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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 48 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Had to do quite a difficult thing tonight.

    I told my dad that I no longer want him in my life. I have very good reasons for doing so (I don't particularly want to divulge them on here), but quite tough nonetheless. 

    Not looking for sympathy or cheering up - just getting it out there. I'm going to watch some Only Fools and Horses to ease my mind a little.

    Big deal, that

    Did you make that decision with a clear head? Given it some thought and sat on it for a bit? 

  2. Enjoying Money Heist on Netflix. 

    Expected it to be pants. The first episode I thought was boring but it picks up and I've enjoyed it. Especially the non action spy v spy stuff. 

    Only one problem is the narrator of the story is Tokyo. I don't like a single thing about her and I think at the very least you're supposed to think she's a sexy good time girl. She belongs in a crap James Bond film. 

    Any clever thrillers out there? Love a good "oh!!" moment 

  3. 2 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    I still haven't done #1 (I have a copy among a backlog of games). But if it's a misery-fest I'm in.

    Loved Silent Hill......

    Masterpiece! There are some things in it that have since been done better in other games though. But for story and atmosphere I think it's as good as any game, ever! 

    Only about 8 - 12 hours long too. Thats a bad thing to most people but these 30 - 70 hour long games are a bit much aren't they? 

    Get on it! 

  4. So, The Last Of Us II. 

    I've bumped into a major spoiler before getting the game. 

    Reviews are 10/10 pretty much but they say it's even more miserable than part I. 

    I've combined the two and I'm not as excited to get my hands on it as I was but Naughty Dog haven't put a foot wrong in years and years imo. 

    Anyone on board? 

  5. 59 minutes ago, Van De Squid said:

    I must admit I do enjoy side quests. The combat & lock picking were so useless & annoying at first in KC. But once I got more experience & different perks things got easier which is what would happen in real life I suppose. I was still useless with the bow unless it was point blank!

    I saw a video on youtube telling you to stick something tiny to your tv right over the crosshair. Then when you get the bow out you will have the exact center of the screen so you know where the arrow will go. 

    I'm ashamed to say I tried it. Me and my 2mm blue tack smashed the archery quests. 

    How the hell do you lock pick?! I probably play my PS4 for an hour most nights (before coronavirus) and I remember spending two entire sessions feckin around with virtual padlocks. If the missus found out, she'd leave me. I'd rather admit to watching Babestation! 

  6. 5 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    I'm just a few hours into kingdom come so a way to go. RPG style is my thing - did AC origins earlier this year and catching up on far cry series also during lockdown. 

    Main grumbles so far with KC are...

    - why does it play the intro story on loading every time.....takes ages

    - the side quests are beginning to pile up and you don't seem to be able to choose when to pause the main storyline and finish one or two off.

    That said, enjoying the realism, but it does make the action seem slow on occasion.  I keep forgetting to bathe or wash and then nobody will talk to me as I stink. Such realism.....?

    My major gripe with Kingdom Come is the lock picking. Worst attempt at lock picking in a game. I reckon I could learn to lock pick for real quicker. 

    I can't remember how I approached side quests. I'm not much one for side questing. I always think people should fetch it themselves. I don't know why RPG games thought there's a secret courier in all of us. At least Death Stranding didn't try to disguise it! 

    I do love the combat though. You certainly don't feel overpowered, do you!?

  7. 5 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

    First time for a long time where a game had side quests for the benefit of story purposes rather than grinding garbage. A sequel is being made for ps5 I believe, they've been hiring developers at the studio for the sequel specifically. 

    Cyberpunk will be the next game investment for me, that looks fantastic.

    Yeah, just the very mention of side quests or random encounters is off putting now because they're done so badly. Just tacked on to give filler. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Van De Squid said:

    I'm not keen on the whole magic thing either. What about Kingdom Come Deliverance? At first it was a buggy mess, but I bought the royal edition which solved most of it. For such a small unknown development team I think they made a great game. If you like the medieval era.

    I love it. It's my secret game though because I think it's really geeky. I think most RPG games are geeky aren't they. But I think it might be my favourite genre. 

    Kingdom Come was terrible on release. Its had so many patches! I really hope it gets more sequels and they produce more medieval RPG's set in real conflicts 

  9. 1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Ever played Skyrim?

    I tried it but couldn't get into it. I played Oblivion loads when they came out. 

    I prefer games without lots of magic etc.  There looks like some cool mods on PC for Skyrim though if your a PC player. 


  10. 9 minutes ago, Anon said:

    I'll just say that I hope the rumours are wrong then and leave it at that.

    Oh no. Now I wanna google it to see if its gonna cost me £60 to get pissed off with it! 

  11. 3 hours ago, Coconut said:

    The biggest problem with RDR2 was the developers saying "Life as a cowboy was hard work, if we make even the simplest of things in the game a slog, it'll be more of an authentic and immersive experience",  and people eating that particular line of ******** en mass declaring it the best game they've ever played.

    Nearly everything you do in the game is utterly pointless, but hey life is futile really isn't? YEAH! No, duck off.

    You criticise it, you get "well you just didn't 'get' the experience" or "clearly it's not the type of game for you, you just want everything to be fast action and easy victories" or somsuch poo. No, I just know a badly engineered sinkhole when I see one.

    Don't get me wrong, plenty will enjoy the experience but it is, was, and always will be a terrible game. I mean ducking hell, your main character dies and god knows how many years later you're playing as a replacement... who just so happens to have the exact same mannerisms, movement, skills (which actually have virtually no bearing on gameplay) and inventory as some bloke he had quite a vague relationship with years ago.

    I didn't finish the epilogue and can't think of a single reason to go back to play it.

    The original RDR was fantastic, RDR2 was not.

    RDR2 would have made much more sense as a sequel rather than prequel imo. We already saw the days of the wild west dying and our character struggling to change his life. We saw him die. We basically played RDR2 before. 

    The prologue had great atmosphere and for hours the game is so nice to look at and listen to. You can't deny it's initially impressive? 

    Just gets to a point you can guess the next mission. Horse ride, plan it out, plan goes well, plan goes wrong, shootout against impossible odds and go home. 

    Could have really pressed on with Jack Marston and explored him being an angry badass. After all the GTA games never suffered from having villains in the lead role. 

    Think I like RDR2 more than you do but I didn't think it was fair that it got critical acclaim while Days Gone got a bit of a slating. One hides behind customisation and a beautiful world but they're the same game. Same issues with both. 

    I was excited to hear the rumour Rockstar were doing a medieval game but turns out to be baalocks I think. They're doing a GTA. As fun as they are I think they need to start coming up with new stuff. GTA San Andreas had more features than GTA IV. And IV had more than V. 

    They did set the bar for open world games. Think they'll be toppled soon. Possibly by Cyberpunk? 

    Gonna go give Witcher 3 another couple of hours. 

  12. 3 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

    Glad you brought up Horizon Zero Dawn. It's the best game I've bought for my PS4, £15 as well. Superb immersive game. My partner had to drag me out the house.

    Wicked game that I've not finished. The biggest problem with open world games is that random encounters are tedious as feck and the story pacing is off. But in the worlds of Days Gone and Horizon the random events are written into the story. The side quests are woven in. And the world is hostile so the open world is always interesting. 

    Think a sequel is planned?

  13. 6 hours ago, Anon said:

    The big problem is Micah Bell. He's possibly the most obvious villain I've ever seen 

    Are you at all concerned regarding the leaked plot of The Last Of Us 2 Electric Boogaloo? If what I've heard is true the outrage will be spectacular.

    Agree about Micah. He wasn't seductive enough to believe Dutch would be taken in by him. You know, I didn't really like Arthur much either. His mid life crisis was a bit of a cliche and when you kill 20 people per mission it's hard to get on board with his identity crisis. 

    I've managed to avoid TLOU2 spoilers. I quickly clicked well away from anything TLOU since reading spoilers are out there. Whatever the big deal is I hope it's not just done for shock factor and actually makes sense? It's plot related? The first one is my favourite game ever so they better no ruin it! 

  14. 3 minutes ago, nottingram said:

    I picked up NBA 2k20 on the PS store for £4. Without knowing anything about basketball (literally I had to google the positions) I am enjoying it. The career mode is very slick and feels rewarding when you do something good.

    Everything fifa should be but isn’t really. Maybe if I knew more about basketball I’d spot flaws in it

    What an odd purchase if you don't like basketball! 

    I did it years ago with Madden NFL or whatever it was called. Had loads of fun but don't watch any American sports. 

    I think EA stay away from excluding casual gamers. A lot of their games get criticised by their target audience (football games by football fans for example) because they always have a pick up and play arcade feel to them. 


  15. 1 hour ago, Anon said:

    I feel the same about the Witcher. I've tried all three games because fantasy rpg is right up my street, but I couldn't get in to any of them. Personally I just can't get on board with having to play as Geralt. I get that in some sense these type of games are a power fantasy, but Geralt is the archetypal "Mary Sue". Not a single character flaw, brooding and mysterious, chick magnet, insanely overpowered, tragic past, morally superior to pretty much everyone else in the world. He makes me sick.

    I loved RDR2, but it was somewhat over-hyped. I'm a sucker for the western setting though and RDR2 is a huge sandbox with good world building and tonnes of interesting things to discover. I still haven't completed the main story, but I still load it up from time to time just to go hunting.

    I think the problem with Geralt is he's overstretched. Book, comic, game, tv show... he's been so busy slotting into different stories that he's a character to suit every situation. 

    I had hoped after The Witcher 2 that they would start the story of a fresh new Witcher seeing as Geralt should be worshipped as a God by the entire continent who must all know him by now. 

    See I think my problem with RDRII might be the setting. I like medieval and I like post apocalyptic. I'm intrigued by cyberpunk and steampunk settings. But the Wild West? It's not a time or place I've ever obsessed over. 

    My biggest complaint is the missions and story. The game looks beautiful, sounds beautiful etc. Every animation is spot on. The customisation is great. But I have struggled to keep playing it because I know every mission with be a shooting alley and I find the story so thin that it borders on a simulation game. 

    Not that it's a bad game at all. It's definitely up there. Just don't think it gives you a reason to get to the end unlike say The Last Of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn, Tomb Raider, Mass Effect etc. A lot of games where the story is constantly driving you. 

    I did have the ending ruined for me though so maybe that don't help! I know what happens I just don't know how. 


  16. 2 hours ago, Van De Squid said:

    Yep. After watching assassins creed valhalla trailer I decided to catch up on the series and brought Unity, Syndicate, Origins & Odyssey off eBay. Haven't played them since Rouge in 2014. And despite Unity being considered the worse in the series I'm enjoying it & wondering why it's took me so long to play them! Without a doubt it's my favourite gaming series. Great history lesson too! 

    I always have a little debate whenever an Ubisoft game comes out. They're like WatchDogs and Ghost Recon. They do some stuff better than everyone else but never learn from mistakes when making the next game and so every game has some horrible feature. I see the latest ones have strayed pretty far from the formula?

  17. Anyone's gaming increased lately? 

    I've been on the PS4 everyday which is unusual for me. 

    Picked up The Witcher 3 cheap. Was a fan of the franchise but never had the time to sink into it. A couple of hours in and it's good but I'm yet to get the hype. 

    Red Dead Redemption 2. Come to the conclusion it's not that good. I thought it was great when I played it on release but after sinking some hours in I've fell out with it a bit. It's beautiful but it's a horse riding simulator with pretty ordinary shooting. Everything Days Gone got criticised for is present in RDRII. Yet RDRII got critical acclaim. I don't even think the story is really engaging. Good game but it's not as iconic as I thought after getting stuck into it at last. 

    Tempted to go nostalgic with Final Fantasy VII Remake. Not played those games since FFX

    Not long til The Last Of Us 2, Cyberpunk and a Mafia 1 remake. 


  18. 4 hours ago, Needlesh said:

    All you say makes sense, and much as I'd like to see Eddie Hall knighted, I won't be watching this.

    My concern is what if one of them really lands? Connects with everything behind it...do we reckon this could be extremely dangerous? Bit concerned. Or isn't that the way the dynamics work?

    Obviously early in your pro boxing career you get gimme fights. Guys come in to test what you've learned, make you look good but ultimately get beat

    And a lot of these guys know what they are and are well paid. There's fighters with a handful of wins in 50 or 60 fights. Why do they keep doing it? Money. They're usually durable fighters that pose no threat but know a few tricks to survive. Helps you get a look at your favourite

    You do get dangerous mismatch fights. 

    But ultimately there's thought behind the matchmaking. Every pro boxer knows the risks and knows the game

    The only match to these celeb style fights is they're both Youtubers/actors/rappers/darts players etc. 

    Do they know what the other guy is capable of? Do they know how to protect themselves? 

    So either somebody is going to get hurt or the fights will be so carefully judged that at the first sign of trouble it will be stopped. 

    Everyone who watches combat sports likes violence. But you want to see warriors do the fighting surely? You want to see people get hurt. Sounds horrible but we don't tune in to watch them kiss and cuddle. But it should be between the modern day gladiators. Not plebs from the back row that are playing at being gladiators but given the tools to hurt each other. 

    I accept many will disagree. They'll just say it's a fun harmless scrap. Be interesting to see the response if a referee let's it go one punch too far. 

    Should be under amateur rules. It's white collar boxing. 

  19. 3 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:


    Another one that the boxing purists might not like, but I think this will be interesting, albeit slow and lumbering.

    I just think it's a bit of a mockery of how dangerous the sport can be once you introduce pro rules. 

    I expect them both to gas out early. That muscle and weight will use their energy within a round I reckon. 

    One of them to be on his arse before the end of the 3rd. Probably just pummeled to the floor and be more tired than hurt.

    That's why professional fights with unprofessional fighters don't appeal to me. They're just street brawls and if you've ever been in a fight in your life then you'll know they don't last more than a few minutes max and with the adrenaline rushes and no breathing technique you're ruined. Shaky legs, jelly arms etc. 

    I think this fight will be especially awful because of the size of them and they're built for short bursts of huge amounts of power. 

    Bit of a kill joy aren't I? 

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