on here this morning. My input is that I heard Paul Stretford took Madeline McCann and holds her in a basement in Salford with the rotting remains of Shergar.


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5 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

Alf , are you suggesting that Wayne “S**gs who he wants “ Rooney . Did not go for a Ibiza weekender with Coleen. And come straight back and pack his job in so that they could spend more time together? 

I'm not suggesting Wayne Sings with who he wants ?I just find it very very very very very very strange that he did so.

Sometimes I can fall for a fairy story, But sometimes fairy stories are believable if you want to believe themThe Office Reaction GIF


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28 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

I see members of the Flat Earth Society, the Who Killed Diana Cult, the JFK Gun Club, and the Moon Landing Was Fake Group, are all out in force on here this morning. My input is that I heard Paul Stretford took Madeline McCann and holds her in a basement in Salford with the rotting remains of Shergar.

Sorry @i-Ram I’m with you 99.9% of the time but on this occasion I’m with @Unlucky Alf ?


Gisby (aka Mr Icke?)


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41 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

I see members of the Flat Earth Society, the Who Killed Diana Cult, the JFK Gun Club, and the Moon Landing Was Fake Group, are all out in force on here this morning. My input is that I heard Paul Stretford took Madeline McCann and holds her in a basement in Salford with the rotting remains of Shergar.

Did you know that the flat earth society has members all over the globe ?

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55 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

I’d like us to gamble on one or two non league players who are on their way up. 

There must be plenty out there and I’d rather have a young guy who’s full of confidence having scored a hatful of goals than a journeyman on the way down who might spend a lot of time on the treatment table.

Apparently a lot of non-league players these days were at league club academies, prospects who didn't make the cut for whatever reason - I'm pretty sure there's going to be few rough diamonds in there.


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