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Posts posted by Jayram

  1. 49 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Really sad.

    Dropped my eldest son off in at Uni for the first time yesterday who I am very close to and get the Derby news over the radio on the way back.  Talk about kicking a man when he's down.

    Walking around this morning in a bit of a daze - feels like there are 2 big holes in my life!

    Absolutely feeling your pain fella - my kid goes off to uni tomorrow - what a weekend! ?

  2. 10 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

    Disgusted at some fans really. How come trashing Caroline Flack was wrong, and look what that led to, and yet it’s perfectly fine to say what they like about Mel Morris? 
    He’s human, he gambled and lost. 
    If I lost one of my family I’d be devastated, if it was my money all gone I’d lose sleep, but over football? Not a chance. 

    He’s still got 500 million in the bank; our football club doesn’t have a pot to piss in and will be in League 1 because of his actions so duck him - he deserves all the abuse he gets.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Sheff Ram said:

    I know we all knew there were issues with the finances and the accounts and we were going to cop a points deduction. But did any of us think it would be this bad?

    Maybe we were all in denial. But with the likleyhood of a minus 21 points deduction and certain relegation the shock waves reach beyond this. This season will be a dead rubber, Rooney is unlikely to stay (can't blame him TBH) and we'll sell players in the January transfer window.

    I'm sure what the future looks like will start to unfold in coming weeks and months. When I woke up this morning I felt like I was still I'm the middle of a bad dream. But no. It's reality. The future of the club we all love and cherish is teetering at the brink. 

    So this one goes out to all of you fellow Rams fans. Take care, try and stay positive and in adversity let's stick together as this wonderful club has some of the best fans in the land.

    Yours Sheff Ram x

    It’s going to be a tough weekend - my beloved club is being dumped into administration and my only child is going off to start uni tomorrow ☹️
    However, my kid will be back in 36 months by which time the Rams will hopefully have had a couple of years of competent ownership with an exciting young team on the pitch and we will be filling three quarters of the stands at places like Shrewsbury & Plymouth en route back to the Championship!

    Despite how it is at the moment and how it might be for a while the post-Morris future will be bright! 


  4. 3 minutes ago, ilkleyram said:

    Somewhere in the UK somebody, probably an accountant, is waking up this morning and is about to become the most important person in our (footballing) lives.  Our Administrator.

    They will have a number of tasks but the first job after introducing themselves will be to understand the figures and then work out a way of reducing and closing the (roughly) £300,000 per week difference between our income and our expenditure.  Most of that will be in wages and most of those wages will be largely untouchable because they relate to the players.  So some tough decisions will have to be made should any players be on a pay as you play contract, or near to an appearance generating payment to the club they left to join us, or a bonus payment or, indeed, anything else that serves to increase our outgoings. There will be negotiations with the players about taking reductions in pay, short or long term.  Some may be more willing than others. Wayne might find that the Administrator is helping him to pick his team.

    Then there will be those whose wages are not so protected - the canteen staff, ticket office staff, groundsmen, physios, Academy staff and the rest.  If anyone leaves they won’t be replaced even if that means that pitches at Moor Farm don’t get mowed or prepared, even if the Cat 1 status is lost. Staff on furlough won’t be coming back, redundancies will happen.

    After that comes the extraneous costs.  16,000 crowds?  Shut the North Stand.  Ticket prices? Up £5 per seat and £10 for away fans. New equipment for the gym? Cancel the order.

    Alongside all that will be a wish to sell the club as a going concern.  There will be interest - from the numpties who are taking the mickey to those who are genuinely interested but have no money and (hopefully, please dear God) maybe one or two consortia who genuinely have an interest and have the resources to back it up.  But football’s general situation and ours in particular could, just could, generate no interest at all. If that’s so then the game is up.  

    And what about the other players in this saga.  Expect FA from the FA, the custodians of our game, and nothing from the Department of Media and Sport or local Councils nor from the source of all this, the Premier League. There will be a collective shoulder shrug.  Sad but not our problem guv. The gleaming, sparkly football family's latest divorce. The PFA will want to ensure that their members are sorted out first and foremost.

    Expect no positive help at all from the EFL.  They will hand out point deductions like confetti; they will apply their rules extra rigorously to try to prevent us from being taken over by the 3 Amigos part 2 - it will be slow and silent; they will take their time to agree a 2 year business plan should we successfully gain new owners and then monitor it strictly; they will make it impossible for us to buy German centre halves or even pay Shaun Barker fees; they will ensure that our ex-captain is rewarded for his drunken escapade.  They genuinely won’t want to lose us from the leagues (though they won’t care if we fall through them as Bolton did) but neither will they go out of their way to help.  It’s too important for them to have a big scalp to draw the others into line and to be seen to be acting tough rather than to go out of their way to be helpful. Good luck Reading and Swansea and others.

    So if we are to have new owners they will themselves have a tough job to sort through all that lot.  It will take time and patience from them, and especially from us.  

    We can help in the short term - buy home match tickets even if you’re not intending to go to the match, buy a new season ticket if you can afford to lose the money; help Wayne develop a siege mentality - us v them; support the players on the pitch, make them feel loved and wanted; pressure the EFL at the appropriate moments; pray to whomsoever your God may be for a bit of luck; hope that ‘the emergence of a financially sustainable picture’ means what it suggests and makes us attractive to a buyer; avoid the rumour mills on Tweeter and the rest (they’re really not good for your health)

    We could do with Wayne staying, for this season at least.  His name will help to make us more attractive around the world; we are lucky that the transfer window is 14 weeks away; we will probably need the players to be flexible about their pay; and above all we will need a good Administrator, preferably one that will help manage the EFL, the PFA and generate interest from buyers.

    Buckle up for the ride.  It might get rough.

    Top post fella but I doubt many in this COVID era have the spare cash to chuck at the club sadly. As for the EFL we have to move away from hating on them - only one person is responsible for all this. The EFL will hand us the points deduction we deserve and we will go again. I expect relegation will follow as well as the loss of some of our better players but by then hopefully we will have new owners with a new mindset around running the club responsibly. As long as we can secure sensible new owners and a clean slate I will be more excited for the future than I have been for years. 

  5. 5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    It is if because the reason that they are no longer of use to you is gross misconduct.

    How would you like having to pay someone £1.5m to do something but they were unable to do because they went and out and did something stupid because they were pissed up?

    And as far as I am aware, the body that ruled in Keoghs favour are not specilalists in employment law.

    Keogh was an utter twit for doing what he did but Morris didn’t sack him because of ‘gross misconduct’; he did only went down that route after Keogh refused a much reduced contract. Regardless of the circumstances Morris tried to circumvent established employment norms and ended up costing the club 2.5 million. Another example of his piss poor decision making.

  6. 46 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Can the stattos on here confirm or deny when Clement was sacked...were we top or near the top of the Championship.

    We certainly gambled, It didn't pay off as the Manager was removed from duties.

    The excuse of not playing the "Derby way" was the biggest con since Sepp Blatter said the Qatar world cup bid was free and fare.

    We were 4th in the table.

  7. Those of you having a dig at RamsTrust are playing into Morris’ hands. He doesn’t want to answer difficult questions so if he suspects the fan base are divided he’ll keep fobbing us off indefinitely and leave us bickering amongst ourselves. I’m not a member of the trust but I’m glad they are giving this a go - the radio silence from the club is an insult to us fans and needs to be tackled head on. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:


    Sooooo easy to slag off the Derby supporter who has poured tens of millions and his heart into the club.

    Having said that, if some Derby supporters were capable of hating Sam Longson and then Lionel Pickering, then this is a walk in the park.


    Words fail me. Look at what he has done to this club in 6 short years, look at the state we are in both on and off the pitch. He is the sole architect of this chaos. 
    He will eventually walk away from the mess he has created with his fortune very much intact while our club will be lucky to survive.

    We owe him nothing but contempt for what he has done. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    Verbose, imaginative, emotive but excessively hyperbolic and often wildly inaccurate. He managed to create vivid memories for people of things that never really happened!

    Rightfully loved at the time and remembered fondly, but would get absolutely slagged if he was commentating today, or rather someone else would if they had the same exact approach.


    Ed Dawes is a bit of a modern day Graham Richards and I have no problem with that. I do think that some of the anti Ed criticism on here is more to do with people wanting uncritical sugar coated coverage of the club rather than a general dislike of his match day delivery. Ed is a Rams fan and I like his passion for the club. If I want unchallenging coverage I’ll tune in to Rams TV.

  10. 15 hours ago, DazzaRam said:

    You watch Bolton every game do u? You sure he could handle a situation like this better than Rooney? Not a chance. 

    He’s a better manager than Rooney already Dazza - his record speaks for itself so far. He has managed 2 clubs without much money ? or and has got both promoted. 
    No I don’t watch Bolton every game but I do take an interest in Evatts progress and it’s fair to say he is impressing a lot of people with his ability. 
    Rooney isn’t going anywhere until his contract runs out so it’s a moot point but  if he does go at some point I’d want Evatt here.

  11. 20 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

    If Rooney were to walk out tmoro you name me a manager of any promise or experiance that would apply for a job with a capacity of 23 players,including academy,no money,£4.5k max wages and possible points deduction. Ill wait. When has Rooney been allowed to spend money? Most hes done is 5 loans at the end of January. Not a penny spent. Id like to see him have spending power like Lampard and Cocu before judging him. Lampard wasted millions and Cocu left us 6 points adirft at the bottom with a side heading to League 1 100%!!

    Ian Evatt? Took Barrow & a penniless Bolton to promotion, now has Bolton unbeaten in 7th place in L1 and plays great football. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Not at all, long may Wazza prove me wrong.....we have played 3 of the weaker teams and got one win so I won't get too excited just yet. Give him 10 games and see where we are then eh??? We need 2 wins in our next 2 as September looks a tad difficult......

    Exactly. We haven’t played any quality sides yet - Boro will definitely be a step up from the likes of Hull, Peterborough and Huddersfield. If we get something against the better teams I’ll start thinking we have a chance. COYR.

  13. 2 hours ago, Bearwood Ram said:

    The behaviour of our own fans has stopped me going to away games. Too many Bamfords these days following the Rams away. 

    Me too on occasion. Far too many pissed up/coked up Stone Island wearing fuckwits who insist on sitting in a seat that isn’t theirs and stand up all game while spending most of the time gobbling off to the home fans rather than watching the match. They are absolute ducking morons who have ruined the away day experience for me at times. 

  14. For me it’s a combination of cost, lack of entertainment on offer and the COVID situation. Travelling up from Oxfordshire for a home game costs me over £100 when you factor in ticket, fuel, food etc, which is a lot of dosh to regularly spend. If I’m going to do that I want to be entertained on the odd occasion but for the last 18 months it’s been a bloody chore watching the garbage that has been churned out. 
    Also as a slightly overweight middle aged man I am COVIDS favourite target and though I am double jabbed I’m not convinced this is going to make much difference in a crowded football stadium concourse full of pissed up supporters. I have a Rams TV subscription and will always tune in when we are playing but at the moment I don’t have an overwhelming desire to make the effort to watch what is on offer right now. 

  15. 5 minutes ago, europia said:

    The poor attendance is merely a reflection of fans feelings on a football club in a state of total disarray. Actually 16249 is commendable turnout, considering what supporters have had to put up with. 

    Agreed. I remember being in a crowd of just 8000 at the BBG against Blackburn in September 1982 and that was just 7 years after we had won the league! Four months later with a new manager and owner 33,000 were packed in when we knocked Forest out of the FA Cup. 

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