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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 3 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Watched Season 1 when it was fairly new. Thought it was alright, nothing special, and didn't bother watching the rest.

    Not to be rude, but do you think it's easier to love it if you were alive in the 80s, as opposed to sitting in your dad's ballsack?

    Definitely. My missus didn't get on board either because she didn't grow up on an 80's diet. 

    The main plot must seem pretty routine but I think the 80's was all about space, time travel, other dimensions etc. It just all goes together. 

    You're too young fam

  2. Oh man, Stranger Things is great. I've watched about 20 episodes in 3 days. 

    I half arsed saw the first season but wasn't into it but now I get the hype. 

    Simple, nostalgic, electronic music, neon lights, 80's movie cliché, great characters and great acting. Millie Bobby Brown is fascinating in every scene. 

    Just about to start season 3. Breaking Bad levels of enjoyment for me. All this time ignoring the hype! ?

  3. Nathan Gorman fights Richard Lartey on Saturday. Lartey the guy who gave Dubois lots of trouble but as soon as the ref got chance to stop him, he did.

    Be interesting to see how he does and measure how good Dubois' performance was. 

    It's hard to judge Frank Warren fighters because he just sneaks them up rankings with easy picks and then they have to step up to fight a real champion. 

    Like Anthony Yarde. A bully for over a dozen fights then loses to Kovalev (well past his best imo) and then straight back to being a bully

    Hes not even fought the best domestic names. Same with Dubois so far

  4. On 02/10/2020 at 17:57, Andicis said:

    Looking forward to this one.

    Me too. Should be good.

    I don't think Joyce looks like a former Olympic boxer. Maybe he's just never needed to box against his opponents? 

    I'd go with Dubois on age. Reckon it will either go the distance or very near before Joyce eventually tires. 

    You know they're both going to be getting punched a lot

  5. On 27/09/2020 at 11:02, CWC1983 said:

    Strange ko by Taylor last night. 

    I didn't really see the shot that caused the damage. 

    Hopefully some big names lined up for him from now on. 

    He's one hell of a fighter isn't he? I didn't see this fight but seen pretty much all his others since Dave Ryan.

    Did you see the WSS cruiserweight final? Thought it was a little bit underwhelming


  6. 4 minutes ago, Van Cone De Head said:

    Alright @Alpha

    I’m no expert but we have  something major next week so this is what I’ve been doing.

    Seige mentality,everything that’s not absolutely essential is out of the window.

    Family comes first.

    Go to work,smile on our faces to the best of our ability,don’t want another issue on top.

    Gym,exercise as hard as possible.

    Decent meals for everyone,vitamins D3,Berocca etc.

    Decent sleep.

    Sorry I’ve got no magic wand but I started to feel a bit of a knot in my belly which is usually worrying about what’s happening so this is how I go.

    We could have done with a day out at the match but that’s out.



    Nice one, mate. 

    I do try to do these things but it's hard to motivate, communicate or care. I usually just end up glued to my phone (ta da!) or gaming. 

    Is it a big week for your lad? Best wishes your way. I know they don't count for poo but good will can't hurt any, can it.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Coconut said:

    A team which still had Keogh, Hughes, Bryson, Russell, Ince & Bent as players he'd worked to varying degrees of success with before.

    I suppose you could say Hallelujah, at least he had some success to fall back on!

    It was a pretty decent squad still, but massively underperforming.

    There's no doubt that he got the maximum out of the players he was left with, at least for around three months; It wasn't the greatest football ever, still reliant heavily on McClaren's special ability to make Ince look like a worldbeater, but it wasn't sustainable and if he'd lasted the whole season there's every chance we'd have finished back down in 10th-14th given the run he went on once we'd failed to bring Martin back from Fulham.

    What he'd have done the following season with Martin back and a fresh start over the summer, well who knows.

    I agree with all that. Mac wasn't perfect but I can't really get my head around any heavy criticism of him. 

    He did what he did. He took a team that had scored 3 goals or something by the end of September to winning like 8 out of 10 games. And he did that by taking the reigns off Nigel Pearson who ironically was the choice of all Mac haters between 13/14 and 14/15. 

    We definitely dropped off unfortunately.

    I can't see Mel ringing Mac and even if he would I can't see Mac answering. 

    The monument of poo Cocu has inherited has come from people always thinking the grass is greener. Us, Rowett, Lampard... all bed hopping. I'm not sure how in this situation talking about an ex can help. 

    What people really want is a time machine. But bringing Mac back won't bring Bryson and Hughes back. It won't make Martin 26. 

    We had our time to shine and we didn't. Since then has been a series of setbacks and self inflicted wounds. 

    I'm very much into the looking forward than back. Whether Cocu is right or not is fair debate but what's done is done and that should include Mac, Pearson, Rowett, Lampard and Clement. They were all part of our journey to destination poo. I would say Mac tried to steer us in the right direction but we ignored him and there's no use asking him to take the wheel because we'e Andre Wisdom'd this whip. 

    Love Mac 1 and 2 but still wouldn't consider Mac 3. Like crawling back to an ex every time you need a bed

  8. 1 hour ago, Abu Dhabi Ram said:

    Mac 3... clearly some of our fans know nothing. I guarantee if he came in now we would not just click like last time because the foundations are not there. Clough  took years to build that that team and it irritates me that Mac gets so much credit for it. Yes he did a great job tinkering with tactics, spotting what Clough perhaps didn’t, but the bottom line is that it was not his team. 

    He lifted the Pearson team half the league too.

  9. 1 hour ago, Red Ram said:

    No no no. Good coach. Can't manage. Permanent signings were poor. Only succeeded temporarily 'cos he inherited Clough's signings. We'd have a good half a season then implode again. And he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory with the Newcastle job debacle. Still can't believe we had him back after that.

    Only succeeded temporarily because of Clough's signings? So how did he take Nigel Pearson's Derby to near the play offs? Did Ranieri only win the league because of Pearson? Maybe they were only good signings by Nigel because Mac jumped them up half the league?

    His first season we got club record points. His second season we made a mess off after injuries. His third time he took over from Pearson. So you have based it on one season where we lost Martin, Bent, Thorne, Eustace, Mascarell and had to play Forsyth at CB v Brentford. 

    Can you name his poor signings, please? Most were free or youth players. He only really laid out for Thorne. 

    I mean, I'm not calling for him back but I'm sticking up for what he did because it was fun as duck

  10. Amazing that Logan Paul has enough followers to sell this to that either believe he can land a punch or think it's interesting to see how long he can last

    Everybody else won't care.  There is no reason to buy it. But these YouTube and twitch stars... People drink their content like crazy. 

    It will be like the most boring fight in WWE history. A fight with no stunts, a predetermined outcome and nothing on the line. 

    And people who do everything Logan Paul says will buy it in the millions

  11. 7 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    To add to @Tyler Durden’s point, and I can only speak personally, but I found even just reading about CBT a really useful step in the right direction. It mainly helped to recognise cycles of negative thought and why they occurred.

    Again everyone is different and I don’t want to be blasé and say ‘just read a book’ when some people will need to talk to someone, but learning was a small change that helped me see what was wrong very clearly and made a big difference going forward. 

    Thanks! ?

    It would be even better if there was a way to break the cycle without unloading crap into someone's ear. Can't think of anything more awkward

  12. 42 minutes ago, Van Cone De Head said:

    Thinking about you @Alpha not sure I can offer anything constructive but I’m thinking.

    Sometimes people caring helps a bit?

    Appreciate it mate. 

    There's people worse off than me and I don't need to tell you that. 

    Reckon I've lived with massive lows and contemplated the horrible way out a few times over the years. But I recognise what's going on and just plod on. 

    Want to do something about it now. I didn't post in here to complain or anything I just wasn't sure what the next step is

    And for saying mental health is so out in the open and there's encouragement to talk about it, I'm not sure if there's enough info out there on who to talk to and how. 

    I mean I want guidance on how to be the good side of myself I don't want to moan in someone's ear every week. 

    Thanks to this forum, again, I've had sound advice. 

    Everyone should be on dcfcfans! 

  13. 57 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I've seen Cognitive Behavioural Therapists in the past through the NHS and also most recently have seen a private therapist who has a practice in the centre of Nottingham.

    It can be quite a lengthy delay getting referred via the NHS even more so now with the Covid 19 implications just as word of warning which is why I chose to go for the private paid route.

    A lot of private therapists offer the first consultancy session free to see if they are able to assist you primarily but also if you feel comfortable with them by the same token. There's a number of therapists that you can research just by googling this keyword and the area you are living in, they will all give detailed information on what areas they deal with and what they are able to assist with.

    The key thing in all of this is having a clear understanding of what you want out of the sessions; as you allude to the therapist can quite happily sit there and listen to your woes but you need to agree with them what the plan of action is otherwise it just turns into a weekly moaning shop.

    I found CBT very useful as it structures a plan with actions which can be worked towards and progress assessed likewise but there are a number of other alternative methods which also can be used effectively.

    If you've got any more queries then am happy to help or DM me.

    Nice one. 

    I'm googling now. I don't really want to sit and moan. I have periods of being really positive and upbeat and really just want to know how to hold on to that. 

    It's the poor motivation at the minute that's effecting my work. Thats the first thing to tackle. 

    I want to take forward steps to get where I know I can be rather than sulk. I sulk loads already

  14. Hey has anyone got anyone they can recommend speaking to? I know @David had hypnotherapy but I'm not sure what step to go in. 

    Spent many years with my personality going to either end of the spectrum. But the last few years I've been more miserable than cheerful. 

    My wife has been massively supportive and I've leaned on her massively. To be honest I take her for granted and eventually by plodding on doing all the typical basic depression beating poo I find myself feeling good.

    However the big problem now is motivation and i'm self employed. I'm not on top of my work and it’s very difficult to do a job I know I love really. I know the feeling of not caring about anything but I need to stay motivated now. Of course my wife is supportive but she puts up with all my poo all the time. I'm horrible to her sometimes. Sometimes I really don't like her. 

    I've told her all this but it's not fair to keep piling my problems on her while she never gets to talk about anything going on with her. 

    I think I can even be a dick to my daughters on occasion. 

    But yeah, I'm fed up of accepting it's part of my personality I have to fight from time to time. I'm fed up of being a horrible Bamford too often. But mostly if I don't sort my poo out soon then my business will suffer and that's a bigger hole. 

    I don't really feel comfortable talking to my doctor. Seen a few different things online but I dunno what to do. The idea of walking in and whinging in a strangers ear is weird. 

  15. 3 hours ago, Needlesh said:

    I thought Whyte was bossing it, but I reckon Dillian bought that too. Got sloppy, got tagged by a worldy punch.

    Thoroughly enjoyed it, far more than watching AJ pat Andy Ruiz in the face for 12 rounds.

    I hope he gets his rematch, and I hope he wins. He's just short of the top class I reckon, but he's absolutely top value for the sport.

    Yeah I don't think he's a world champion in the making. He's perhaps the new Chisora. Entertaining, tough, very tough if motivated but ultimately an opponent for World Champions. Bridesmaid but never a bride type thing

    Really hope he proves us wrong. 

  16. 30 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    You called this perfectly. It was stupid to take and Whyte has been punished for it.

    Gutted for him though. He really is great for boxing because he gets fights made. 

    They say styles make fights and these two were built for fireworks. 

    Just don't see who thought Povetkin would be a good idea. He tags everyone and he's hard as nails. Pick someone like Ruiz Jnr, Breazeale, Parker or even Ortiz. People who will eat a jab all night if he needs to take it on points. Big names who have slow feet. 

    Not bloody Povetkin who always comes up and under. A short HW with vast experience and a solid KO record!?! Nightmare for Whyte because he always fights fire with fire rather than walk away. 

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