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Posts posted by Alph

  1. Just now, Posh Ram said:

    Dubois quit, but no shame in that, could have risked permanent damage to that eye. I think his trainers have a lot to answer for - him quitting by taking a knee is not a good look compared to them throwing the towel in which they should have at least considered. Plus why not teach Dubois to move his head! He was eating jabs all night.

    Warren is just crap. Saw Dubois as his cash cow so pushed him way too early. He was so disrespectful to Joyce afterwards as well. And the undercard was terrible

    Sums up Frank Warren. Dubois has never had to move his head. He's only had one fight before this where he's had to bite down on his gumshield. 

    Totally pushed to satisfy Warren's ego and promises of getting fighters high rankings with the governing bodies

    All he talks about is people being #4 with WBO and #5 with WBA. Like it actually means anything. 

    Not fair on Dubois but it's kind of what they deserved. 

    He has the power to beat Joyce but has never had to box his way into a position to use that power. Always been a bully. 

    Joyce v Chisora would be decent but I don't see what Chisora would gain from it. 

  2. Just now, Andicis said:

    Problem is, don't you think Joyce is slowww. Dubois will stand in the middle and swing big punches, but Joyce won't trade blow for blow, his punches are so slow I can't see him rocking Dubois or punishing him at all. I can see Dubois cruising to a victory, personally.

    Yeah. Slow and for an Olympic boxer doesn't do any boxing ?

    It's at least a guy who will stand up to Dubois like Lartey but this time the fight won't get waved if Joyce looks at the canvas. 

  3. 17 hours ago, DC-1975 said:

    Warren has always been the same.


    Lartey was ko’d by Fabio Wardley, on Connor Benn card, a few weeks ago. Strange knockout as it wasn’t a huge punch.

    Yeah, he had Dubois on jelly legs. Partly I think because Dubois used energy up trying to level him. But that's why he needs Warren to do more than line up punchbags

    Joyce is a good fight tbf.

  4. 7 hours ago, Hathersage Ram said:

    Did anyone watch Connor Benn the other night - OMG I thought he was impressive, I really couldn't find a weakness, he looks destined to be better than is DAD 

    I didn't but in the past he tends to try and swarm opponents and leaves his chin out for a bit too long. He must have improved but he has had some tough fights so maybe they taught him to take his time more?

  5. 13 hours ago, DC-1975 said:

    Looking forward to Dubois v Joyce on Saturday, hopefully it's a good fight.

    I haven't seen too much of Dubois, just quick ko's when I've watched. Does he have skills and stamina to win on points? I've seen a few knockout specialists run out of gas and ideas over the years, when an opponent stands up to their power, so will be interesting if Joyce can really test him.

    Seen quite a bit of Dubois but none of his opponents were sent to test him. It's typical Frank Warren... move them up the rankings by picking easy fights and then go for a world title against an opponent 100 levels up from what you're used to. 

    Lartey tested him. Had him unsteady but the ref couldn't wait to wave it off. Need to actually see him have to think his way through a fight.

    I reckon it will come down to who gets knackered of swinging first. Always back the younger man. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Lamp Frankard said:

    I suspect McClaren would follow his usual cycle by presiding over a sudden upturn in both performances and results followed by the usual downturn, lack of a plan B and the inevitable parting of the ways.

    Time to move on.

    He had a plan B. 

    He just didn't play 5 different formations per match with 3 different styles using 25 players per month. Nobody successful compromises their philosophy. They adapt. And we did. 

    Injuries are what tested Mac's depth. Injuries to key positions he then tried to fill with inadequate replacements. 

  7. 3 hours ago, NottsRam77 said:

    We couldn’t win any game 

    We went on a horrendous run which saw us firmly embedded in the play offs cumulating with a last day of the season capitulation against reading at home

    every week a defeat was met by his cheesey infuriating Cheshire Cat grin and a shrug of the shoulders 

    it was screaming out for a tweak in set up and get more bodies higher up in the absence of chris Martin 

    When the chips are down he’s as clueless as they come 

    saying that ... cocu didn’t even have an effective plan A so hey grateful for small mercies 

    He didn't handle the injuries well but they were bad. 3 DM's and 2 Strikers and Lee Grant played with an injury 

    He had issues with the back 4 too. Against Brentford I thing Forsyth and Albentosa played CB. Badly. 

    He played 3 at the back v Chesterfield I think. Keogh at RCB was bad. He kept drifting to the middle. 

    But yeah, no team goes from 433 counter attacking to 541 hoofball to 4231 patient possession to 442 percentage football opponent by opponent 

    That was Clement's mad talk too. An adaptable team that can switch it up. In reality what you end up with is a constant chopping and changing causing players to look completely directionless and unable to form any instinctive moves. 

    Plan A for Mac was through Martin. Plan B was Christie/Fozzy going past wingers as Ince and Dawkins and Co cut inside. 

    Our variety of goals was proof. Lots of low crosses to go with the more memorable Martin/Bryson exchange. 

    He even found a starring role for Bradley Johnson after cleaning up from the real super man manager that is Nigel no nonsense Pearson. 

    I don't want him back. But he isn't clueless, we were good, fans had fun (those not crying because we only got about 150pts in his first spell). We could be 2-0 down with 30 mins left and we all believed we could win!! Not draw, but actually win. 

    Imagine that. 2-0 down and still full of belief. We scored 5+ on multiple occasions. 

    With players like Buxton, Keogh, Ward, Russell, Bryson, Dawkins, Forsyth, Wisdom, Thorne etc

    If these players were so easy to guide to promotion then I would have thought it odd that Derby has been their highest level of performance. They certainly didn't underachieve wearing our badge

  8. Usyk with a cautious win. Not really learned anything new. He was faster, fitter and better. Didn’t make a statement but will go onto fight the big players.

    I'm not sure he did much to scare anyone. 

  9. Chisora is primed this week. Watched the IFL interview where he kicked Kugan out at the end. You could tell he was bubbling at the head to head. 

    Usyk is going to face the best Chisora. 

    Undercard is crap

  10. Usyk v Chisora on Saturday. 

    Good test at HW for Usyk and a huge opportunity for Chisora. 

    Quite like both of them. 

    Usyk win better for the division but can't wish defeat on Chisora. 

    Think Chisora might feel the pace and struggle to keep up.

  11. On 12/10/2020 at 06:54, TimRam said:

    Black Summer - Zombie genre...very good. Watch closely as each episode is split into mini plots in slightly different timelines.

    I enjoyed that. Was hoping for another season

    Watched it after about 9 seasons of watching TWD cast walk through forests and get trapped by snail paced zombies that somehow catch a meal. 

    There are dozens of zombie shows and I think most of them are rubbish.

  12. 19 hours ago, ram1964 said:

    Telly is a real dogs dinner at the moment.We have most channels no Netflix and the quality of programmes is appauling. Other than the footy unless your into soaps which were not it's all quite uninspiring ,repeats,cheap programming.

    Netflix is worth every penny. It's worth double actually. 

    I think the only people that criticise Netflix watch a lot of TV. Theres stuff on there I would love to watch but never will. Jam packed

  13. Also, Lewis Ritson didn't win. Come on. He lost not comfortably maybe but there's no way Vazquez lost!! 

    And he wants to fight Prograis. Prograis who had an epic fight with Josh Taylor. I wouldn't recommend that. He's a lot more lively than Vazquez!! 

  14. 5 hours ago, tomsdubs said:

    Did anyone catch Lomachenko vs Lopez? I'd been picking Lopez to win for a while much to some peoples amusements in other boxing chats I'm in. Lopez is one of my favourite fighters and I saw him live at Maddison Square Garden when I was across the pond. Always felt he'd get the win, too fast and powerful and has a sharp jab. Loma got into it second half of the fight and Lopez lost his way a bit neglecting the jab as but got a solid win in the end. I thought he won by three rounds, Ward on the comms was giving Loma rounds for landing one good power shot which I thought was absolute madness, the scorecards were a bit OTT but the right man won.

    Yeah I have to admit I was shocked. I thought one day Loma would take on somebody too big but I didn't think it would be Lopez. 

    I expected Loma to get the decision. Boxing being boxing. Or a draw maybe. 

    Thought Loma looked troubled from the start. Took him ages to get anything going which was unusual. 

    Back down in weight?

  15. 12 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

    I use to do my tetsudo and help with this but now I dont have it or Derby to help shout frusrations away but now struggling keep my temper in check at times but dont help with my auriustim and learning differcults but also finding hard coping with pain now with neve damage I just wanting sorting out now really had enough and with lockdown all my basic ways for me coping is getting harder to do now.

    Hang in there mate. Football will be back for you eventually. It might feel like forever but it won't be. In the not too distant future "lockdowns" will be a meme. The words "social" and "distancing" will have divorce. Just got to keep grinding and eventually you will at least be able to see The Rams play again. 

  16. On 12/10/2020 at 23:42, Needlesh said:

    Boxing gets a bad rep. My girlfriend gives me a bit whenever I pod out....'so violent, how can you blah, blah'. Then, tonight, I see some article on the BBC about the UFC fight where some bloke gets sparked by a kick to the head while holding his opponent's other foot.

    So I look. Try it. See what you think.

    I get the athleticism. I get the spectacular KO element. But I do not appreciate or respect the spectacle. All this UFC, cagefighting ******** is just so much crap. 

    Boxing. That's where the contest is, where the skill is to be appreciated, where the class is in fighting sport. The rest of it can do one. not interested.

    Yeah I've tried to like UFC but I just can't. It's as fun to watch as pub brawl at worst or at best it's like any martial arts tournament. With loud music attached. 

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