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The Administration Thread


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3 hours ago, Nuwtfly said:

Seems an obvious point to make, but how has it taken the people in charge of this process at DCFC this long to figure out what the folk at Preston North End figured out in a matter of weeks? 

Peter Ridsdale knows a chancer when he sees one. He views one every morning in his bathroom mirror.

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1 minute ago, Mckram said:

100% agree and that’s my point, you look at the belief and feel good factor on the pitch this season…it gives players confidence and belief.

If Rooney walked earlier this season, would we have seen half the youngster come on like they have this year? He added so much value to us this year. 

He added so much this year, yes. Not convinced he'd be at one with say Ashley/Charnley, they may prefer their own man, or may go with him for his final contract year, we'll see...

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2 hours ago, ripleyram88 said:

Even if we manage to sort out a new owner now, it's too late for next season. By the time the process is done we will most likely have had to sell off our remaining players for nothing, and won't be able to assemble a squad. So whatever kids are left at the club will be playing.

I can't see any outcome for next season other than straight relegation to league 2

Is your Dad @RipleyRich

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1 hour ago, Rampant said:

Is Morris ever seen in public?

I would imagine it would be highly inadvisable. 

I'm an extremely passive person, but I've never hated anything or anyone as much as him for what he's done to this club and city. I'd imagine if he was caught out by the wrong person at the wrong time, it would not end well for him. 

I would hope he moves to a different country and he's never seen again. 

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1 hour ago, RAMS1992 said:

I thought Morgan had bowed out?

He did, but then he decided that it was time for an encore and moonwalked back on. He's now break dancing like a refugee from 1984 on a piece of cardboard, hoping that Quantuma reject Mike Ashley's 3rd rate Def Leopard impression.

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It's amazing how terrible a job Morris did with the club. Given the storied history of mismanagement at the club, Morris really has set a new high water mark. 

While it's not the thing to talk about, it would be a fitting end for the damn Candy Crush tycoon, who claims to have been a fan, to have taken a club on the rise and taken them to the brink instead. 

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1 hour ago, Ramfambo said:

Another dip on the DCFC roller coaster then and clearly some angry, stressed, concerned and scared fans on here and elsewhere. God knows I'm one of them but it isnt healthy hanging on every comment craving the latest news and willing it to be positive.  Just setting up for another kicking. I've spoken to loads of family and friends today and I'm really struggling to keep regurgitating the same comments and keeping the faith. Just mindful of what the club means but also none of us can influence the outcome. Take a break if you can, stay off social media, take a walk, talk to the kids about school,  go for a pint but look out for yourselves and each other please. There will be good days again. Once a ram always a ram.

Just a bit of a warning. Only today I talked to the kids about school. You can’t imagine the names I got called - what’s a nonce by the way? - and then there was this tremendous kerfuffle that kicked off with a couple of the parents. I got home late tonight, after getting what I considered to be an overzealous lecture from the constabulary. Unfortunately, the kitten I had concealed in my pocket expired. Tight jeans you see. Should have gone with a small mouse.

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2 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

The question at this point is, what is the absolute minimum required to play L1 football next season? Is it just football creditors that have to be paid in full, or do other creditors need paying some money too?

Good questions and I would suspect that the EFL don’t know the answers. They want to release the fixture list in two weeks time - that means it has to be ready to go in about 10 days time.  They will have to make a number of quick decisions in that time, prime amongst them do they let us continue or not.  If they let us continue they will first have to be sure that we have a ground, enough money to see us through the whole season and a competitive squad ie not a bunch of 16 year olds. At the moment the money is the problem - there's more time to sort out the others

They could do three fixture lists - one with us in league 1, one in league 2 and one with us not in it at all.  I can’t imagine they really want to do anything other than the first because if they don’t include us then they have to make all sorts of other decisions that will affect the planning of other clubs and they haven’t really got time to do that - they know that any decision other than us being in L1 might be legally challenged creating even more problems. So the first absolute minimum is for us to have an owner or owners with enough money to see us through the season to the already agreed business plan, and a ground.

In EFL eyes, enough money means that the owner plus business plan can pay creditors - football ones to agreed schedules and others to whatever they separately agree.  Presumably some agreements had already been reached with CK.  CK going means that potentially those agreements are open for negotiation again - a new owner might prefer a 25% deal, for example; HMRC might decide that the 50% deal for CK will be 80% for MA.  We can, apparently, start another season still in administration and the fixture list can therefore go ahead whilst negotiations with creditors continue but I would guess that the EFL will only allow that to happen if they are confident about the money being there to fulfill the full season (and the ground) -  they will adapt their rules to allow us to sign players because they have to for us to be competitive. It would be much easier for them and their fixture lists if we stayed in business.

The fixture list pressure helps us I think - it effectively creates a decision point by which the deal has to be done. Or not. And in order to allow the fixture lists to be announced with confidence the EFL have to help, or remove us from the league altogether.  They might well not like us, they might well want us to go away as a problem but politically and practically it would be much better for the EFL if we stayed in business and in L1, even if they have to work out a way of bending some of their rules in the short term to allow that to happen. The only thing the EFL have done consistently well is bend their rules or make up new ones. Perhaps those skills might help us now.

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16 minutes ago, I know nuffin said:

Hate to say it because I was sucked in, aided by Nixon , when something seams too good to be true it normally is. Talking of Nixon noticed he has disappeared off twitter

You weren't alone buddy. Sometimes I guess you just have to ignore the evidence and go with your gut. If it makes you feel better, I thought Morris would be a dream owner, that we'd fly under Cocu, that Rooney would be a disaster and that CK would close the deal today.

I wonder if I swear blind we won't be rescued, we will ?

Edited by 86 Hair Islands
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