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Posts posted by Jayram

  1. 20 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    It's very obvious isn't it? Keogh sued our already financially troubled club for a large amount of money. Why on earth would any Derby fan not boo him for that? 

    Because our poohouse of a former owner enabled him to sue us by not following employment norms and thinking he could act how the hell he liked. If you had been Keogh and had been treated in that manner you would have done exactly the same as he did. 

  2. We are heading for League One regardless so he deserves at least another full season with freedom to sign players he wants at that level. If we are in a similar league position this time next year then a discussion needs to be had but right now no manager would be able to save us - we have a rag tag bunch of promising kids, has beens and old stagers trying to do the impossible. 

  3. 1 hour ago, jono said:

    Not for me. Mels business failure at DCFC is hugely upsetting but he has been a long time charity donor and despite what anyone says .. he tried with Derby, he failed spectacularly, has been unwise, but to engage in petty spiteful revenge is to me small minded and unworthy. Yuk !

    Long time charity donor who left St John’s Ambulance (a charity) £9,000 worse off. 

  4. 1 hour ago, SirBrian said:

    Lets hope this is the end and the club can start to rebuild, and a new owner  will be in place soon, sure they will. Started watching the Rams when Tim Ward was the boss, he bought Kevin Hector then shortly after sacked for Sir Brian Clough, what wonderful times.

    Certainly not supporting Mel for have no idea what as gone on but some of the things he has said would not surprise me if he does not take a private prosicution against the EFL and certain individuals, now it is all over and then we will find out the truth, one way or the other.


    The truth is Mel Morris turned Derby County from a solvent well run club with a talented squad into a penniless train wreck heading for League One in 6 short years while he cleared off with the majority of his personal wealth intact. We should be taking out a private prosecution against him the bar steward. 

  5. Chanting abuse aimed at the EFL on Sunday will achieve the sum total of duck all and just make us look like a bunch of mardy twits. How about we conduct ourselves with a bit of dignity and just get behind the team for the rest of the season instead? We are going down to League One but we will have new owners and a clean slate by then so I'd rather put my energy into giving the team the support they deserve for the rest of the season. 


  6. When I heard the news about the extra 9 points coming our way it felt like a weight being lifted to be honest. I immediately decided to purchase a Rams membership and I’ve already discussed with my mate what games we’ll be going to between now and the end of the season. I am genuinely looking forward to next season as well - I’ve never been to Shrewsbury or Cheltenham! COYR!

  7. 37 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

    I don't go to away games. For those that do, how often do you see punches thrown etc , between fans, inside the stadium?

    It’s not so much that but it’s their general behaviour. At Brentford a couple of seasons ago I and a mate went to our seats only to find a couple of these Stone Island wearing pipsqueaks sitting there initially refusing to budge. It was only when I basically told them I’d remove them myself that they eventually slouched off. It put me on edge because it could quite easily have gone wrong and while I can handle myself I shouldn’t have to get into this sort of crap with fellow Rams fans. They have no respect for other Derby fans, standing up all game in front of older people who have no option but to stand themselves even if they are physically struggling to do so and spending the entire match facing the nearest home fans giving it the big one. Something has got to be done because they are actively ruining decent Rams fans away days. Absolute ******** the lot of them.

  8. 16 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    If Keough had relied on employment law he would have got nothing. He relied on EFL Law which is that if the club is Derby County you are guilty until proven innocent , and even then you are guilty. 

    Do you really think the outcome would have been different if this had been a player at another club treated the same way by that clubs owner? Come on Pete, this was yet another example of Morris thinking he could do what he liked to whomever he liked just because he owned the train set. Keogh's behaviour as club captain on the night was shockingly poor and I lost a huge amount of respect for him because of it but this EFL persecution complex is ridiculous - if the club (Morris) had done things properly in the Keogh case we wouldn't owe him £2 million. 

  9. 17 hours ago, Andicis said:

    Our captain got himself injured during stupid drunken behaviour and then sued us. How exactly can you be on his side? He's a crap footballer now, never came back the same. Because of his own actions.

    No, our captain got himself injured during stupid drunken behaviour and then our former banker of an owner tried to circumvent employment law thereby incurring a multi million debt along with all the other debts we are now stuck with. 

  10. 58 minutes ago, angieram said:

    I agree. It's been getting steadily worse for a couple of seasons. For me, it seemed to start in the Lampard season.

    I have gone from looking forward to awaydays to dreading some of them.  

    We used to be able to separate ourselves out from the trouble to some extent, by swapping a decent view for safety down at the front. Doesn't seem to work any more and asking someone on row two to sit down or at least calm down the obscene gesticulating to opposition supporters and you get met with foul mouthed abuse and a flat refusal. 

    When I do mention it on here, there is always a small minority making noises about women or old folks - and presumably kids - having no right to go to away games. 

    Yet when we get to the midweek away games in the middle of nowhere it's us who are still there, getting behind the team.

    My other main gripe is the unseemly chants that some think up. I can't believe other fans get sucked into singing them. Get behind the lads by praising us, not slagging off the opposition. It's cheap and it's nasty and it is not the face of the club I want to see.

    I didn't go yesterday after I got a shed load of abuse from our own fans last time we went there (piled into the back of the stand despite being nowhere near the seats they had paid for.) I was scared for my safety. It sounds like I made a wise decision. 

    You’re right, it definitely seemed to get worse in the Lampard season. I went to Bristol City away in 2019 and there was a sizeable proportion of dheads in their Stone Island/CP Company uniforms who spent the entire game facing the home fans and baiting them. The following season at Brentford I had to tell some spotty little rick to get the duck out of my seat and then had to stand for the whole match because of another group of utter retards in front of me blocking the view. I could cope with that but older fans and people with kids have their matchdays ruined by these morons.

    They have made following the Rams away a chore quite frankly with their coked up boorish behaviour and something needs to be done to sort them out.

  11. 25 minutes ago, Malty said:

    Mel Morris is getting such a hard time at the moment from everyone in the press and around the club. Maybe they are right to be blaming Mel for many of our sins, but I’m just not 100% convinced that it’s justified.


    What is he guilty of exactly….


    So he spent £200m trying to get DCFC to the premier league (tell me if you had that much money that you wouldn’t - even for a second think about doing that for Derby)


    He spent a fortune on players some of which have not been particularly successful (as many many chairman have across the leagues)


    He supported our academy, growing young players that have gone on to be sold or are playing in or around our first team - with more on their heels.


    He gambled again by bringing a premier league legend in as manager and nearly made it, only losing in the play off final.


    He stretched every rule he could whether that’s accounting wise by pushing expenditure into the academy rather than the football team, playing with agents fees, playing with amortisation, arranging a real with a betting company and selling the stadium to himself. He did those things to try and defeat financial fair play. If others around him were stronger, perhaps they would have convinced him otherwise. I have worked for chief execs like this and you have to be strong to challenge. With any rules people will try and find loopholes and many accountants make a career and a huge amount of money out of doing just that. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying that if there is not enough challenge then people will bend the rules … and Mel did it with the aim of competing with other clubs and getting DCFC to the prem … and how many fans were complaining at the time?


    Once he’d blown his millions naturally he looked for a buyer to take over … in the process cutting the wage bill drastically over a period of 2-3 years to make the club more sustainable and more appealing to a buyer (“its a clean slate your starting with”). He nearly did this twice and unfortunately covid got in the way. Tell me anyone, anywhere in business that even brought covid into their business plans three years ago. No one could have predicted it and guess what? It cost me Morris apparently £1.25m a month, another £15m then. 


    DCFC reportedly has multiple potential buyers now … where were they before? Well I would hazard a guess that they were just waiting for Mel to do exactly this … and Mel may well have thought that the best thing for the club would be to swallow the pill, get the deductions and start again with fresh, wealthy owners. Whether that’s in the championship or league one.


    I’m fact I would even suggest that they were putting pressure on Mel to go into administration so that they could buy DCFC at an even cheaper price.


    Look, Mel did a huge amount wrong, with the Keogh debacle, Sam Rush, believing fake sheikhs and Eric alonso, poor communication, being too bullish, supporting dodgy signings, firing managers, even the final option of administration was another error in my view … I just couldn’t justify myself plunging the good employees of DCFC into financial difficulties, wage cuts job losses etc if I could genuinely afford to keep the club afloat (Rhys just my view, clearly not Mels). But I honestly think the vast majority of what he did was in his view in the interests of DCFC.


    Perhaps I’ll be proved to be completely wrong. Perhaps he’s one of the worst crooks known to mankind, I just think right now he’s the fall guy, he’s getting a huge amount of stick and he’s suffering because of his poor communication and his failure to properly say sorry.


    I just wonder, I really do if he did this because it was the only option left on the table that would ultimately secure DCFC a strong and prosperous future, potentially, eventually back in the premier league where we belong.


    I really hope the above doesn’t offend anyone. I really wouldn’t have taken the drastic step myself and I can’t support Mel on doing that, I’m just saying that in his head perhaps  he genuinely thought he was doing what he thought was right for DCFC.

    This is a forum for us Rams fans to vent Malty, so your opinions shouldn’t offend anyone. Personally I think Morris is the worst owner we have ever had and has absolutely no regard for the feelings of the fans, coaching staff, players or employees of DCFC. I think the revelations from Rooney about the lack of communication and perceived lack of contrition for what’s happened from Morris tells you everything you need to know about him as a person, let alone as an owner. 
    In my view he has put the club into administration in order to avoid liability for the mess he has created and to preserve his own personal fortune, not because it’s the best thing for the club. 

  12. For me it’s not about what he’s done as a manager so much, it’s about the man he has turned out to be. He has shown class, decency and a strength of character the like of which I never expected from him. He is a multi millionaire who could have a far better football management experience elsewhere but has stood by the players and club throughout all that has been thrown at him. I have a new found respect for Rooney the man and I hope he gets the opportunity to lead the club out through the other side of this mess to a bright successful future. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    For the glory and seeing us winning stuff………….

    Born In Derby, taken to my 1st game in 85 and never looked back, nothing else comes close to DCFC in my life.

    Wether he said it or not, the word from Bobby Robson are so so true COYR?


    That quote says it all. Not from Derby though I lived about 15 miles away for 5 years in the early 80’s. Caught the bug from a friend at school and have loved the Rams for 41 years. Scum like Morris can walk away but I never will. I will follow this club wherever they end up, even if it means finding out how to get to Bridlington Town’s ground in the Northern Whatever League. Once a Ram always a Ram.

  14. 1 hour ago, rammieib said:

    Except, if you were a potential owner coming in, would you buy the club if the Stadium asset wasn't included?

    The Stadium (pre-covid) was creating circa £10m of income (excluding ticket sales). It's a huge revenue stream and if you don't own it, you're losing a lot of that revenue without a minefield of commercial contracts. For instance - say Greggs pay £50k a year rent, that'll go to the stadium, not to Derby County. Say the Yard, a business in its own right also pay £50k a year rent, now we're at £100k and so on....

    It adds up and its money which could be going to Gellaw 202 or whatever they're called, not Derby County.

    You can absolutely see why this is a minefield.

    This happened to my local club Oxford United. The former owner of the club Firoz Kassam sold the club but kept hold of the stadium and all the revenue generated from the sales of food, drink, non football events etc. This has such a detrimental effect on the clubs finances they have been seeking a new location to build a ground for years. 

    The ground must be brought back into club ownership if we are to prosper post-Morris.

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