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Posts posted by Jayram

  1. On 12/02/2022 at 10:23, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Chris Wilder got Sheffield United a top-half Premier League finish. He’s a fantastic manager.

    Then he spent a shedload of cash on dross and they got relegated the following season. My point is that he is a decent manager at a certain level but has never had a situation to deal with like Rooney so it’s unfair to disparage what WR has done aleady. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Wilder seems to think Wazza hasn’t had such a difficult time as manager compared to others. Warnock said a similar thing. Rooney has the chance today to prove he is the “real deal”.

    Wilder and Warnock are decent lower league managers but neither can cut it at the highest level as has been proved and neither have ever inherited a club in such a mess as Rooney has so I’m not really interested in their views. Wayne is going to be a top top manager and I suspect they know it and there’s a little bit of professional jealousy there.

  3. We are currently an easy target for a corrupt organisation like the EFL and it’s puppet masters Gibson and Cuhig to push around. However Morris is an individual of their ilk - a ruthless businessman who is more than happy to pursue a scorched earth policy to win at all costs. That said I’m not sure Gibson or Cuhig have the balls to go up against him. To be honest they all deserve each other - as long as our club can move forward….duck ‘em all!

  4. 1 hour ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    So threats now is it?

    I’m not talking about physical violence Andy; I'm talking more about direct action - protests at EFL HQ, Gibsons businesses etc. Remember, these people are driving our club to extinction - why shouldn’t they be made to suffer or feel uncomfortable for their actions? They are not being reasonable in their approach so why should we? 

  5. If that’s the best the Red Scum can do against a Derby County team at its lowest ebb in terms of squad depth and quality they are welcome to the win. We’ve got bigger fish to fry and they are not going up so it’s a bit of a free hit in my opinion - next weeks game is much more important to me and I can’t wait to be there. COYR.

  6. 3 hours ago, Vienna said:

    Where? (County / Country)

    Nearest league team? (If not DCFC)

    Why the Rams?

    I’ll start....

    West Midlands


    50 years - just the way it is!!


    Oxford Utd

    Coolest kid in my year at school in Leicester was a Rams fan and I wanted to be his best mate - 42 years later I’m still smitten.

  7. Absolutely gutted by this. My mate and I held off on buying Reading tickets because of the uncertainty over the govt bringing in restrictions and now because we don’t live in Derby we miss out on our nearest away game! Surely a ‘print your own ticket’ option could have been arranged between the clubs? 

  8. I had the cracking day at PP yesterday. I won a competition for 2 seats in an executive box, 4 course meal, great seats and free parking outside the main entrance for the game. Had a great time chatting about our mutual love of the Rams to the other winners and to top it all a deserved win over one of the supposedly best teams in the league! Made my Christmas it did! COYR.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    It's very obvious isn't it? Keogh sued our already financially troubled club for a large amount of money. Why on earth would any Derby fan not boo him for that? 

    Because our poohouse of a former owner enabled him to sue us by not following employment norms and thinking he could act how the hell he liked. If you had been Keogh and had been treated in that manner you would have done exactly the same as he did. 

  10. We are heading for League One regardless so he deserves at least another full season with freedom to sign players he wants at that level. If we are in a similar league position this time next year then a discussion needs to be had but right now no manager would be able to save us - we have a rag tag bunch of promising kids, has beens and old stagers trying to do the impossible. 

  11. 1 hour ago, jono said:

    Not for me. Mels business failure at DCFC is hugely upsetting but he has been a long time charity donor and despite what anyone says .. he tried with Derby, he failed spectacularly, has been unwise, but to engage in petty spiteful revenge is to me small minded and unworthy. Yuk !

    Long time charity donor who left St John’s Ambulance (a charity) £9,000 worse off. 

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